
  • 网络hylobates hoolock;Hoolock hoolock;Hylobates hoolock leuconedys
  1. 为了白眉长臂猿(Hoolockhoolock)种群保护、恢复及有效管理。

    In order to protecting , restoring and effective management of Hoolock gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock ) population .

  2. 高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿春季栖息地利用

    Habitat Use of the Hoolock Gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock ) at Nankang , Mt. Gaoligong in Spring

  3. 在大塘,白眉长臂猿适宜栖息的植被有较高的均匀性。

    The vegetation inhabited by hoolock gibbon was homogeneous at Datang region .

  4. 藤本植物为白眉长臂猿在乔灌层之间活动提供了连接纽带。

    Rattans provide traveling connection between arbor forests and shrubs for hoolock gibbons .

  5. 笼养白眉长臂猿的繁殖初探

    Reproduction of hoolock gibbon held in captivity

  6. 这个新发现的长臂猿被命名为天行者白眉长臂猿。他的发现者是电影“星球大战”的粉丝。

    It has been named the Skywalker hoolock gibbon by its discoverers who are Star Wars fans .

  7. 分析结果表明,食性及日取食部位的量反映了白眉长臂猿选择食物的最基本策略。

    The results showed that diet and amount of daily feeding part reflected the basic strategy for food selection .

  8. 对不同强度的人为干扰,大塘和赧亢的白眉长臂猿表现出适应性差异。

    Facing the human disturbance in different intensity , hoolock gibbon between Datang and Nakang expressed different adaptive behavior .

  9. 2007年12月及2008年4月,在高黎贡山赧亢生境走廊带采集白眉长臂猿的食物样品。

    Food samples of Hoolock gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock ) were collected at Mt. Gaoligong in Dec 2007 and Apr 2008 .

  10. 研究结果表明,赧亢可容纳白眉长臂猿的种群为78群(♀+♂),共156只。

    The results show that , Nan Kang capacity Hoolock gibbon population of 78 groups (♀ + ♂), a total of 156 .

  11. 回归检验结果显示,坡度和藤本密度为影响大塘片区白眉长臂猿生境利用的主要因子。

    The results of regression analysis showed that liane density and slope were the main factors affecting the habitat use by hoolock gibbon at Datang in spring .

  12. 据地形因子分析结果,大塘和赧亢的白眉长臂猿对避风和趋阳坡有共同需求。

    According to the analysis results of topographical factors , hoolock gibbon in both Datang and Nakang had the same requirement for avoiding wind and preferring sun-facing slope .

  13. 与黑长臂猿的种间比较表明,白眉长臂猿的鸣叫声在时间分布上有较大的散开度,持续时间也较长,二者有显著差异。

    The comparison between hoolock and black gibbons showed that hoolock song had a longer duration and a wider range of the time distribution , with significant difference .

  14. 雌雄个体大小差异、能量消耗、食物特征、动物生理需求等因素影响白眉长臂猿的日取食量。

    The size of individual between male and female , energy costs , food characteristics and requirements of physiology were factors impacting the daily feeding amount of Hoolock gibbon .

  15. 白眉长臂猿对高大乔木具有依赖性和选择偏好,对林下竹灌层的选择不高与植被分布均匀和人为干扰强度较小有关。

    Hoolock gibbon depended on and preferred for the tall arbor . Less use of understory by hoolock gibbon was related to homogeneous of vegetation and the lower degree of human disturbance .

  16. 春、秋季白眉长臂猿每日取食果实量所占百分比最高、嫩叶所占百分比次之、茎和花所占百分比最低。

    In spring and autumn , the percentage of fruits in daily feeding amount was the highest , the percentage of leaves was second , and the percentage of stems and flowers was the lowest .

  17. 结果发现,白眉长臂猿取食36种食物的40个部位,其果实的食物单元、取食速度、单个鲜重值等取食特征不同于嫩叶。

    The results showed that gibbons ate 40 parts from 36 botanic species . The feeding characteristics about food unit , feeding speed and weight of one food unit were different between fruits and young leaves .

  18. 野外于2007年–2008年春、秋季以焦点动物取样法观察同一家群(1♀1♂)白眉长臂猿,记录日取食量相关数据。

    The family group of Hoolock gibbons ( 1 ♀ 1 ♂) was observed and the data of their daily feeding amount were recorded by the focal animal sampling method in spring and autumn from 2007 to 2008 .

  19. 分析表明,赧亢白眉长臂猿种群数量的理论值和实际值有差距;赧亢白眉长臂猿食物可利用性并非是限制其种群发展的原因。

    Analysis showed that the population of Hoolock gibbon in the theoretical value and actual value of a gap in Nan Kang ; Food availability of Hoolock gibbon does not limit the reasons for its population development in Nan Kang .

  20. 比较两地白眉长臂猿对与植被结构有关的8个生态因子的利用结果提示,赧亢适宜白眉长臂猿栖息的生境呈破碎化分布,而大塘的植被均匀性和完整性较高。

    After comparing eight ecological factors relating to structure of vegetation used by hoolock gibbon between Datang and Nakang , the results indicated that suitable habitats were fragmentized in Nankang , whereas homogeneity and integrality of vegetation was better in Datang than in Nankang .