
  • 网络ecological value
  1. 生态价值(EcologicalValue)是当代环境革命积淀下来的新概念。

    Ecological value is a new concept that result from modern environment revolution .

  2. 山茶属Camellia为重要的园林和油料植物种质资源,具有重要的经济、社会和生态价值。

    Camellia is an important landscape and oil-pressing plant germ plasm resource with remarkable economic , social and ecological value .

  3. 经生态价值系数调整后的生态系统服务功能的价值为275146万元,为GDP的21%。

    And the adjusted value was 2 751 460 000 Yuan , which is 21 % of the GDP .

  4. 白木香(Aquilariasinensis(Lour.)Gilg)为瑞香科沉香属植物,具有重要的经济、观赏、生态价值,具有广阔的市场前景。

    Aquilaria sinensis classified as Thymelaeaceae , has of significance in economy , ornamental purpose , ecological value , together with broad market prospect .

  5. 生态价值观与社会可持续发展

    The Viewpoint of Ecological Value and the Sustained Development of Society

  6. 具有很高的经济价值、生态价值和社会价值。

    They have high values in economic , ecological and social .

  7. 蝴蝶具有巨大的美学、经济和生态价值。

    Butterfly has high values in aesthetics , economy and ecology .

  8. 同时,还具有很高的药用和生态价值。

    Meanwhile , it has high value of pharmaceutical and ecology .

  9. 生态价值的源泉是生态系统的服务功能。

    The ecosystem value comes from the service function of ecosystem .

  10. 第一部分界定了教育生态价值取向的相关概念。

    The first define the conception about ecological value orientation of education .

  11. 城市景观生态价值的边际效用分析法

    Method of Marginal Utility Analysis Applied in Ecological Valuation on Urban Landscape

  12. 深圳市水体景观破碎化动态及其生态价值变化

    Urban Water Landscape Fragmentation and the Change of Ecological Values in Shenzhen

  13. 第三部分,大学生生态价值观教育的必要性。

    The third part , students need ecological values education .

  14. 从生态价值和生态应用两个方面说明对水这一要素进行研究的必要性。第二章:传统民居聚落中水的生态处理方法。

    Chapter Two : The ecological technology in traditional village .

  15. 这样的观点我们把它称为教育人文生态价值观。

    This view is called the human and ecological values of education .

  16. 确立价值理性与工具理性相契合的生态价值观。

    Establishing the concept of the correspondence between value reason and tool reason .

  17. 森林主导生态价值评估及生态补偿初探论生态价值的实质

    A Primary Discussion on Evaluation of Forest Leading Ecological Values and Ecological Compensation

  18. 大连市水生态价值评价及水循环经济应用研究

    Assessment of Water Ecological Value and Research on Water Cyclic Economy in Dalian City

  19. 兰州市绿地生态价值的初步分析

    Initial Analysis on the ecological service value of the greening land in Lanzhou city

  20. 青少年学生生态价值观的心理学研究

    A Study of the Ecological Values Among Adolescents in China from a Psychological Perspective

  21. 青海蒙古族的原始崇拜及生态价值观

    Qinghai Mongolians Primitive Worship and Ecology Values

  22. 山东省水土流失经济损失与生态价值损失评估

    The assessment on economic and eco-value loss of soil and water loss in Shandong Province

  23. 生物多样性具有多重价值,如生态价值、社会价值和经济价值。

    Biodiversity had multi-value , such as ecological value , social value and economic value .

  24. 杂草在城市景观中的生态价值与应用

    The beautiful Weeds used in Urban Landscape

  25. 意愿调查法在退耕还林生态价值评估中的应用

    Application of Contingent Valuation Method to Ecological Value Assessment of Returning Cultivated Land to Forests

  26. 如何实现人与自然的和谐,必须确立生态价值观。

    It is necessary to establish an eco-value notion to realize harmony between man and nature .

  27. 关于受益地区补偿国有林区森林环境生态价值问题的思考

    Consideration about the compensation for the ecologic value of na-tional forests by the areas to benefit from

  28. 作为一种重要的环境要素,水资源具有重要的生态价值、社会价值以及经济价值。

    As an important element of environmental , water has significant social and economic value to ecosystem .

  29. 建立了基于发展阶段系数和资源紧缺度的生态价值动态估算方法。

    Based on the developmental coefficient and scarcity of ecological resources , a dynamic evaluation method is proposed .

  30. 生态价值约是经济价值的1.12倍,社会价值的10.35倍。

    Ecological value was 1.12 times as much as economic value and 10.35 times as much as social value .