
  • 网络parkson
  1. 青岛第一百盛新建大厦结构设计

    Structural Design of Qingdao First Parkson New Building

  2. “香格里拉”和“百盛”等马来西亚品牌在中国家喻户晓。

    Shangri-La , Parkson and other Malaysian brands are now household names in China .

  3. 位于肯塔基州的百盛餐饮集团(Yum)才是中国快餐业的老大,旗下品牌包括肯德基、必胜客(PizzaHut),甚至连小肥羊(LittleSheep)火锅连锁店也被它收入了帐下。

    Kentucky-based Yum brands is the big kahuna of fast food in China , with the KFC , Pizza Hut , and Little Sheep hotpot chain under its umbrella .

  4. 本文通过对百盛实施SCM(供应链管理)前后的详细分析,来考察现今零售行业应该如何对待电子商务。

    The author concludes some results about how to deal withe commerce in retail industry through the analysis of SCM ( supply chain management ) implement in details in BaiSheng Corporation .

  5. 如今,大型百货店的传统仍在延续,百盛(parksons)等连锁百货店都制定了雄心勃勃的扩张计划。

    Today the tradition of large department stores continues with chains such as Parksons on ambitious expansion programmes .

  6. 我迷路了,我想到百盛超市去。

    I 'm lost . I want to go to Baisheng Supermarket .

  7. 嗯,有两家&太平洋百货公司和百盛商场。

    B : Well , there are two-the Pacific Department Store and the Paking Store .

  8. 请试试百盛超市吧。

    Try Parkson Supermarket , please .

  9. 百盛建材的理想就是希望给中国用户提供一个安全舒适、优雅的生活环境。

    The aim of Windoor company is to provide a safe , comfortable and elegant living environment .

  10. 百盛表示,一旦获得监管机构对这一交易的批准,将正式递交收购要约。

    A formal offer will be made once Yum gets approval from regulators for the transaction , the company said .

  11. 在2002年寒暑假期间,我在杭州百盛商场美容品柜台当过销售员。

    During the summer and winter vacation of2002 , I served as a salesgirl at the beauty products counter in Hangzhou Baisheng Department store .

  12. 本文设计和实现的订单系统已经通过了测试,即将随百盛商城正式上线运作。

    The Order System has already passed the functionality and performance testing with good achievement . And soon it will formally operate with the Parkson on-line shopping mall .

  13. 这一事件对百胜餐饮集团而言可能是一个较大的打击。百盛才刚刚开始从困扰其一年多的食品安全问题中恢复。

    The development could be a bigger setback for Yum , which has just begun to recover from food-safety issues that had dogged the company for more than a year .

  14. 最后,作为定位营销理论框架的应用,本文以市场调查为主要研究方法,对成都摩尔百盛的定位进行诊断,并提出了相应的定位策略。

    Lastly , for the application in the theory of positioning marketing , this text use marketing research to diagnose the positioning problem of CHENGDU PARKSON MALL and prefer relevant positioning tactics .

  15. 第二章介绍了电子商务的基本理论和我国电子商务的现状,同时还对中国百盛百货集团和北京燕莎友谊商城成功开展电子商务做出了分析。

    The second chapter presents the basic theory of E-commerce and the status of E-commerce in China , Also on China parkson department group and Beijing Lufthansa friendship mall in developing E-commerce successfully made analysis .