
  • 网络production director;Head of Production;Manufacture director
  1. 该公司生产总监理查德贝恩(richardbain)说,在企业扩张期间逐步引入机器人,成功实现了在不裁员的情况下产能翻番。

    Production director Richard Bain says that introducing the robots gradually during a period of expansion allowed it to do this without putting staff out of work .

  2. 曼哈顿时装品牌Suno生产总监纳迪娅・布拉德肖-斯宾塞(NadiyahBradshaw-Spencer)第一个孩子的预产期是三月份。

    Nadiyah Bradshaw-Spencer-a production director for the Manhattan clothing label Suno-is due this month with her first baby .

  3. 该公司的生产总监马库斯·舍费尔(MarkusSch昀)表示,这让他们可以在6个月内在位于4个大陆的4家工厂开工生产备受欢迎的C-Class的一个新款车型,而在此前这样的工作大约需要花费一年的时间。

    The change allowed Mercedes to introduce a new variant of its popular C-Class at four factories , on four continents , in six months - about half of what it would have taken earlier , said Markus , head of production at Mercedes .

  4. 协助总部生产总监进行工作。

    Assist to the head of pencils production from parent company .

  5. 与总经理和生产总监一起,全面执行公司的规章政策。

    Work with GM and Plant Manager to implement the company 's policies and bylaws .

  6. 生产总监AM称工厂为了跟上需求量的增长面临两个主要挑战:加工原料土豆的缺乏(今年供应减少)和员工的缺少。

    Director of Operations Andrew MacLeod says the plant faces two major challenges to keep up with growing demand : a lack of raw potatoes ( supply is down this year ) and a lack of people .