
zhì hé
  • blind piles
  1. 术前、术后肛门镜检查痔核大小及出血情况。

    The hemorrhoidal node size and hemorrhage were inspected by anoscopy .

  2. 你有痔核,还有直肠粘膜脱垂。

    You 've got hemorrhoids and a prolapse of the rectal mucosa .

  3. 同时用肛门镜检查痔核大小及出血情况。

    The anoscopy was used to inspect the hemorrhoids node size and hemorrhage .

  4. 随访1~16个月,6例(11.1%)病人外观上仍有痔核萎缩后皮赘存在,无肛门狭窄、大便失禁及复发出现。

    The clinical follow up time was 1 to 16 months . The skin tag of hemorrhoid was seen in six cases ( 11 . 1 % ) .

  5. 本研究考察了超文本节点大小对网页信息搜索效率的影响效应。术前、术后肛门镜检查痔核大小及出血情况。

    In this study , the effect of hypertext node size on efficiency of information search on WWW was examined . The hemorrhoidal node size and hemorrhage were inspected by anoscopy .

  6. 应用五倍子汤加味行嵌顿痔术前保守治疗,能消除嵌顿痔水肿、减轻疼痛及控制感染,痔核缩小后可解除嵌顿,便于进一步手术治疗。

    Conservative treatment before the operation for incarcerated hemorrhoid with the Reinforced Galla Chinensis Decoction is able to abate edema and pain of incarcerated hemorrhoid , to control infection and make incarceration disappear after the hemorrhoid contracts , which facilitates the further operation .