
tián měi
  • sweet;luscious;pleasant;refreshing
甜美 [tián měi]
  • (1) [sweet;luscious]∶具有香甜可口的味道的

  • 新疆的葡萄多甜美

  • (2) [refreshing;pleasant]∶形容愉快幸福

  • 甜美的爱情

甜美[tián měi]
  1. 那嗓音甜美轻柔。

    The voice was sweet and light .

  2. 当他把饮料拿给艾梅尔达时,她真诚而甜美地向他微笑以示感谢。

    When he brought Imelda her drink she gave him a genuine , sweet smile of thanks

  3. 我认为我听出你那甜美的嗓音呢。

    I thought I recognized your dulcet tones .

  4. 她讲话的声音轻柔甜美。

    Her voice was soft and cajoling .

  5. 她说话轻声细语,嗓音甜美。

    She spoke in a quietly melodious voice .

  6. “我很热,”夏洛特那带有甜美法国口音的话语仍在我的脑际盘旋。

    ' I was hot , ' I could still hear Charlotte say with her delicious French accent .

  7. 照片里的埃玛年轻而甜美。

    The photo shows a youthful , sweet Emma .

  8. 最甜美的歌是诉说最悲伤的哀思。

    Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought .

  9. 歌手那甜美的歌声使听众陶醉。

    The singer charmed her listeners with her sweet voice .

  10. 最好把甜美的蛋糕从中间分开。

    It 's best to slice into a rich cake from the middle .

  11. 这把小提琴音色甜美。

    The violin has a beautiful tone .

  12. 儿童和成人都喜欢它柔滑甜美的味道。

    Children and adults both love its smooth , sweet taste .

  13. “真是个如同金蜜般甜美的早晨啊!”他对妻子说。

    What a honey-yellow morning it is ! he said to his wife .

  14. 她甜美的笑容总是让我们很高兴。

    Her sweet smile always made us happy .

  15. 水承载着爱与善意,没有比它更甜美的东西了。

    The water was the container for an act of love and kindness and nothing could be sweeter .

  16. 看到我们的两个孩子,我突然意识到了真相:世界上没有比你孩子在家里迎接你的脸更甜美的景象了。

    Seeing our two children , I suddenly realized the truth : there is no sweeter sight in the world than your children 's faces that greet you at home .

  17. 在早上的某个时候,录音机会播放轻柔的音乐,用一个年轻女孩低沉而甜美的声音说:“请醒醒。”

    At a certain time in the morning , the tape player would play soft music with a low and sweet voice of a young girl , " Wake up , please . "

  18. 她歌喉甜美,音域奇广。

    She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range .

  19. 有一位女郎甜美和善

    There is a lady sweet and kind ,

  20. 也许我会顺着16街吹奏出的风笛甜美的声音走过去

    Maybe I 'll follow the sweet sound of the bagpiper playing along 16th Street .

  21. 可是依然感到某种甜美的东西,

    Still we feel that something sweet

  22. 她变成了被家人、鸡与乡村景象所围绕的甜美乡村姑娘。

    She turns into a sweet country girl surrounded by family , chickens and a bucolic landscape .

  23. 如果要享受甜美的胜利果实,当然要应付这些战绩不佳的指责压力

    If you 're going to enjoy the good times , you 've certainly got to deal with some potholes .

  24. 因而,他沉溺于甜美的自我欣赏之中,远离所有的人,在苍翠蓊郁的小山谷中终日闲逛,他成了一位自恋狂。一天,那西塞斯在树林中愉快地游荡。

    Thus given up to sweet thoughts of self , Narcissus avoided all company . He roamed the wooded little valleys every day , madly in love withhimself .

  25. 有些工蜂负责在蜂窝中建造许多六角形的蜡室,另外一些则穿梭在花丛之中,汲取甜美的花蜜并填充到蜡室之中。

    Some of these build a great many little six-sided wax cells within the hive ; while others visit flowers and suck out their sweet juices , or honey , and fill the cells with it .

  26. 就算到了十年以后,她依旧甜美可爱,并且长成了一个你可以信任、有很多共同话题的大姑娘。

    Only , when you catch up with her 10 years later , she 's still a cutie , but all grown up and had become someone you can trust and connect with on so many new levels .

  27. 每个男人大概对“邻家女孩”都有自己特定的形象记忆,不过,总体来说,邻家女孩就是甜美可爱的姑娘,她们可以跟你成为很好的朋友,长相出众却不张扬。

    Every guy may have his specific girl-next-door prototype , but in general , girl next door is cute and sweet , usually makes a really great friend , she may be very attractive , and is modest about it .

  28. 节目制作人说,他们希望找到一位甜美,无辜(LOL),漂亮的新鲜面孔。

    The producer told us they were looking for some sweet , innocent and beautiful fresh face .

  29. 可能是出现在圣塔玛莉亚诺维拉香水制造厂(OfficinaProfumo-FarmaceuticadiSantaMariaNovella)里,在这里选购甜美的玫瑰水和古老的中药制剂,是种近乎于宗教性质的体验。

    It could happen at the Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella , where shopping for sweet rosewater and ancient herbal elixirs is a near-religious experience .

  30. 一家位于乔治亚州的Fitness健身馆分享了一段视频,内容是长相甜美的前台Jessi穿着健身服推销一种能量饮料。

    A gym called Fitness on Broughton , located in Georgia , shared a video of their pretty front desk employee , Jessi , promoting an energy drink while dressed in work out gear .