
tán shī
  • Phlegm dampness;phlegm associated with stasis of moisture
  1. 痰湿蕴肺型患者的发病年龄比肝胃不和型及肝胃郁热型患者高(P<0.05)。

    Lung Yun phlegm onset age of patients with type type and ratio of liver and stomach disharmony of liver and the Heat were higher ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 脾虚痰湿型中LH、T值异常最常见。

    Spleen deficiency and dampness type LH , T value was the most common .

  3. 痰气交阻比痰湿蕴肺型患者的P4高(P<0.05)。

    Gas cross-drag ratio phlegm sputum retention in the lung of patients with type P4 higher ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. TC升高程度以痰湿壅盛型最明显,但与各组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Higher level to phlegm dampness abundant syndrome TC type most obvious difference , but no significant ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  5. 结果:气血瘀滞证、黯舌、腻苔的患者血清VEGF值明显高于气虚痰湿证、阴虚热毒证、气阴两虚证的患者。

    Result : The VEGF value of the energy-stagnation and blood stasis patients with dark tough and greasy fur is higher then others .

  6. 目的:大量临床研究证实肾虚血瘀、痰湿络阻为代谢综合征(MS)的基本病机,补肾活血化瘀通络是治疗该病的关键。

    Study objective : Many clinical studies confirmed that kidney resistance network for the basic pathogenesis of MS , kidney meridians is the key to treating the disease .

  7. 痰湿壅盛证和肝阳上亢证明显高于阴虚阳亢证和阴阳两虚证(P<0.05)。

    Sensitivity in both Excessive Damp ? phlegm Syndrome , and Hyperactivity of Liver ? yang Syndrome , is higher obviously than in Syndrome of Deficiency of both Yin and Yang ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 两组患者痰湿证、血瘀证、阴虚证比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Comparison of the two groups in the phlegmy wet syndrom 、 blood stasis syndrome and Yin deficiency syndrome showed that there was no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 月经周期第20天,肝郁组、肾虚组、痰湿组P显著低于对照组(P<0.01);

    At the 20th day of menstrual cycle , P level in the group of stagnation of liver-Qi , the kidney deficiency group and the phlegm-dampness group was significantly lower than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 );

  10. 结论:1、甘油三酯(TG)升高和HDL-C降低可以作为痰湿壅盛型辨证的客观化指标。

    Conclusion : 1.The increase of TG and the decrease of HDL-C can be applied as the subjective index for the syndrome of excessive phlegm-dampness .

  11. 中医证型与BMI分布有相关性(P0.05),痰湿内阻型BMI升高最明显。

    The distribution of TCM syndrome types and BMI have obvious correlation ( P0.05 ): The people who belongs to phlegm stagnation type , BMI increased most obviously . 8 .

  12. 提示IL8、TNFα、IL6与中医学的痰湿病理变化有一定关系。

    It is indicated that IL-8 , TNF - α and IL-6 have certain pathological relation with phlegm dampness .

  13. 气虚痰湿型中的SHF+TP方案白细胞、中性粒细胞毒性均较同证型的TP方案低(P<0.05)。

    Among the patients with syndromes of qi-deficiency plus phlegm and dampness , the leukopenia and neutropenia of SHF + TP were lower than TP regimen ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 2.120例EH患者中血脂异常者为78例,占入选病例的65%,其中以痰湿壅盛型为主。

    120 cases of abnormal blood lipids in patients with EH and 78 cases , accounting for 65 % of selected cases , which the phlegm dampness abundant syndrome dominant .

  15. 早期2型糖尿病痰湿证与hs-CRP、Fractalkine的相关性研究

    Study on Correlation between Tcm Phlegmatic Hygrosis Syndrome and Hs-CRP , Fractalkine in Early Stage of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  16. 痰湿质、湿热质和血瘀质分别与气虚质、阳虚质、阴虚质和气郁质相比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The comparison difference is statistically significant ( P0.05 ) between the qi depression type , phlegm-damp type , damp-heat type and yin deficiency type , yang deficiency type , qi deficiency type and blood stasis type .

  17. 肝胃不和、肝胃郁热、痰气交阻、肺脾肾亏虚比痰湿蕴肺型患者的P3高(P<0.05)。

    Disharmony of liver and , transhepatic Yu heat , phlegm obstructing gas exchange , lung spleen and kidney deficiency type than the phlegm retention in the lung of patients with high P3 ( P0.05 ) .

  18. 单纯型IGT人群的主要体质类型为:痰湿质、阴虚质、血瘀质、气虚质、湿热质。

    The simple constitution classifications distributions in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance are : phlegm-dampness constitution , Yin-deficiency constitution , Blood-stasis constitution , Qi-deficiency constitution , dampness-heat constitution .

