
  • 网络Living Standard;standard of living;standards
  1. 农场主饲养家畜挣了许多钱,因此他们的生活标准快速得到提高。

    Raising animals makes much money so that the living standard of the farmer can be rising rapidly .

  2. 如果我们要接受一个不同的生活标准,我们可以多去休闲使自己更快乐些。

    We can make more leisure and fill it more happily , if we will accept a different living standard .

  3. well-off小康所谓小康,是指一种相对舒适的生活标准。

    This refers to a standard of living that 's considered relatively comfortable .

  4. PPP汇率用于多种目的,最显著的是用来比较两个或者多个国家的生活标准。

    PPP exchange rates are used for a number of purposes , most notably to compare the standard of living of two or more countries .

  5. 当时中国的生活标准远远高于英国,在其后的一百年,欧洲商人开始沿着丝绸之路(SilkRoad)穿越中亚,前往中国购买丝绸、瓷器等奢侈物品。

    China 's standard of living was well ahead of Britain 's , and in the following century European traders began travelling the Silk Road through central Asia to buy its luxury goods such as silk and porcelain .

  6. 小康社会不仅要解决温饱问题,还要将人们的生活标准提升到一个较高的水平,在文化和教育方面都有所提升。sunk囧

    A well-off society would not only solve the clothing and food problems , but would also push the standard of living to a higher level , culturally and intellectually .

  7. 作为一个拥有13亿人口的国家,中国人均GDP水平还很低,有近2亿人口尚未达到世界银行每人每天1.25美元的生活标准,还有6000多万残疾人,自身发展任务艰巨,减贫压力巨大。

    China has a population of 1.3 billion . The per-capita GDP level here is still very low . Nearly 200 million Chinese people are still living below the World Bank standard of 1.25 USD per day per person . Another 60 million are disabled people . China faces a daunting task of development and tremendous pressure for poverty reduction .

  8. 其次,对生活标准正确要求(KHL)进行了阐述,其中包括食物、衣着、住房、医疗卫生、教育、交通、娱乐和工人储蓄。

    Secondly , several components of KHL should be reviewed , including food , clothing , housing , health , education , transportation , recreation and savings of a worker .

  9. 城市卫生和生活标准方面的不公平现象为何重要?

    Why should inequities in urban health and living standards matter ?

  10. 把美国的财富和生活标准降低,世界就都一样了。

    Reducing US wealth and living standards to a global norm .

  11. 因此我问自己,什么样的生活标准才是合理的。

    So I asked myself what standard of living is justifiable .

  12. 技术和全球化正在侵蚀传统的中产阶级生活标准。

    Technology and globalisation are eroding traditional middle class living standards .

  13. 更高产能,更有竞争力的商业让我们提高生活标准。

    By making business more productive and competitive we raise living standards .

  14. 不事张扬却处处体现本色的品质创造纯粹生活标准。

    Don 't make things but reader-first ecru quality creates pure living standards .

  15. 许多人不得不降低了他们的生活标准。

    Many people have had to take a cut in their living standards .

  16. 与那时相比,它的生活标准下降了吗?

    Has its standard of living declined since then ?

  17. 消费模式的改变再一次显示了生活标准的提高。

    Once again consumption patterns indicated a swift advance in the standard of living .

  18. 是谁来为你制定你的生活标准呢?

    Who is setting your standards for you ?

  19. 有些人说你生活标准太高,其实你只是需要多一些关怀和照料。

    Some might call you high maintenance , but you just need to be pampered .

  20. 他说,制造业可能会获得更高的利润和更高的生活标准。

    He says the manufacturing sector could potentially yield higher profits and higher living standards .

  21. 国家的生活标准

    A Country 's Standard of Living

  22. 其次,中国的生活标准离达到高收入国家的水平还有很长的路要走。

    Second , China is a long way from the living standards of the high-income countries .

  23. 公众生活标准委员会

    Committee on Standards in Public Life

  24. 人口增长与生活标准

    Population growth and living standards

  25. 然而,对于生活标准而言,增长要比利用现有产能更为重要。

    Yet growth is still more important for the standard of living than utilisation of existing capacity .

  26. 可以把最低生活标准提高到远远超过仅仅糊口的水平。

    and the lowest standard of living can be raised far above the level of mere subsistence .

  27. 这些岁月,通常是繁荣的,所有各阶级的生活标准稳步上升。

    They were usually prosperous years , marked by solid progress in living standards for all classes .

  28. 会通过爱人或是金融投资遇到提升生活标准的机会;

    Opportunities to upgrade your living standards will come through your lover or through joint financial investments .

  29. 这种倾向导致缓冲过多,降低了美国人的生活标准。

    This bias leads to an excess of buffers at the expense of our standards of living .

  30. 这份《美国社会调查》也显示出经济衰退如何严重影响了美国的收入和生活标准。

    The American Community Survey also showed how the recession has torn through Americans ' incomes and living standards .