
  • 网络Telephoning;Telephone Communication
  1. 此课程不仅仅是一个语言课程,还包括介绍在不同的商业情景下诸如电话沟通、主持会议等,如何应对自如。

    It 's not a language course , though part of it explains how to be successful in the various business settings such as telephoning , meetings etc.

  2. 礼貌是有效电话沟通的关键。

    Courtesy is the key to effective telephone communication .

  3. 两家公司的代理律师均对法官高兰惠(LucyKoh)说,其首席执行长再次进行了电话沟通,试图解决双方分歧,算是满足了高兰惠在最后一刻提出的要求。

    Lawyers for both companies told Judge Lucy Koh that their chief executives conferred by phone one more time to attempt to resolve their differences , fulfilling her last-minute request .

  4. 个别沟通可以采取课后与学生直接面谈、电话沟通、书信或邮件沟通、OICQ或人机对面沟通等方式。

    The individual communication can be realized by face-to-face talking with students , by telephone , by letter or e-mail , by OICQ , and so on .

  5. 我猜这就是为什么要打电话沟通了。

    Well , I guess that 's why phone contacts are important .

  6. 妇科择期手术患者住院前电话沟通的实施与效果

    Practice and effect of telephone visit before hospitalization for gynecologic surgery patients

  7. 时间选择电话沟通的重要性。

    The time chosen for the call communicates its importance .

  8. 电话沟通的效率非常低,因为电话里无法展示图表。

    a telephone conversation is seldom effective because we cannot use diagrams .

  9. 喜欢电话沟通,性格外向开朗,乐观自信,表达和倾听能力强;

    Enjoy communicating on phone , positive , confident and be a good listener ;

  10. 人们过去习惯于面对面的沟通、电话沟通或者是书信沟通。

    People used to communicate face to face , make calls or write letters .

  11. 掌握部分职业英语及电话沟通技能。

    To be able to communicate in English and read simple graded English books .

  12. 我们可以互相寄送生日卡片,约好时间用网络电话沟通交流,旅行去看望彼此。

    Send cards for birthdays , set up Skype dates , and travel to see one another .

  13. 沟通途径主要通过网络沟通,电话沟通,书面沟通,面对面沟通等。

    Exchange channels include network exchange , telephone exchange , writing communication , face-to-face communication and so on .

  14. 如果你要求一个后续跟进的电话沟通或会谈的机会,那么一定要简单扼要。

    If you ask for a follow-on phone call or meeting promise to be brief and deliver on that promise .

  15. 工作日结束的时候,正是处理不需要进行电话沟通的文书工作的最好时间。

    The end of the day is the best time to handle paperwork and tasks that don 't require phone contact .

  16. 朱莉和皮特还被要求和两个心理学家一起,电话沟通和孩子们一起的夏天的计划。

    Jolie and Pitt were ordered to go through a summer schedule over the phone with their children , along with two psychologists .

  17. 有几家公司已经开始出售协调住宅内不同设备、使之能相互沟通并与你的电话沟通的硬件和设备。

    A few companies have begun selling hardware and apps that orchestrate different devices in your home so they talk to each other and to your phone .

  18. 有效的职业电话沟通技巧详细阐述与举例,包括精通聆听技巧、惯用语模式,语音质量。

    Demonstrate the effective use of the four elements of professional telephone communications , which are listening proficiency , language patterns , vocal qualities and positive service-oriented attitude .

  19. 尽管过去两年间克里和拉夫罗夫在其他地方有过会面并经常保持电话沟通,但他自2013年5月以来未访问过莫斯科。

    While Mr Kerry and Mr Lavrov have met elsewhere and kept in frequent phone contact over the past two years , he has not visited Moscow since May 2013 .

  20. 如果您希望电话沟通,请把您的姓名和联系电话用邮件发给我们,我们将尽快与您联系。

    If you prefer , to speak by telephone , please send us your name and contact number and one of our company partners will be happy to contact you .

  21. 但回想起来,我完成的多是一些相对乏味,基于任务的工作,而不是更复杂的战略规划、电话沟通或者会议,后者需要在正常上班时间进行。

    But in retrospect I got more menial , task-based items done , not the more complicated strategic planning , phone calls or meetings that needed to happen during business hours .

  22. 因此,我花了一些时间与路博迈私募股权二级市场基金负责人布莱恩•塔伯特进行了电话沟通,了解他的集团计划将这20亿美元投资到什么领域。

    So I spent some time on the phone with Brian Talbot , head of PE secondaries at Neuberger Berman , to understand where his group plans to invest $ 2 billion .

  23. 男人:对男人来说,电话是沟通的工具。

    Men see the telephone as a communications tool .

  24. 相扑协会一般用传真和电话来沟通,所以有时无法将紧急信息及时传达给协会官员和俱乐部主席。

    With a reliance on faxes and phone calls , the sumo association has occasionally failed to distribute urgent messages to its officers and stable masters .

  25. 会议之间大家会通过电子邮件或电话进行沟通,这通常会消除没有考虑全面就下决定的压力。

    And between meetings they communicate by email or phone , and that tends to take the pressure off reaching a decision before thinking it right through .

  26. 成都铁路局下属部门众多,包括成都分局、重庆分局、贵州分局等单位,平时工作很多时候需要利用电话进行沟通,所以整个成都铁路局的办公电话非常多。

    Chengdu Railway Bureau has many subdivisions , including Chengdu branch , Chongqing branch , Guizhou branch and other units . Usually the work requires the use of telephone communication .

  27. 为了将“闲聊”降至最低,46%的人主要使用电子邮件、即时信息或电话进行沟通,就算对方就坐在他们旁边。

    In order to keep " idle chatter " to a minimum , 46 % mainly use email , Im , or phone to communicate even with people who sit right next to them .

  28. 能够妥善处理各种关键和敏感问题;出色的解决问题技巧;杰出的语言沟通技巧;处理人际关系技巧;良好的组织纪律性以及出色的时间管理能力;出色的电话语言沟通技巧。

    Ability to manage highly charged and at times sensitive situations ; problem solving techniques ; excellent verbal communications skills ; interpersonal skills ; good organizational and time management ability ; well developed telephone etiquette skills .

  29. 周一早上我让设计师再给你电话,沟通一下相关的事情,它们都是一些尝试性的设计,可能要经过很多次的沟通,多次的改进。

    I let the designer give you call in the next monday morning , to communicate about relevant things , these are some of the tentative design , may take many times of communication and a lot improvements .

  30. 弗林的团队成员遍布世界各地,这些研究人员不是每天都通过视频会议和电话来沟通,而是根据各自的时间一起完成长期的项目,每年只有两周的时间会碰面开会。

    Ms. Flynn 's team is based all over the world . Rather than scheduling video conferences and calls to stay in daily contact , the researchers work on long-term projects on their own time and meet in person only two weeks a year .