
  • 网络Telecommunication Engineering
  1. 事实证明,电讯技术的进步对所有威权政府都是一种明确威胁,当时默多克如是说&同年,他收购了香港星空传媒(StarTV)的多数股权。

    Advances in the technology of telecommunications have proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere , Mr Murdoch said then – the same year he purchased a majority stake in Star TV in Hong Kong .

  2. 电讯技术。焊片端子板。要求和检验。

    Electrical communication engineering ; soldering distributors , requirements and test conditions .

  3. 随着电讯技术和电子科技的发展,人类的生存方式也产生了巨大的变化。

    As telecommunications technology and electronic technology development , the way of human life also had a huge change .

  4. 金融资本借助电讯技术在全球范围快速流动,塑造了电气化时代人们的生活方式。

    Through the technology of telecommunication , financial capital got a rapid global mobility , to define how the era of electrification impacted on the human existence .

  5. 数据电讯技术的商业化应用更是促成了电子商务的诞生与发展,使商业活动突破了时间和地域的限制。

    The commercial application of digital electronic technology generate the emerge of E-commerce and promote its development , which break the time and space limitations of commercial activities .

  6. 随著金融市场开放,再加上先进的资讯和电讯技术,全球金融体系近期出现国际资金极之波动的情况。

    Recent developments in the global financial system , encouraged by financial liberalization and the advancement of information and telecommunications technology , have been characterized by very high volatility in international capital flows .

  7. 随着语音技术的迅猛发展及电讯技术的逐步成熟,人们对语音质量有着更高的要求。因此很有必要对如何提高语音质量作深入的探讨。

    With the rapid development of speech processing technology and with maturity of the telecommunication , people hope to acquire higher speech quality , so it is necessary to do some deep research on how to improve speech quality .

  8. 围绕雷达发射机的电讯设计,结合技术指标要求,详细论述了本发射机的总体设计方案以及结构组成和布局等。

    Around the telecommunication design of radar transmitter , and combined with the technical requirements , the overall design scheme , the composition and layout of the transmitter were discussed in detail . 2 .