
  • 网络Production site management;move txn
  1. 运用IE方法的理论,进行了客车生产现场管理改善方案的设计并对客车焊装线、底盘线生产现场进行了改善。

    The paper used IE theory to design the improvement of the Passenger Car Production Site and improve the production site of the Welding production line and the chassis production line . 3 .

  2. 制造业企业生产现场管理问题刍议

    A Brief Discussion of On-the-spot Management of Enterprise for Manufacturing Industry

  3. 安全生产现场管理的四个三

    The four " threes " in on-site management in safe production

  4. 论企业生产现场管理的现状及改进

    The current status and improvement of enterprises production locale management

  5. 生产现场管理综合评价方法研究及软件开发

    Shop Management Comprehensive Evaluation Method and Software Development

  6. 生产现场管理、安全环境得到了改善,劳动负荷明显降低。

    Production site management , security environment improved , significantly reduced the labor load .

  7. 生产现场管理的方法及措施

    The Methods of Management on Production Field

  8. 目前,越来越多的企业开始重视生产现场管理。

    At present , the production field management is received concern by more and more enterprises .

  9. 这些都为新建企业的生产现场管理工作提出了有效的借鉴方法。

    All these advances a good way of reference for the on-the-spot management of the newly-built enterprise .

  10. 物流控制是生产现场管理的工作重点,是控制生产成本的重要手段。

    Material flow control is working key of production site management and important means of controlling production cost .

  11. 企业生产现场管理水平是体现企业实力的重要因素之一。

    The level of workshop management is one of the important factors to embody the strength of corporation .

  12. 可以为同类型企业提升生产现场管理水平起到一定的参考价值。

    These strategies would play a role as references for other alike enterprises to improve their field management level .

  13. 在我国,建筑施工企业的成本管理大部分仍是立足于生产现场管理的传统成本管理模式。

    In China , cost management of Construction Company is mostly based on the traditional cost management of on-site production management .

  14. 具有丰富的汽车行业生产现场管理经验,有冲压、机加、装配车间管理经验者优先;

    Rich experience on floor operation management with automotive company , preferable with workshop management experience on stamping , machining or assembly .

  15. 生产现场管理是企业生产第一线的综合管理,是企业管理的重要组成部分。

    Workshop management is comprehensive management of a corporation 's production front line , and it 's an important part of corporation management .

  16. 并根据四项原则,提出新建企业开展生产现场管理的策略。

    Some strategies are included to develop the on - the - spot management for the newly - built enterprise according to these four rules .

  17. 传统的客车生产现场管理系统没有与工业工程很好地结合,无法利用工业工程优化和管理技术对其生产现场进行优化和管理。

    The traditional Passenger Car Production Site Management or Process Management System does not combine with IE , so it can not optimize and manage the process with IE technology .

  18. 实践证明,分析研究盲点,强化生产现场管理,对降低产品成本,增加生产能力,提高企业整体经济效益有普遍意义。

    It has been fully proved that to analyze blind spot and enhance spot management will increase production capacity , reduce products cost and raise the total economic benefit of enterprises .

  19. 通过加强生产现场管理和采用整体烘干方法减少水分含量,可缩短装配周期,提高产品质量。

    Through strengthening the management of production on site and drying the whole equipment , the humidity is reduced , the assembly period is shortened and the production quality is improved .

  20. 分析了制造业企业生产现场管理综合评价的特点和需要考虑的因素,设计了评价指标体系,建立了生产现场管理模糊综合评价方法,开发了评价软件。

    This paper analyses the characteristics and factors of manufacturing shop management comprehensive evaluation , designs an evaluation index system , establishes a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and develops an evaluation software .

  21. 了解生产现场管理的基本理论和实践方式,突破生产管理中的约束点,推行精益生产理念和全面生产维护管理方式,实现有效的生产计划规划和看板管理模式。

    To understand the basic theory and practice method on manufactory working site management , break through the restriction of manufactory management , implement the lean production theory and production maintenance management method , realize effective production plan and Kanban management .

  22. 目前我国的大部分企业存在着生产现场管理落后的问题。企业要想长期发展,获得长远利益,就必须加强质量管理,提高产品的质量,而现场管理水平的高低直接影响产品的质量。

    Most of the enterprises in China now there are problems of the poor production site management . In order to obtain long-term interests and long-term development of enterprises , we must strengthen quality management , improve product quality , on-site management will directly affect the quality of the product .

  23. 本文根据济钢中厚板厂企业的实际需求,结合MES软件理论的研究,实现了企业生产现场的管理和上层管理软件的有效结合。

    Based on the practical demands of jigang plate plant combined the academic research of MES software , it has been realized the valid combination between the management of production scene and the upper management software in the dissertation .

  24. 强化林业企业木材生产现场安全管理

    Strengthening Safety Management on Site in Wood Production of Forestry Enterprises

  25. 企业环境治理是企业生产现场安全管理中的一个组成部分。

    Enterprise environment management is an element of enterprise production site safety management .

  26. 着重诠释现代化生产企业现场管理的重点及方向。

    It emphasizes the focal points and direction about on-site management of modern manufacturer .

  27. 喷淋式前处理生产线现场管理

    The spot management of spraying-type pretreatment line

  28. 家具企业管理技术金典(十一)&家具生产现场巡视管理

    The Golden Classics of Furniture Business Production and Management (ⅺ) & Inspection Management for Furniture Production Field

  29. 细化量化各级各类人员的安全工作目标、工作责任和工作标准,巩固和提高生产现场安全管理;

    Quantify the security working object , working duty and working standard of all levels of persons ;

  30. 生产现场定型管理模型&系统分析方法在企业管理中的应用

    The Model of Fix Model Management of Production Field : The Application of a System Analysis Method to Enterprise Management