
  • 网络hypodermic injection;MSII;MSLL;hypodermic injection,H;Subcutaneous Injection
  1. 3天后,对两组中的豚鼠的一侧背部分别用擦皮法和皮下注射法接种菌悬液(浓度为2×106CFU),另外一侧接种0.9%的生理盐水做对照组,10天后观察结果。

    Three days later , using wiping skin method and the subcutaneous injection method to inoculate the fungal suspend solution on one side back of guinea pigs ( concentration is 2 × 106 CFU ), another side to be inoculated 0.9 % Nacl .

  2. Epogen使用皮下注射法为透析患者每年节省医疗费5.37亿美元。

    Use Of Subcutaneous Injections Of Epogen For Dialysis Patients Could Save Medicare $ 537M Annually .

  3. 方法:对强刺激性抗癌药物渗漏96例采用穴位注射治疗,并与皮下注射法进行对照研究。

    Method : Undergo acupoint injection treatment and control research .

  4. 方法:用皮下注射吗啡法建立雄性大鼠吗啡依赖模型。

    Methods : The morphine dependent model of male rats was made by subcutaneous injection of morphine .

  5. 方法:采用SD大鼠去势后皮下注射丙酸睾酮法复制大鼠前列腺增生模型。称重法观察BWYJ抗BPH的疗效,H。

    Methods : grade castrated , SD rat were injected subcutaneously testosterone propionate to induce BPH .

  6. 方法:实验研究采用SD大鼠去势后皮下注射丙酸睾丸酮法复制BPH模型,用形态计量学方法研究各组前列腺组织的形态改变;

    Methods : The animal model of BPH was made with rats by subcutaneously injecting methylacetic acid testosterone after emasculated . The changes of prostate tissue of every group are studied with morphometry .

  7. 目的比较持续皮下胰岛素输注(CSII)法和传统的多次皮下注射胰岛素治疗法对1型和2型糖尿病患者的短期疗效。

    Objective To compare the short-term effects of continuous subcutaneous insulin injection ( CSII ) and traditional intermittent subcutaneous injection of insulin in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients .

  8. 乙酰普马嗪局部滴药及皮下注射均可产生角膜麻醉,并可加强普鲁卡因的表面麻醉作用,尤以皮下注射法为强。

    Acepromazine , applied locally or injected subcutaneously , produced definite surface anaesthesia in rabbit 's cornea and potentiated the anaesthetic action of procaine .