
shēnɡ lǐ huán jìnɡ
  • physiological environment
  1. 背景和目的:骨髓基质干细胞(BMSCs)的生理环境氧浓度低于常规培养用的20-21%,适度低氧浓度下,BMSCs表现出促进生长增殖,保持分化潜能的特性。

    Objective : Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ( BMSCs ) live in the physiological environment of lower oxygen concentration compared with the common culture concentration ( 20 % ) . Hypoxia can promote BMSCs proliferation and maintain the characteristics of differentiation potential .

  2. 结论:CFR/PEEK在模拟生理环境中具有良好的生物力学稳定性,而CFR/PE和CFR/PSF在应用于体内时则必须考虑材料力学性能的改变。

    Conclusion : There is satisfactory biomechanical stability of CFR / PEEK in simulant physiological environment . The materials ' mechanical degradation properties has to be considered when CFR / PET and CFR / PSF are used in vivo as implants .

  3. 这种传感分子可以在较宽的pH范围下使用,这十分有利于其应用于生理环境及偏碱性环境中。

    The sensor can be used in a wide pH range , which favours its application in physiological system and basic environment .

  4. 气氛中及生理环境下AFM细胞成像的实现及条件优化。

    Cell imaging was realized in air and under liquid , and the experimental conditions were optimized .

  5. 对于可用于PDT的酞菁光敏剂,目前还不能很好的解决其在生理环境下的溶解性(即水溶性)和聚集问题,阻碍了其实用化进程。

    Be used for the phthalocyanine photosensitizers , there is not a good solution to the physical environment of its solubility ( ie water-soluble ) and the aggregation problem , in fact , hindered the process used .

  6. 用凝胶过滤法研究了DPI的性质,说明接近生理环境的条件下(pH7.0,离子强度0.3),DPI没有自缔合性质,而是以单体存在。

    The molecular weight of DPI was studied by the gel filtration method . The results demonstrate that DPI does not exhibit self-association behaviour , and exists as monomer under the experimental conditions .

  7. 为了更好地在体外模拟体内生理环境,预测体内肠道药物转运、代谢行为,研究者应用细胞培养技术、分子克隆技术和生化诱导技术对Caco-2细胞模型进行优化,改善Caco-2细胞模型的性质。

    Further refinements of the Caco-2 cell culture model are needed to better predict human intestinal drug transport . To optimize Caco-2 model , the following technics have been used : modifying the condition of the cell culture , using molecular cloning strategies and inducing the expression of relevant enzymes .

  8. Boothroyd表示,如果一种寄生虫要有目的地同化宿主细胞,最好不过的方法就是引入激酶将宿主细胞的整个生理环境完全改变。

    " If a parasite needs to co-opt a host cell for its own purposes , there is no better way than to introduce a kinase that can completely alter the entire physiology of that host cell ," said Boothroyd .

  9. 肠道以其独特的生理环境及生理功能参与了危重病病理生理过程。

    Intestine takes part in the physiological and pathological process of diseases with its distinct physiological function .

  10. 研究发现,钛金属表面通过特定方法活化改性后与生理环境接触,表面可沉积一层类骨磷灰石,从而实现植入体表面与骨组织的键合。

    Early research indicated that titanium surface can formed a bone-like apatite layer after surface modification in biological environment .

  11. 通过表面改性可使其在生理环境具有诱导羟基磷灰石在表面自发生长的能力,即生物活性化。

    By the surface modification , titanium could induce the spontaneous formation of hydroxyapatite on the surfaces in biological environment .

  12. 镁及镁合金在人体生理环境中腐蚀速度过快,极大限制了其作为可降解医用植入材料的应用。

    High corrosion rate in physiological environment of body is the major drawback of magnesium alloys for their application as biodegradable orthopedic implants .

  13. 综述了生物医用微晶陶瓷的研究进展以及生物医用微晶陶瓷在人体生理环境中的反应机理和补强增韧方法的现状研究。

    Progress in research and development of biomedical glass-ceramics is reviewed in detail as well as strengthen methods and mechanism in a physiological environment .

  14. 也就是说,现阶段的胚胎体外培养体系还不是十分完善,还需要进一步的深入研究,从而建立一个与生理环境十分接近的培养系统。

    Nowadays in vitro culture system of embryo has not been well established and needs further research to establish a culture system that mimic physiological environment in vivo .

  15. 膜片钳实验中,为了检测细胞在不同的生理环境下的生物活性,需要向活体细胞施加各种不同的药品。

    In patch clamp experiments , for measuring the activities of live cells in various physiological environments , it is indispensable to perfuse a wide range of drugs to live cells .

