  • Calyx;small cup
  • 小杯子:酒~。茶~。把~。

  • 指油灯盛油的浅盆:灯~。

  • 量词,指灯:一~灯。


(小杯子) small cup:

  • 酒盏

    small wine cup



  • 一盏煤油灯

    a kerosene lamp

  1. 大厅里点着一盏孤灯,发出昏暗的光。

    A solitary light burned dimly in the hall .

  2. 一盏吊灯悬在天花板上。

    A lamp was suspended from the ceiling .

  3. 突然有一盏警告灯开始闪烁。

    Suddenly a warning light blinked .

  4. 晚上我们便在一盏油灯下吃饭。

    In the evenings we eat by the light of an oil lamp .

  5. 一盏煤气灯吊挂在天花板上。

    A gas lamp hung from the ceiling .

  6. 天花板上吊着几盏大吊灯。

    Big lights hung from the ceiling .

  7. 新月看起来像天空中的一盏弧形灯。

    When the moon is new it looks like an arc of light in the sky .

  8. 这个年轻人遇见失散已久的叔叔时,发现了一盏改变人生的魔灯。

    When the young man meets his long-lost uncle , he finds a magic lamp that changes his life .

  9. 太阳开始落山时,他开始寻找光源,最后在桌子上发现了一盏小灯。

    As the sun began to set , he searched for a light and found a little one on the desk .

  10. 这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的。

    The lamp stands on a circular base .

  11. 行星上刚好能容得下一盏路灯和一个点路灯的人。

    There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter .

  12. 爱是一盏永不暗淡的灯,有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗

    Love is a light that never dins . The darkness is no darkness wtih thee .

  13. 仿佛奥斯蒙德怀着幸灾乐祸的心情,在有意识地把灯一盏一盏吹灭。

    It was as if Osmond deliberately , almost malignantly , had put the lights out one by one .

  14. 为了找到问题的根源,美国亚利桑那州图森市调暗了1.4万盏路灯,与此同时研究人员使用人造卫星来测量其影响。

    To get to the root of the problem , the city of Tucson , Arizona , dimmed its 14000 streetlights while researchers used a satellite to measure the effect .

  15. 但正当我要离开的时候,那灯又亮了,而它前面的那盏灯则熄灭,就这样,大厅里的灯这盏亮那盏灭的一直快速重复着,速度越来越快,朝着我的方向延伸过来。

    As I was about to walk away , it came back on as the light in front of it flicked15 off . It did this in rapid succession down the hall towards me , faster and faster .

  16. 小王子怎么也解释不通:这个坐落在天空某一角落,既没有房屋又没有居民的行星上,要一盏路灯和一个点灯的人做什么用。

    The little prince was not able to reach any explanation of the use of a street lamp and a lamplighter , somewhere in the heavens , on a planet which had no people , and not one house .

  17. 北极仅有一盏路灯,南极也只有一盏;唯独北极的点灯人和他南极的同行,过着闲逸、懒散的生活:他们每年只工作两次。

    Only the man who was in charge of the single lamp at the North Pole , and his colleague who was responsible for the single lamp at the South Pole -- only these two would live free from toil3 and care : they would be busy twice a year .

  18. 纤维胆道镜和C臂X线机在手术治疗肾铸型结石合并肾盏多发结石中的应用价值

    Application of the Choledochofiberscope and C-arm X-ray Device for the Surgical Management of Renal Cast-Calculus Complicated Calyceal Multiple Calculi

  19. 肾盏憩室的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of calyceal diverticulum

  20. 多层螺旋CT对肾癌侵犯肾盂肾盏的评价

    The Assessment of the Invasion of Renal Carcinoma to Renal Pelvis and Calyx with Multi-slice Spiral CT

  21. 结果:CT表现为肾孟、肾盏受压,与肿块交界光整;

    Results : CT exhibited as renal calyx was pressed , have a complete smooth boundary with tumors ;

  22. CT增强扫描肾髓质密度增高,肾小盏界限模糊。

    On enhanced CT scanning the density of renal medulla increased , the margin of renal calyces became indistinct .

  23. 肾盂肾盏内出现高密度作为CT诊断肾结石的标准。

    On CT , all high-density foci in the renal pelvis or calices were diagnosed as stones . 3 .

  24. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)表示圣迭戈通过将大约3000盏路灯换成智能照明网,每年将节省25.4万美元。智能照明网里的每盏路灯可以远程监控和调节。

    General Electric says San Diego will save $ 254,000 a year by replacing some 3,000 street lamps with an intelligent lighting grid where each individual lamp can be remotely monitored and adjusted .

  25. 在tosca餐厅中央,吊着一盏树形灯,形体大得可以载入吉尼斯世界纪录(guinnessbookofworldrecords)。

    In the centre of Tosca hung a chandelier so large it ought to feature in the Guinness Book of world records .

  26. FIT表作为一种机制,用来传达所开发软件的结果,它在软件开发过程中像一盏指路明灯,并侧重于业务价值。

    FIT tables serve as a mechanism for conveying the results of the software developed by acting as a guiding light in the development process and focusing on business value .

  27. 肾盂结石患者组肾动脉峰值流速高于肾盏结石组(P0.01)。

    The peak systolic flow velocity of renal artery in nephrolith of renal pelvis was higher than renal calix ( P 0 01 );

  28. 并发有肾盏轻度积水9例,无肾盏积水7例。曾行ESWL治疗10例。

    Among them , 9 cases had mild hydrocalycosis and 10 cases were treated with ESWL before .

  29. 在Matter商店中,他喜欢上了一盏由罗西·李(RosieLi)设计的“性感而诱人的”StellaTriangle壁灯。这盏灯用数面镜子缔造出了一种无限延伸的效果。

    At Matter , he liked the " sexy and seductive " Stella Triangle lamp by Rosie Li , which used mirrors to produce an infinity effect .

  30. 目的观察中药芦芹液结合ESWL治疗肾下盏结石的疗效。

    Objective To observe the effects of Reed & Celery solution combined with ESWL in the treatment of subrenal calyx calculus .