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  • 网络Electron affinity
  1. 使用不同的基组计算团簇YO的电子亲和能和电离能。

    Different basis sets were used to calculate the electron affinity ( EA ) and ionization potential ( IP ) of YO .

  2. 但是,电子亲和能既可以是负的,也可以是正的。

    Electron affinity , however , can be either negative or it can be positive .

  3. CN取代的PDI具有较高的电子亲和能,并且其对应的化合物A-CN和B-CN具有较小的电子重组能和空穴重组能。

    Compound A-CN and B-CN has a smaller hole and electron reorganization energy , and their electron affinity higher .

  4. 要想答对这个问题,你只需要好好想一想,电子亲和能的真正意义。

    To answer this question you just really want to think about what does electron affinity means .

  5. 这意味着氮的电子亲和能很低,它实际上并不愿意得到一个电子。

    So this means nitrogen has low electron affinity , it doesn 't actually want to gain an electron .

  6. 电负性标度与电子亲和能的规律性研究Ⅰ.价电子的平均核势

    A New Electronegativity Scale and the Systematic Trends of the Electron Affinities ⅰ . The Average Nuclear Potential of the Valence Electrons

  7. 那么,你认为稀有气体的电子亲和能,应该是一个高的正值,一个低的正值,还是一个负值?

    So do you think noble gases would have a high positive electron affinity , a low positive , or negative electron affinity ?

  8. 看来大部人都想到了,如果你翻翻讲义的话,它们的电子亲和能确实是负的。

    So most of you recognize , if we switch back to the notes , that they do have a negative electron affinity .

  9. 通过孤立给体和受体的几何构型优化,计算了给体的电离能和受体的电子亲和能。

    After geometric optimizations of the isolated donor and acceptor , the ionization potential of the donor and the electron affinity of the acceptor have been calculated .

  10. 那么,我们可以想一想电子亲和能的,周期性规律是怎样的,就像我们刚才分析电离能那样。

    So , we can think about trends in electron affinity just like we did for ionization energy , and what we see is a similar trend .

  11. 详细地分析了团簇的结构特征,平均结合能,垂直电离势,垂直电子亲和能,电荷转移以及成键特征。

    Structural features , binding energies , vertical ionization potentials , vertical electron affinity , charge transfers , and binding characters were evaluated for each Au & Ni binary cluster .

  12. 我们讲了电离能的,电子亲和能的,还讲了电负性的,也就是前两个的组合,最后讲了原子半径的。

    We talked about ionization energy , electron affinity , we talked about electronegativity , which is just kind of a combination of the first two , and then ended with atomic radius here .

  13. 然后我们再开始讲元素周期表,我们会看到很多周期性规律,比如电离能,电子亲和能,电负性以及原子半径。

    We 'll then take a turn to talking about the periodic table , we 'll look at a bunch of periodic trends , including ionization energy , electron affinity , electronegativity and atomic radius .