  19. PWV与中医证型的关系:肝火亢盛组与痰湿壅盛组相比无显著性差异。

    The relationship between TCM and PWV : Liver dampness Kang Sheng group and tan shi yong sheng Group was not significant .

  20. 气虚痰湿型患者中,参附注射液加NP方案的白细胞、中性粒细胞毒性较单纯用NP方案低,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    In cases with qi - deficiency and phlegm - dampness type ( QPT ), the WBC and TN of SFI with NP were lower than by NP plan alone ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  21. 痤疮、黑棘皮症、多毛评分、BMI、WHR水平在组间比较P0.05,差异无显著意义,其中非痰湿型体毛较痰湿型浓密显著。

    Acne , a disease , hairy score , BMI , WHR level between groups in more P0.05 , no significant differences , of which the phlegmy wet body hair type is phlegmy wet type thick significant . 5 .

  22. 中医证型与病程差异有统计学意义(P0.05),病程较长的患者中痰湿内蕴型、痰瘀互结型较肝郁气滞型、肝郁脾虚型多见。

    The distribution of TCM syndrome types and course of disease have obvious correlation ( P0.05 ): Patients with long duration have damp-heat type and phlegm stagnation type more common than liver depression and qi stagnation type 、 liver depression and spleen weak type . 7 .

  23. 在血脂方面:痰湿质CHOL水平较高,阴虚质LDL-C水平较高,气虚质TG平均水平较高,HDL-C水平最低。

    In the blood lipid aspects : phlegm-damp constitution of CHOL level to be higher , Yin-deficiency constitution LDL-C level to be higher , qi-asthenia-constitution TG average level is higher , HDL-C minimum . 3 .

  24. 结果:VaD组与卒中组体质主型都以阴虚质最多(分别为31.8%和45.1%),其次是痰湿质(分别为30.3%和35.3%)。

    Results : Yin Deficiency was the most common type in the VaD group and the stroke group ( 31.8 % vs 45.1 % ), and the second was Phlegm-Damp ( 30.3 % vs 35.3 % ) .

  25. 痰湿型PCOS与非痰湿型PCOS在临床指标和体征进行比较,更好地认识和明确痰湿型PCOS的诊断和治疗,发挥中医治疗优势以提高其治疗效果。

    Phlegmy wet type PCOS and the phlegmy wet type in clinical index and signs PCOS comparison , better understanding and clear phlegmy wet type PCOS diagnosis and treatment , the play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine therapy to improve its therapeutic effect .

  26. 方法:将首发精神分裂症患者按中医辨证分为痰湿内阻型,痰火内扰型及其他型,应用利培酮治疗,使用PANSS、TESS、WCST等评定工具观察疗效、副反应、认知改善情况。

    Methods : Applying Risperidone to treat first episode schizophrenics who were divided into Phlegm-Dampness type , Phlegm-Fire type and other types in TCM , and observing them with PANSS , TESS and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) .

  27. 结论:1.两组治疗肾虚痰湿型兼肥胖多囊卵巢综合征均有良好疗效。2.治疗组对改善肾虚痰湿肥胖型PCOS患者的月经后期、月经量少、痤疮等症状优于对照组。

    Two groups of treatment phlegmy wet obese type polycystic ovarian syndrome all had good curative effect.2.The treatment group could improve the late period , scanty periods , acne and symptoms of phlegmy wet obese type PCOS patients better than those in the control group . 3 .

  28. 多数医家认为,AFL的病理因素为痰湿瘀,治疗多以疏肝理气、活血化瘀、祛湿化痰为主。

    Many doctors consider that the pathological factors of AFL are Phlegm , Dampness and Stagnant blood And clearing the liver and regulating Qi , eliminating the stagnant and activating the blood , eliminating damp and dissolving phlegm are the mainly therapy .

  29. 按中医辨证将脑卒中患者分3组:痰湿阻滞(PDS)、阴虚阳亢(YDYH)和气虚血瘀(QDBS)组。

    The patients were subdivided into three Type groups according to TCM Syndrome Differentiation : Phlegm Dampness Stagnation ( PDS ), Yin Deficiency with Yang Hyperactivity ( YDYH ) and Qi Deficiency with Blood Stasis ( QDBS ) group .

  30. 痰湿质痛风的特异性蛋白质的表达是复杂的,与痰湿体质和炎症因子的表达都有关系。

    Phlegm-wetness type gout protein has relationship with constitution and inflammatory cytokines .