
  1. 广播、电视人口综合覆盖率,目前已分别达到92.9%和94.2%。

    The present population comprehensive coverage rate of radio and television has reached 92.9 percent and 94.2 percent respectively .

  2. 观众日平均收视时间(钟)总体电视推及人口的比值,可针对特定频道或时段进行计算。

    The average daily minutes viewed for an audience , either by a specified channel or time band .

  3. 有线电视普及的人口经济学探析

    Exploratory on Popularizing Cable Television with Population Economics

  4. 到去年底,香港数字电视的覆盖人口已经扩大到85%,并且将在2012年前覆盖全香港。

    Coverage had been extended to85 percent of the population by the end of last year , and will cover all of Hong Kong by2012 .

  5. 桥下彻曾是一名律师和电视名人,在人口压力巨大的日本,他的7名子女让他显得不同寻常。

    A former lawyer and TV personality , he is unusual in demographically-challenged Japan for having seven children .

  6. 我国是电视大国,电视人口覆盖率近90%,但电视新闻的受众率却不高,表明电视新闻改革刻不容缓。

    The covering rate of her TV population is nearly 90 % . But regrettably , not many people of China like to watch TV news . Such a fact shows that the reformation of TV news is already an urgent matter .

  7. 知晓途径主要依赖于传统的大众媒体电视、报纸,在及时程度、信息量和信任度方面对电视的评价最高,电视宣传是流动人口最乐于接受的教育方式(73.8%)。

    Traditional mass media such as television and newspaper was still the main approach they relied on . TV gained highest score not only on rapidity and capacity but also on trust degree . Therefore , TV communication turned out to be the most acceptable method ( 73.8 % ) .