
  • Platinum Card;MasterCard;charge card
  1. 建议用户一旦收到Upay白金卡便马上进行更改个人网上支付密码(PIN)。

    User is advised to change the PIN number once they received their UPAY Platinum Card .

  2. 兰州国芳购物广场VIP卡设白金卡、金卡、银卡以及普通卡四种。

    Guofang Baisheng Shopping Centre offers four types of VIP cards : the Platinum Card , the Gold Card , the Silver Card , and the General Card .

  3. 另外,该计划还因为被当成一种特殊待遇而流行,举例来说,美国运通(AmericanExpress)会为其白金卡和黑金卡客户垫付那100美元的手续费。

    The program is also catching on as a perk & American Express ( AXP ) , for example , covers the $ 100 fee for its platinum and Centurion card customers .

  4. 昆明金鹰购物中心VIP卡设白金卡、金卡、银卡、中银-金鹰联名卡(以下简称联名卡)四种。

    Four types of VIP cards are offered by Kunming Golden Eagle Shopping Center : the Platinum card , the Gold card , the Silver card and the co-brand card .

  5. 我记得那些用白金卡的客人。

    I tend to remember the ones with the platinum cards .

  6. 这是优达因公司发行的威士白金卡。

    It 's a Visa platinum card issued by Yoyodyne Bank .

  7. 银卡,金卡和白金卡标志着不同的财富阶层。

    Silver , gold and platinum cards denote wealth classes .

  8. 这样的话先生我想你应该会对我们的白金卡感兴趣

    In that case , sir , you 'll be wanting our platinum card

  9. 有许多种类的白金卡。

    There are numerous types of platinum cards .

  10. 金卡和白金卡才能过

    It 's Gold and Platinum only .

  11. 泰瑞:好的。您想要申请金卡还是白金卡?

    Terry : OK . Would you like to apply for a gold or platinum card ?

  12. 获得金牌或白金卡,你必须有较高的年收入。

    To obtain a gold or platinum card you will need to have a higher annual income .

  13. 现在你有白金卡,可以在中国,印度,巴西俄罗斯做生意了。

    Now you have a platinum card to do business in China , India , Brazil , Russia .

  14. 同时,对客户群进行分层管理,为白金卡持卡客户设立24小时白金贵宾服务专线。

    Meanwhile , used layered management onto customers and settled up VIP service special line in24 hours for the platinum credit card holder .

  15. 这就意味着,要达到金卡、白金卡会员或更高等级,不能只看你飞了多少里程或乘坐了多少个航班。

    That means reaching gold , platinum or higher isn 't just a matter of how many miles you fly or flights you take .

  16. 这取决于你的发卡银行。美国银行卡(信用卡)一般白金卡包含保险,有的黄金卡也包括。

    Usually , any fees caused by the lost business will also be covered by the credit card , but these fees must be reasonable .