  16. 而血浆中钙、磷值有上升趋势,钙值分别为TCP>CHA>HA>FHA,而磷值分别为HA>CHA>FHA>TCP,这可能与不同材料在生理环境中离子释放差异有关。

    The effect of the materials to increase Ca in plasma is TCP > CHA > HA > FHA , and that to increase P is HA > CHA > FHA > TCP .

  17. 结果表明,酵母细胞能为抗体分子的固定提供合适的生理环境,使其具有更高的生物活性和更优良的免疫反应能力。

    In contrast to the traditional glutaraldehyde immobilization approach , results indicate the yeast cells could provide appropriate bio-surroundings for antibodies and allow antibody molecules bound with higher bioactivity and achieve better immunoreaction capability .

  18. 应用拉曼光谱研究细胞体系有极大的优势,细胞不需要标记或固定等特殊处理,并且可以在生理环境状态下进行拉曼测试。

    Raman spectroscopy has the advantages for studying the cells in vitro , namely that no labels and fixation are required . Furthermore , Raman measurements on cells can be performed in physiological - like conditions .

  19. 本文基于镁合金作为一种很有应用前景的医用植入材料,主要研究其在生理环境中的基本腐蚀行为,以为以后的临床应用提供参考。

    Basing on the fact that magnesium alloy is a promising biodegradable material in orthopaedic implant that the paper focuses on the essential corrosion behavior of magnesium alloy in physiological environment and making some references for the further clinic application .

  20. 本研究的目的是,通过对猪小肠消化生理环境的模拟,研发一套标准化的生长猪小肠消化酶谱制剂及缓冲液试剂,并验证其体外消化的效果。

    The objective of this study was to simulating the digestive physiology environment of the intestinal of growing pigs and manufactured a nest of normalization reagents of intestinal digestive zymogram and buffer . validated the effectiveness of the in vitro digestive .

  21. 作为一种新型可降解植入材料,镁基金属由于其优异的力学性能、良好的生物相容性以及在生理环境中的可降解性已经得到了越来越多的关注和研究。

    As a new type of biodegradable implant material , magnesium based metals have gained more and more studies and attention for medical applications due to their good mechanical properties , inherent characteristics of biocompatibility and biodegradation in the physiological environment .

  22. 实验表明,优化后的溶出度方法有较好的区分力,能更客观地评价药品的质量,且溶出条件与生理环境相似度高,具有良好的体内外相关性。

    Experimental results showed that optimized methods of dissolution had preferable discrimination , and could evaluate the quality of drugs more objectively , moreover , the update dissolution condition could better simulate physiological environment , which had satisfied in vivo-in vitro correlation .

  23. 中国林蛙生殖休眠的生理和环境分析

    Analysis of Physiology and Environment of Rana chensinensis during Reproductive Dormancy Period

  24. 结果男生在生理和环境维度的生活质量得分显著高于女生。

    Results Scores of physiology and environment were significantly higher in male students .

  25. 土壤水分胁迫下氮素营养对冬小麦光合生理和环境的关系的影响

    Effects of nitrogen and water stress on the relations between environment and the physiological properties of wheat plant

  26. 员工,尤其是中年员工承受着来自心理、生理与环境的多重压力,并转为资产重组的阻力。

    The workers , especially the middle-aged workers , have to be under heavy pressure from psychology , physiology and environment , which may change into resistance .

  27. 智力障碍、自闭症等特殊儿童由于生理、环境、动机等因素限制,往往存在运动障碍。

    Because of the limit of physiology , environment and motivation , special children such as the children with mental retardation and Autism have the motor disorders .

  28. 术式的改进使手术操作趋于简化、对机体生理内环境的干扰减小,预后不断改善。

    With the development of technique type , the surgical procedure gradually tends to be simple and environment disturbance tends to be stable , also patient s prognosis improved simultaneously .

  29. 本文用软组织生物材料试验机,在37℃生理盐水环境下研究醛固定剂对牦牛心包材料应力&应变和应力松弛等性能的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of aldehyde fixation on the stress-strain and stress relexation behaviors of yak pericardium are studied by means of soft tissue mechanical tests under physiological condition .

  30. 最后,对Cloninger的理论模型进行了评述,并提出研究生理机制、环境和个体行为的交互影响作用,是今后人格研究的一个发展方向。

    Last , the author commented on Cloninger 's model , and proposed that investigating the interaction between biological mechanism , environment and individual behavior could become a future trend of personality studies .