
  • 网络Total Cost;Fully Loaded Cost
  1. 乙烯原料成本占生产总成本的80%~90%。

    The raw material cost of ethylene was 80 % - 90 % in total cost .

  2. 对技术要素的一般性和特殊性分析表明,技术投入占用企业生产总成本;

    Analyses on common characters and particularity of technology show that technology input is included in the total cost of enterprise production .

  3. 火电企业中,用于采购的成本占到了生产总成本的80%以上。

    In the thermal power enterprises , the purchase cost covers over 80 % of the production cost .

  4. 盈亏临界点:财务收入和生产总成本正好相等时的产品销售量。

    Breakeven point : The level of product sales at which financial revenues equal total costs of production .

  5. 但公司的利润率却在不断下降,原材料成本约占公司生产总成本的50%~60%。

    But the profit margin of company decreases continuously ; the cost of raw material occupies 50 % - 60 % shares of total production cost .

  6. 矿热炉是一种广泛应用于冶金工业的大功率高耗电设备,其电能消耗在生产总成本中占很大的比重。

    Submerged arc furnaces are widely used in the metallurgy industry . They are high-power devices and their power consumption takes a large part of the total cost of the production .

  7. 对比分析表明,我国木质颗粒燃料的生产总成本不到国外的三分之一,规模化生产木质颗粒燃料价格略低于煤炭。

    Comparative analysis shows that chinese wood-pellet fuel producing cost does not reach 1 / 3 of the external , and scale manufacture wood-pellet fuel price is a little less than coal .

  8. 以有功和无功功率生产总成本最小为目标函数,该目标函数是在已知发电厂总的负荷需求和满足各发电机组的有功、无功发电功率极限约束条件下,使发电总成本最低。

    It takes the total cost of active and reactive power production as the objective function , which is subjected to the required total load and the active and reactive power output limits of each unit .

  9. 公司每年的原材料成本约占公司生产总成本的70%至80%,但采购活动却长期未得到足够的重视和对待。

    The company 's annual cost of raw material accounts to 70 % to 80 % of the total cost of production , whereas its purchasing activities haven 't attracted enough attention and correct treatment for a long time .

  10. 针对扰动环境下的执行过程管理问题,文中又提出了一种同时考虑生产总成本与新旧方案差异成本的双目标模型,并通过数值实验分析,验证了模型的有效性。

    To facing the problem under a turbulence environment , a Bi-objective model is proposed taking into account the products cost and the new-old difference cost . Then the validity of this model is proved by a case analysis .

  11. 作为传统工业代表的钢铁企业,原材料的供应成为企业生存发展的关键,而且原材料成本占据了企业生产总成本绝大部分。铁矿石又是钢铁企业的核心原料。

    Iron and steel industry is the representative of traditional industries in China , in which supplies of raw materials become very critical to the survival and development and consist of the vast majority of the total cost of production .

  12. 能源是发展国民经济的关键,合理充分地利用和节约能源不仅可以大大降低国民生产总成本,同时对国民经济发展也具有深远的意义。

    Energy source plays an important role in the development of national economy , so exploiting energy source fully and reasonably and saving it can not only reduce the cost of national production remarkably but also benefit to the development of national economy .

  13. 在此基础上,对两种方法的生产总成本进行了技术经济分析,表明醇水浸提法生产成本与水浸提法之比约为1.15,两种方法适合于不同产品要求的生产。

    Also the economic analysis about total production costs of two processes was carried out . It shows that the total costs ratio of process with ethanol to that with water is 1.15 . In general , two processes are suitable for different product requirements respectively .

  14. 浆体输送广泛应用于冶金、有色、建材、煤炭、化工等行业,有色矿山尾矿输送系统的运行成本约占选矿生产总成本的1/3左右。

    Transportation of slurry is extensively applied to metallurgy , nonferrous metals , coal , chemical industry and so on . Among of them the operation cost of the mine tailings transportation system accounts for about 1 / 3 of the total ore dressing cost of mill run .

  15. 由于库存成本在企业生产的总成本中所占比重较大,若能通过有效的库存管理方法降低很少的百分比,其节省下来的资金也是相当可观的。

    As inventory costs is the larger proportion in the total cost of production enterprises , so through effective inventory management methods even reduce the small percentage of their savings in funds is also considerable .

  16. 在中国氮肥成本占水稻生产外部投入总成本的份额高达35%。

    Cost of nitrogen fertilizer was as a percentage share of the total cost of external inputs as high as 35 % in rice production .

  17. 在需求不确定条件下的多水平物料需求计划中,本文研究了冻结主生产计划对于总成本、系统不稳定性和服务水平的作用,以及预测误差对主生产计划冻结参数选择的影响。

    The second model investigates the impact of freezing the MPS on the total cost , total instability and service level in multilevel MRP systems under demand uncertainty . The conclusions reveal that freezing parameters are influenced by forecasting errors .

  18. 爆破块度分布是衡量爆破质量的重要指标,合理的爆破块度对提高矿山后续生产效率和降低生产总成本都有着重要的意义。

    Blasting fragmentation distribution is a important index to measure the blasting quality , rational blasting fragmentation of mine is significant for later production to improve efficiency and reduce the production cost .

  19. 矿岩爆破块度是定量评价爆破质量的重要指标,它影响到各后续生产工序和采矿生产的总成本。

    The fragment-size distribution from blasting of ore mass and rock mass is an important index to evaluated the blasting quality quantitatively . It affects the efficiency of each follow-up producing process and the total cost in mining .

  20. 它影响到矿山各后续生产工序的效率和采矿生产总成本。

    It affects the efficiency of each follow-up producing process and the total cost in mining .

  21. 节约因除霜而浪费的能源和除霜停产的生产时间,降低了生产的总成本。

    Therefore , energy sources which are wasted due to frost removal and the production time of the stopped production due to the frost removal are saved and the total cost of production is reduced .

  22. 边际成本指增加生产一单位产出所引起的生产总成本的增量。

    Marginal cost means the increment of total cost of production incurred by increasing production one unit of output .

  23. 块度大小影响到矿山铲装、运输、破碎等后续生产工序的效率和采矿生产的总成本。

    It affects the efficiency of each subsequent production processes such as loading 、 transportation and fragmentation , and the total cost of mining .

  24. 用统一的标准计算土地使用费,各种投入费用,生产管理费和产值,并计算生产总成本和纯收入。

    Standardized costs for land , inputs , operational expenses and value of outputs are used to calculate total crop production costs and net income .

  25. 带自动送料装置的拉伸级进模设计自动送料装置是自动化生产线的重要组成部分,约占生产线总成本的30%。

    Design of Drawing Progressive Die with Self-Feeding Equipment Automatic feeding devices play a key role in automatic production line , which roughly take up 30 percent of the whole cost of the production line .

  26. 以生产速率发生突变的临界库存为决策变量,以生产库存总成本和加权后的提前期之和为目标,应用单纯形加速寻优的方法对生产库存策略进行加速优化。

    Taking of inventory boundary in which the productivity change suddenly as decision variable , and taking production-inventory total cost advancing with lead-time after weighted as the goal , the production-inventory policy has been optimized with the method of simplex mode acceleration .