
  • 网络Electronic endoscope;videoscope
  1. 医用电子内窥镜显示缓存系统及其FPGA实现

    Design and implementation with FPGA of the displaying system of electronic endoscope

  2. FPGA实现的电子内窥镜与计算机接口

    Implementation of interface between electronic endoscope and computer system by means of FPGA

  3. 胃肠道病变螺旋CT仿真内窥镜与电子内窥镜对照分析

    Correlative Analysis Between Helical CT Virtual Endoscopy and Electronic Endoscopy of Gastrointestinal Lesions

  4. 双CCD电子内窥镜动态立体显示系统研究

    Study on Dynamic Stereo Display of Double-CCD Electronic Endoscope

  5. 基于FPGA的电子内窥镜CCD彩色图像采集与显示系统

    The CCD Color Image Acquisition and Displaying System of Electronic Endoscope Based on FPGA

  6. 基于PCI总线的电子内窥镜CCD视频实时采集系统

    Real-time CCD Color Video Acquisition System of Electronic Endoscope Based on PCI Bus

  7. 基于PCI总线的电子内窥镜数字图像的实时采集和显示

    Real-time Image Capturing and Displaying Based on PCI Bus for Medical Electronic Endoscope

  8. 采用彩色面阵CCD视频驱动方式,实现了医用电子内窥镜的自动亮度控制。

    On the basis of video-servo control method , the system achieves automatic brightness control of electronic endoscope .

  9. 胃肠道无线内窥镜以MEMS技术为基础,电子内窥镜发展史上的一次重要发展。

    Based on MEMS technology , gastrointestinal wireless endoscope signifies much during the development of electronic endoscope .

  10. 本文主要研究内容:(1)双CCD立体电子内窥镜镜体的光学系统结构设计与研究;

    The research content of the paper included : ( 1 ) the design of optical system organization for double CCD electric endoscope ;

  11. 方法对该院收治的105例乙型肝炎肝硬化患者应用日本产OlympusGIF-XQ240电子内窥镜作胃十二指肠检查。

    Methods : One hundred and five patients with cirrhosis were examined by electric endoscope ( Olympus GIF-XQ 240 ) .

  12. 在课题研究过程中,本文着重分析了多种方案的可行性和立体效果,设计出双CCD摄像头电子内窥镜系统,完成了动态立体显示的实验。

    By dint of the production of 3D television technology , combining the computer 3D display technology , this dissertation designs double-CCD camera electronic endoscope system and completes the experiment of dynamic 3D display .

  13. PENTAX电子内窥镜的日常维护及故障排除

    Routine Maintenance and Troubleshooting of PENTAX Electronic Endoscope

  14. 方法:采用异丙酚全麻下电子内窥镜下高频电凝电切(PSD)术摘除幼年性结肠息肉,并在术前、术中和术后施以针对性护理。

    Methods : PSD was used in endoscopic resection of juvenile colic polyp with isopropyl phenol general anesthesia and adequate nursing was given before , during and after the operation .

  15. 近年来,片上可编程系统SOPC(SystemonaProgrammableChip)技术的不断发展,为具有数字图像处理功能的电子内窥镜的设计提出了新的方案。

    In resent years , because of the continuing development of SOPC ( System On a Programmable Chip ) technology , new proposals have been presented for the design of the electronic endoscope , which has the functions for processing the digital image .

  16. 在基于现场可编程门阵列的医用电子内窥镜设计中,保证了图像在PAL制式显示器上的正确显示,有效改善了显示图像的质量,实现多画面显示、图像冻结等多种数字视频特技。

    The design of therapeutic electronic endoscope of FPGA warrants correct display of image on PAL display , and effectively ameliorates the quality of image and realize many digital video special techniques such as multiple-Montag display and image freezing etc.

  17. 医用电子内窥镜视频驱动亮度控制系统的研制

    Design and Implementation of Video-servo Brightness Control System of Electronic Endoscope

  18. 医用电子内窥镜畸变图像的实时校正方法

    Design of Real-time Correction Algorithm for Medical Electronic Endoscope Image Distortion

  19. 医用电子内窥镜光源分色系统研究

    Research on trichromatic system of light resource of medical electronic endoscope

  20. 消化道电子内窥镜进修医师多维度教学的探讨

    Exploration of multi-dimension teaching in digestive endoscopy for refresher doctors

  21. 电子内窥镜在现代医疗和工业领域中都具有重要的研究和应用价值。

    Electronic endoscope has great value for medical and industrial research and applications .

  22. 医用电子内窥镜是重要的临床检查和治疗仪器。

    Medical electronic endoscope is a vital instrument for clinical examining and treating .

  23. 影响电子内窥镜室人员健康的危险因素及防护

    Dangerous factors of the electronic endoscopy room personnel 's health and its protective measures

  24. 当前,电子内窥镜已经成为医疗检查必不可少的设备之一。

    Currently , endoscopic has become one of the essential equipment in medical examination .

  25. 立体电子内窥镜的工作原理与发展现状

    Working Principle and Status of Stereo Electronic Endoscope

  26. 医用电子内窥镜的基本结构工作原理及常规维护

    Basic structure , the principle of work and conventional maintenance of medical electronic endoscope

  27. 医用电子内窥镜光学镜头图像畸变数字校正方法

    Correction of Optical Lens ' Distortion by Digital Image Method for Medical Electronic Endoscope

  28. 医用电子内窥镜彩色图像畸变实时校正硬件系统的研究

    Research on Real-Time Distortion Correction Hardware System of Color Image for Medical Electronic Endoscope

  29. 视频处理系统是电子内窥镜系统的核心部分,也是影响电子内窥镜各项性能指标的关键环节。

    The video processing system is the key part of an electronic endoscope system .

  30. 研究内容主要包括高清医用电子内窥镜硬件和软件的设计。

    The research mainly includes hardware and software design of HD medical electronic endoscope .