
  • 网络Production management decisions;decision-making of production management
  1. 基于生长模型的稻麦轮作生产管理决策支持系统研究

    Study on Growth Model-Based Decision Support System for Rice-Wheat Rotation Production

  2. 在作物生产管理决策中,作物生长的信息获取是极其重要工作。

    It is important to get crop growth information for crop production management decision-making .

  3. 土壤作物模拟模型已成为向农业生产管理决策提供科学依据的一个有效工具。

    Soil crop simulator model is an effective tool for providing decision on agricultural management .

  4. 模拟模型的不断发展为油菜的生产管理决策提供了一个重要的技术工具。

    Continuous improvement of simulating model supplied an important technological tool for decision-making of rape .

  5. 本研究应用RICAM/RICOS试为农业单位在计算机的水稻生产管理决策方面提供苗情预报。

    This paper deals with the forecast of the rice growth using RICAM / RICOS .

  6. 本文阐述了农作物生产管理决策系统中的数学推理方法。

    The mathematics reasoning methods of decision system for crop production management were expounded in this paper .

  7. 如何及时有效地对储集层损害进行诊断和保护已成为油田生产管理决策中的关键问题。

    How to diagnose the reservoir damage and protect effectively reservoir has become the critical problem of decision-making in oil-filed production management .

  8. 同时极大地提高了油田地理信息数据的共享程度,对油田生产管理决策起到了非常重要的支持作用。

    Also they vastly improve the oilfield geographical information data sharing degree and play a very important supporting role in oilfield production management decisions .

  9. 作物生长模拟模型的准确建立,是作物生产管理决策支持技术的关键依据,也是发展现代数字精准农业和高效、智能型农业的重要环节。

    Their accurate establishment is the key basis of plant production managing technology and the significant step of development of modern digital and efficient agriculture .

  10. 介绍了水厂生产管理决策支持系统的设计原理和方法,其中主要讲述了数据库和知识库的建立,并阐述了该系统的运行功能、管理和维护方法。

    The design principles of an intelligent decision-making system for water-factory management and its running function were introduced , and the management and maintenance methods of this system were presented .

  11. 针对辰州矿业湘西金矿建立了金、锑、钨价格预测模型,可为矿山企业生产管理决策提供有效实用的参考信息,有助于企业的发展。

    Established the gold , antimony , tungsten price forecasting model for Xiangxi Gold Mine of Chenzhou Mining and provide the effective and practical information for mine production management decisions .

  12. 电力事故具有潜在性、灾难性、继发性、影响因素众多等特点,提高事故分析和处理的及时性、准确性,确保稳定供电,已成为电厂生产管理决策中的关键问题。

    The electric accident has many characters such as potential , calamity , continuing taking place , etc. It becomes the key problem of power plant that improves the rapidity of accident analysis and guarantees to supply power steadily .

  13. 探井生产管理决策支持系统试图应用人工智能技术完成计算机智能辅助决策功能,以提高探井生产管理中决策的准确性和决策速度,降低探井生产成本。

    Exploratory Well Production Management Decision Support System tried to apply artificial intelligence techniques to achieve computer intelligence decision , which is used to improve the veracity and speed of decision of exploratory well production management and reduce cost of exploratory well production .

  14. 棉花生长模拟模型是建立棉花生产管理决策系统的重要基础,也是评价棉花生产潜力、预测气候变化的影响及智能化栽培和辅助育种的有力工具。

    Cotton growth and development simulation model is not only a important basement for the management decision support system but also a powerful tool for evaluation of cotton production potential , prediction of effect on climate change , intelligence cultivation and assistant breeding .

  15. 介绍了矿业网格在矿业信息的透明访问和集成共享、海量矿业信息的分析与处理、矿业生产管理决策中的应用,展示了良好的应用前景。

    At last , introduce the applications of mine grid , such as access data transparently , share data integrallty , analyze and process The massive mine information , the decision support system in mine Production Management , etc. which show a fine Prospect .

  16. 基于GIS的配电生产管理与决策支持系统

    A production management and decision supporting system based on GIS in distribution networks

  17. 本文应用DSS理论探讨了铁东煤矿生产计划管理决策支持系统的建立及构成。

    In this paper , the establishment and construction of coal mine production project management DSS are introduced .

  18. 本系统的开发基于J2EE平台和SSH框架,使用Oracle数据库,采用B/S架构的形式,将射频识别RFID技术运用到企业生产和管理决策中。

    This system is developed on J2EE platform , using SSH framework and Oracle database . RFID technology is also involved for enterprise production and management decision .

  19. 山西省荞麦生产管理及决策支持系统

    The Development of Shanxi Buckwheat Production Management and Decision Support System

  20. 汽车运输露天矿的生产管理与决策方法

    The Production Management and Decision Method of Surface Mine with Truck Transportation

  21. 辅助生产计划管理决策专家模拟系统的研究

    An Expert Simulation System for Aiding Decision & making of Production Planning Management

  22. 大型合成氨和尿素装置生产管理与决策系统的研究和开发

    Production management and strategy research and developmen large synthetic ammonia and urea appliances

  23. 玉米生产管理智能决策系统推广应用模式研究

    Study on the Extension and Application Model of " Intelligent Decision System for Corn Production Management "

  24. 随着计算机技术和物联网的快速发展,运用机器视觉技术实现农业生产管理智能决策已成为可能。

    With the rapid development of computer technology and the Internet of things . to realize orchard production intelligent decision management by using the machine vision technology has become possible .

  25. 工程图纸信息与数据库数据集成软件系统的应用,对大型电厂、企业及相关行业生产管理及决策都会起到较好的辅助作用。

    The application software to integrate project drawing and database could make good effect on product management and decision - making for large electrical power station and other correlative company .

  26. 实践证明,这种方法成功地解决了数据通信和存储的问题,进而提高了电厂生产管理和决策的效率。

    Long-range tryout has proved that this technique has successfully solved the problems of data communication and data storage , improving the efficiency of a power plant 's production management and decision-making .

  27. 实践证明数据传输在生产管理、决策和作业指导中具有重要作用且有助于勘探开发局域网的形成,为实现数据共享提供了便利条件。

    It has been proved by practice that data transferring plays an important role in production managment , decision making , operation guiding and is helpful to form local network of exploration and development , providing convenient term for realizing data sharing .

  28. 面向生产质量管理的决策支持系统框架

    Framework of decision support system for quality & oriented production management

  29. 甘蔗糖厂生产成本管理和决策模型

    Cost - managing and Policy-making Model for Cane Sugar Mill

  30. 一种面向连续生产的设备管理决策支持系统

    Design of an Equipment Administration Decision Support System Based on Consecutive Production