- 名animal or livestock farm

[animal farm;livestock farm] 饲养大批牲畜或家禽的场所
Treatment of livestock farm waste water with efficient AOS bioreactor
The level of air pollution in livestock shed , buffer , and field was clean , moderate pollution , and mild pollution respectively . Moreover , the main pollution factor was inhalable particles , TSP , and TSP respectively .
EKATERINA ZIMINA : " Because it is really , really hard to find good enough people in Russia that can work with beef cattle , because Russia is world-known as dairy country . We have lots of dairy herds , dairy cows . But managing dairy and beef cows is a different thing . "
Ecological Agriculture in Guangming Overseas Chinese Livestock Farm of Shenzhen City
In stock yards ammonia is formed by biological degradation .
By closing the infected farms we 're hoping to confine the disease .
Design and Implementation of MIS of Livestock Farm Based on Runtime with Design Function
They divide them into two groups . It 's like a cattle ranch .
The Pollution and to Be Polluted of the Livestock Farms in the Suburbs of City
Ho Yuen Livestock Farm [ Ngau Tam Mei ] The bullfight originated in Spain .
This paper presents the development of a new anaerobic digestion technology for rabbit manure treatment .
He enjoyed the life on his father 's cattle ranch in the Sweet Grass country in Montana .
One of the observations I had when I work on the cattle ranch for a couple of years .
Ho Yuen Livestock Farm [ Ngau Tam Mei ] a rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market .
The design and construction of 2 × 35m ~ 3 biogas plant with separate gas holder adapted for stock farm
All the feed were made up by the processing-workshop of feedstuff in the animal farm in the Jilin agriculture academy .
And in particular , one of the feelings being on the cattle ranch , small cattle ranch in the middle of nowhere .
He works way down at the stock-yards , explained minnie ," so he 's got to get up at half-past five . "
Treatment technology of waste water in animal farm by using the technology of middle temperature and detestable oxygen was studied in this paper .
Our control boxes are used widely , can be used for livestock farms , Internet cafes , textile mills , such as intelligent control .
He was a silent man , American born , of a Swede father , and now employed as a cleaner of refrigerator cars at the stock-yards .
Pollution of stench has arrest attention of people , because it not only menaces the healthy of animal and people , but decreases production performance of animal .
Hearst and her husband also manage the family 's livestock estate , and will this season use their own wool in her collections for the first time .
The compound has its own school , a playground , carpentry workshops , piggery and poultry farms and a vegetable garden big enough to supply the whole family .
The Project will also support development of processing facilities for fruits , vegetables , tea , bamboo shoots , and other farm produce and will help extend medium-sized livestock farms .
The furs come from animal farms in Shandong and Hebei provinces , and the products are sold all over the country and exported to Russia , Japan and the US .
The direct pollution on eco-environment are from feces and urine from animals and poultry , sewage water and odor from farms as well as residual mineral elements from animal excretion and other wastes .
The chief pollutant of stock farm waste water was E. coli . The ratio of pollutant loading in equivalent standard was 0.57 . The pollution type of waste water in stock farm was biological .
It is not acceptable that even in a grim situation with hunger and malnutrition killing nearly six million children each year , huge percentages of available crops are still being fed to farm animals .
The rising of scale swine farm and lag of excrement and sewage disposal make the pollution of environment more and more seriously ; Therefore , how to settle the problem has being a hot gambit .