
  • 网络electronic switching system;ESS;EDI
  1. 光子交换技术是解决高速的光纤传输系统和低速的电子交换系统之间速度失配的根本措施。

    Photon switching technology is a fundamental solution to the speed unmatch between optical fibre system with high transmission speed and electronic switching system with slow switching speed .

  2. 战略伙伴关系通过一系列的手段,包括建立企业之间的电子交换系统,启用免检机制,通过签订长期的契约从而减少签约的次数等,减少企业之间的交易成本。

    By means of establishing EDI system , starting free-check mechanism , signing a long-term contract to reduce frequencies of signing contract , the transaction cost will be reduced .

  3. 基于Web的电子数据交换系统WEDI

    EDI System W EDI Based on Web

  4. XML安全技术在电子公文交换系统中的应用

    Applying of XML security technology in electronic document exchange system

  5. 基于XML安全技术的电子公文交换系统

    Electronic Documents Exchange System Based on XML Security Technology

  6. 根据电子数据交换系统(EDI)的引入,阐述了电子商务在对外经济贸易应用上的重要性,并介绍了几种实施方法。

    This thesis briefly introduces some aspects of the Electronic Data Interchange system ( EDI ) drawn into the electronic commerce used in the foreign economics and trade .

  7. 简要介绍了EDI电子数据交换系统作为电子商务系统的技术平台,在国际商贸业务中所起的作用,以及EDI的历史由来。

    The paper briefs on the role that EDI , as the technical platform electronic business system , plays in international business . Meanwhile , the paper gives a brief introduction of the history of EDI .

  8. 基于密码技术及水印技术的电子公文交换系统

    Electronic Official Document Exchange System Based on Cryptography and Digital Watermark

  9. 远程电子公文交换系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Remote Electronic File Exchange System

  10. 电子公文交换系统中身份认证与访问控制技术的研究与实现

    The Study and Implementation of Authentication and Access Control Technology in the Electric Documents Exchange System

  11. 贸易电子数据交换系统

    Trade Electronic Data Interchange System

  12. 周处除害研究中实现的电子公文交换系统已成功运用于台湾行政院主计处公文管理系统中,取得了较好的经济效益,有较大的推广价值。

    Zhou Chu Gets Rid of the Scourge The electronic documents interchange system has been used in DGBAS successfully .

  13. 点对点:允许使用这共用档案、脑能力、路、宽、容量的电子档案交换系统。

    Peer-to-peer : Electronic file swapping systems that allow users to share files , computing capabilities , networks , bandwidth and storage .

  14. 在介绍了基础安全技术之上,结合电子数据交换系统的应用背景,分析了系统的安全解决方案。

    On the base of basic security technique and the application background of Electronic Data Interchange , it analyses the security scheme of the system .

  15. 在跨越企业边界的电子公文交换系统中,如何提高信息的安全性、开放性和互操作性是一个重要的研究课题。

    It has become an important subject for how to improve the security , opening and inter-operation of the information in the enterprise-spanning electronic document exchanging system .

  16. 发达国家国际多式联运的应用与发展比较成熟,这些国家国际多式联运基础设施比较完善、集装箱多式联运技术先进、电子信息交换系统发达。

    Application of international multimodal transport in developed countries is more mature . In the developed countries infrastructure is better . Technology of the multimodal transport is advanced .

  17. 本文研究的目标是设计一套电子数据交换系统原型,以支持中小型物流企业信息系统与合作伙伴之间的数据共享与信息交换。

    The research objective is to design a set of electronic data interchange system prototype , so as to support exchanging information and sharing data between partners in small and medium-sized logistics enterprises .

  18. 信息网络作为一个集通讯、计算等功能于一体的电子信息交换系统,对当代大学生既有正面影响,又有不可忽略的负面效应。

    As a electronics information exchange system which integrates communication , computer and so on , Information Network not only have positive influence on modern college students , but also negative influence which can not be neglected .

  19. 文中提出了一种基于安全的电子公文交换系统,能够实现电子公文安全交换的要求,即公文的完整性、机密性、发收双方身份认证。

    This paper proposes a system of Electronic Official Document Interchange System based on security . It can match the secure needs of Electronic Official Document , that is Integrity , Privacy , sender ′ s and receiver ′ s Authentication .

  20. 基于WEBService的电子政务数据交换系统的实现

    Realization of Data Exchange in E-Government Systems Based on Web Service

  21. 基于多Agent的电子政务公文交换系统

    A multi agent based electronic document exchange system

  22. 实际上,早在二十多年前就出现了基于VAN(增值网络)的EDI(电子数据交换)系统。

    Actually , about twenty years ago , EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) system based on VAN ( Value-Added Network ) was present .

  23. 在具体的电子政务数据交换系统当中的配置运行表明,ACT-PS系统为通过可配置和可扩展的方式建立发布订阅系统提供了新的途径。

    An implementation of ACT-PS , the e-government data interchange system makes evidence that ACT-PS is a new approach to build publish / subscribe system .

  24. 中国海关电子口岸安全交换系统是为实现海关总署三网隔离、一点接入的方针而专门开发的系统。

    To implement the strategy of ò Three net-works isolated , single point connected ó from headquarter of China Custom , the Safety Exchange System for Electronic Port of China Custom was specifically developed .

  25. 基于AAA的电子政务智能信息交换系统设计

    The Design of E-Government Smart Information Exchange System Based on AAA

  26. 本文较全面地讨论了一个电子公文交换与管理系统的设计与实现技术,并对其使用的关键技术XML与WebServices进行了较深入的研究。

    This thesis had broadly discussed the design and implement technology of an electronic document exchange and management system , and deeply researched the key technology XML and Web Services .

  27. 广州电子政务中信息交换系统设计

    The Design of Information Exchanging System for Guangzhou E-Government Project

  28. 中国海关电子口岸安全数据交换系统设计

    Design of the Safety Data Exchange System for Electronic Port of China Custom

  29. GB/T16651-1996消息处理系统电子数据交换消息处理系统

    Message handling systems & Electronic data interchange messaging system

  30. 因此,本文主要关注三个方面:病历信息的结构化录入;基于医学行业标准CDA的XML格式的电子病历的生成;基于SOAP协议的电子病历交换系统的构建。

    Thus , this research mainly focuses on three aspects : the structural entry of EMR ; the generation of EMR in XML format which is consistent with the medical industry standard CDA ; the construction of SOAP-based exchange system of EMR .