
shēnɡ mìnɡ zhōu qī
  • life cycle
  1. 每种新产品都将会有相对较长的生命周期。

    Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle .

  2. 在其生命周期该阶段的短暂时刻,舌头由两个微小的半管组成,然后才合并成一个。

    For a brief moment during that stage of its life cycle , the tongue consists of two tiny half-tubes before merging into one .

  3. 为了弄清这些设备使用了多少能源,纽约罗切斯特理工学院的卡莉·巴比特和她的同事跟踪了每种产品从开采矿物到停止使用的整个生命周期的环境成本。

    To figure out how much power these devices are using , Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life — from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device .

  4. 完全遵循软件产品的生命周期。

    HASP SRM fully aligns with the software product lifecycle . HASPSRM

  5. 基于Web服务生命周期的测试技术研究进展

    Research Progress in Testing Techniques Based on Web Service Life Cycle

  6. 在RationalChange中向特定生命周期添加属性

    Add attributes to a specific lifecycle in Rational Change

  7. 它覆盖了Systemz环境的整个端到端的开发生命周期。

    It covers the full , end-to-end development lifecycle for the System z environment .

  8. 使用Web应用程序生命周期事件

    Making use of Web application life cycle events

  9. 基于Web的全生命周期项目管理系统有效地支持了动态联盟的组织和管理。

    The project management system effectively supports the organization and management of dynamic alliance .

  10. 与其它Rational产品的集成,提供了完整的开发生命周期

    Integrates with other Rational products , providing full development lifecycle

  11. AssetManager有一个默认的资产生命周期定义。

    Asset Manager has a default asset life cycle definition .

  12. 在更复杂的数据库中,可以使用DataDesignProject来管理一个特定数据库应用程序的生命周期。

    In more complex databases , a Data Design Project can be used to manage the life cycle of a particular database application .

  13. 大多数Java实现具有复杂的性能生命周期。

    Most Java implementations have a complicated performance life cycle .

  14. Internet服务系统的维护与进化是当前软件开发领域的一个研究热点.传统的软件工程的生命周期开发方法并不完全适用于Internet服务软件。

    The evolution of Internet service is one of the most prevalent research field in software development domain .

  15. deliveryprocess插件包含CRM交付过程,它是端到端的完整协议生命周期。

    The delivery_process plug-in includes the CRM delivery process , which is an end-to-end complete engagement lifecycle .

  16. 大多数企业都倾向于采用某种生命周期方法来实现SOA。

    Most enterprises are inclined to take a life cycle approach to SOA .

  17. 好的架构师通常有在具备定义良好的软件开发生命周期(SoftwareDevelopmentLifeCycle,SDLC)的组织工作的经验。

    Good architects generally have gained experience at organizations with a well-defined software development life cycle ( SDLC ) .

  18. 针对Web系统的特点介绍了在系统开发过程中按照生命周期划分的各个阶段所进行的测试内容。

    According to the characteristics of web system , the paper introduces the initiative testing in every phase of Web system development .

  19. 最后,可以研究企业向SOA迁移的生命周期。

    Finally , you could look into the lifecycle of the enterprise transition to SOA .

  20. SOA在整个服务生命周期中使用与服务描述相关联的描述性元数据。

    SOA uses the descriptive metadata associated with the service description across the service life cycle .

  21. 下一节将演示bean的生命周期回调和范围的实现。

    The next section will illustrate implementing lifecycle callbacks and scope of the bean .

  22. PKI中双密钥模型及密钥生命周期管理

    Dual-key Pair Model and Key Life Cycle Management in PKI

  23. 文章借助GIS手段,实证研究了上海市高新技术企业,深入探讨了具有高投入、高产出、高风险、产品生命周期短等特点的高新技术产业区位选择的特殊性。

    This paper takes Shanghai high-tech enterprises as a case and discussed the particularity of high-tech industry 's location choice by GIS .

  24. 在企业应用程序的生命周期中,通常可以通过应用修复程序、添加新的Web内容或更新应用程序行为来对已部署的应用程序进行更新。

    In the enterprise application lifecycle , it is common to update a deployed application by applying fixes , adding new Web contents , or updating application behaviors .

  25. 该解决方案使全生命周期的服务架构计划、治理、测试和部署作为一个解决方案以达到SOA目标。

    This solution enables full-lifecycle service architecture planning , governance , testing and deployment as a solution to achieving SOA goals .

  26. 下列图表显示了DesignManager通过相关OSLC(生命周期协作的开放服务)界面的集成。

    The following diagram shows Design Manager 's integrations through the relevant OSLC ( Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration ) interfaces .

  27. 此外,掌握一点JSF生命周期技巧可以极大地帮助简化Web应用程序的开发工作。

    Besides , a little dose of JSF lifecycle know-how can go a long way toward simplifying your Web application development efforts .

  28. 面向产品生命周期的BOM结构研究

    The research of BOM structure on product lifecycle

  29. 理解JSF请求处理生命周期

    Understanding the JSF request processing life cycle

  30. 在四个SOA服务生命周期管理的每个阶段中,实践人员不断地根据原始的业务需求验证其活动和成果。

    Within each of the four SOA Service Lifecycle Management phases , practitioners continuously validate their activities and outcomes against the original business requirements .