
  1. 电信安全与隐私权法案,分明是侵犯隐私权。

    Telecommunications security and privacy act-invasion of privacy is more like it .

  2. 电信安全法案大造声势。

    So-called telecommunications security and privacy act .

  3. 但是,现有的风险数据采集技术尚不能满足下一代电信网安全态势评估的要求,而且这些技术主要是针对Internet网络应用而开发的。

    However , current risk data collection technologies cannot fulfill the needs of the NGN security situation assessment , and those technologies are mostly based on the Internet .

  4. 电信网安全漏洞分析与攻击行为检测算法研究

    Analysis of Telecommunication Network Security and Designing of Attack Detection Algorithm

  5. 它确保了电信网络安全、高效的运行。

    It makes telecom network operate safely and efficiently .

  6. 电信网络安全应对策略解析

    Analysis on the Countermeasures of Telecom Network Security

  7. 中国电信行业安全现状浅析

    Analysis of Telecom Security in China

  8. 分析和研究了目前电信网安全方面存在的漏洞,归纳了各种漏洞特征及其产生原因。

    Analyzed the security vulnerabilities of the current network , and generalized about the vulnerabilities ' features and causes . 3 .

  9. 网络安全评估指标是网络安全评估的工具,是反映电信网安全属性的标志。

    The index of network security evaluation is used to evaluate network security and indicate the security property of telecom network .

  10. 一种有效的DDoS防御方案对保障电信的网络安全至关重要。

    An effective DDoS defending scheme is important for the telecommunications network security .

  11. 主动式命令在电信智能卡安全中的应用

    Proactive commands ' application in Security of Smart Card

  12. 电信数据网安全评估准则的研究

    Research of Telecom Data Network Security Evaluation Criterion

  13. 最后,指出了电信数据网安全评估发展趋势。

    Finally , the paper pre - sents future research trend of telecom data network security evaluation .

  14. 该网络现已被广泛运用在交通、气象、灾害预测、建筑、电信以及公共安全等领域。

    The network is widely used in transportation , meteorology , disaster forecasting , construction , telecommunications and public security .

  15. 在系统的现场采集层,采用光纤液位计、光纤光栅温度传感器和光纤阀位回讯器等组成油罐区现场监测系统,使得现场完全避免了电信号,安全得到了可靠保障。

    In the locale , an oil tank local monitoring system that consists of the optical fiber liquid level meter , optical fiber grating temperature sensor and optical fiber valve position return dispatch ware is formed .

  16. 根据会议纪要,印度电信部(安全司)和运营商协会于7月12日召开会议,针对安全部门如何拦截和监视加密通信,商讨“可能的解决方案”。

    The minutes of a meeting between the Department of Telecommunications ( security wing ) and operator associations on July 12 was convened to look at a " possible solution " for interception and monitoring of encrypted communications by security agencies .

  17. 我们需要解决电信网络的不安全性。

    We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks .

  18. 贵州电信IP网网络安全项目的实施及评估。

    Implementing and assessing the Guizhou telecom IP network security project .

  19. 贵州电信IP网网络安全体系研究

    The Research of IP Network Security System of GuiZhou

  20. 贵州电信IP网网络安全需求分析及安全目标的确立;

    This article mainly does the work as following : 1 Establishing the network security demand and security object for Guizhou telecom IP network .

  21. 此处的好处在于,您不必了解对电信HSS服务器的安全AA访问的复杂性。

    The beauty of it is that you do not have to understand the complexities of secure AA access to a telecom HSS server .

  22. 高德纳的分析师吉姆塔利(JimTully)说:电信网络存在很大安全漏洞,还需要做大量工作来解决这些问题。

    There are big security holes and quite a lot of work needs to be done to fix them , says Jim Tully , analyst at Gartner .

  23. 构建电信企业的信息安全保障体系

    Set up the Information Security Guarantee System of the Telecom Business Enterprise

  24. 然后,研究电信企业的信息安全保障体系的设计问题。

    Then it studies on the designing of the information security guarantee system .

  25. 电信行业网络信息安全体系的建设

    Network Information Security System Building for Telecommunication Industry

  26. 电信企业的IT安全框架

    IT Security Framework of Telecommunication Enterprise

  27. 针对电信企业局域网络安全存在的问题,结合具体网络优化技术,以分析归纳的方式给出与电信企业网络相适应的优化分析方法。

    This article comes up with optimized ways suitable to tele-communications enterprise networks with analysis and induction based on current security problems of tele-communications local networks and detailed network optimization technique .

  28. 但是,电信业与国家安全密切相关,各国在开放电信市场的同时也必须考虑到维护国家安全的重要性。

    However , the telecom industry and the national security are closely related , while countries open up the telecommunication market , they also have to take into account the importance of safeguarding national security .

  29. 提出电信数据网的安全评估框架,重点讨论了电信数据网安全评估准则、电信数据网安全等级划分原理、电信数据网安全评估过程、电信数据网安全评估工具。

    This paper introduces the telecoms data network security evaluation framework and discusses telecom data network security evaluation criterion , telecom data network security grading principles , telecom data net - work security evaluation process , telecom data network security evaluation tools .

  30. 传输网络是电信系统的命脉,也是信息高速路的干线,对电信业务的安全、可靠、快速、准确传递起着至关重要的作用。

    Transmission network is the lifeblood of telecommunication system , but also to the information superhighway highways , telecommunication business of safe , reliable , rapid and accurate deliver plays a vital role .