
cí píng
  • insulator;china bottle;china bowl
瓷瓶 [cí píng]
  • (1) [china bottle]∶瓷质的瓶子

  • (2) [insulator]∶见绝缘子

瓷瓶[cí píng]
  1. 在地震中,我心爱的瓷瓶从橱柜里掉下来,摔的粉碎。

    During the earthquake , my favourite china bottle fell from the cupboard , breaking to bits .

  2. 我们有各种式样的瓷瓶。

    We have China bottle of various make .

  3. 高高的白色瓷瓶上绘满了百合花。

    There were lilies everywhere in tall white porcelain vases .

  4. 据粗估,这具瓷瓶价值逾百万元。

    According to rough estimation , the porcelain vase is worth over a million yuan .

  5. 基于改进ART-2网络和不变矩的高压瓷瓶裂缝识别

    Recognition of porcelain bottle crack based on modified ART-2 network and invariant moment

  6. 利用ANSYS软件分析了在役隔离开关支柱瓷瓶承受的拉应力、剪应力情况,得到上下元件瓷体部分危险区域的最大应力值;

    With finite element analytic software ANSYS , tensile stress and shear stress in post porcelain insulator of disconnect switch are analyzed , and maximal stress is obtained in dangerous area of insulator units .

  7. 为防止受潮及积尘,电阻器对地绝缘采用10kV级耐压瓷瓶,电阻片绝缘材料采用新型的纯氧化物高温陶瓷。

    For preventing moisture and dirt , the insulation of resistor agains the earth uses 10 kV withstand-voltage porcelain insulator the insulation of resistor employs new pure-oxide high-temperature porcelain insulator .

  8. 为了降低变电所绝缘子停电清扫带来的经济损失,并提高作业人员带电清扫时的安全性,提出了一种遥控机器人HVCR-II,用于带电清扫330kV变电所高电压设备的外绝缘瓷瓶。

    In order to decrease the economic losses caused by outage cleaning of insulators , and improve the safety of operators during hot-line cleaning , a super high voltage hot-line cleaning robot ," HVCR-II ", was presented to clean insulators of high voltage equipments in 330 kV transformer substations .

  9. 采用绝缘绳索更换输电线路耐张瓷瓶方法介绍

    Method Introduction on Exchanging Insulator for Transmission Line with Insulation Rope

  10. 宁远变电站345开关瓷瓶断裂事故分析

    Accident Analysis of Broken Insulator of 345 Circuit Breaker in Ningyuan Substation

  11. 高压瓷瓶支柱绝缘子有限元应力分析及安全性评定

    Finite Element Stress Analysis and Security Assessment of HV Porcelain Post Insulator

  12. 处理Y10W1型氧化锌避雷器底座支持小瓷瓶绝缘下降的简便方法

    A short-cut method for improving the insulation of ZnO arrester 's base support

  13. 罗斯福先生把一个美丽的波斯瓷瓶当作寿礼赠送给我。

    Mr. Roosevelt gave me for a birthday present a beautiful Persian porcelain vase .

  14. 利用数字摄影测量技术对一件馆藏元青花瓷瓶进行数字三维重建。

    By using digital photogrammetry method , A Yuan Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain is reconstructed .

  15. 隔离开关瓷瓶的有限元分析与临界裂纹尺寸计算

    Finite Element Analysis and Critical Crack Size Calculation of Porcelain Insulator of Disconnect Switch

  16. 我们瓷瓶的种类齐全。

    We have every kind of canned goods .

  17. 这是一个古色古香的白色小瓷瓶,上面有精美的釉彩花饰。

    This is a small white antique vases , there are exquisite glaze decoration .

  18. 静止,正如一只中国的瓷瓶

    The stillness , as a Chinese jar still

  19. 受电弓瓷瓶定位检测是电力机车检测的重要一个环节。

    Location detection of the pantograph porcelain insulator is an important part of locomotive detection .

  20. 江西电网高压隔离开关瓷瓶断裂事故统计与分析

    The statistic and analysis of high-voltage disconnecting switch insulator fracturing accidents in Jiangxi power grid

  21. 接触线架设时对瓷瓶一次到位的探讨

    Discussion on Correct Positioning of Porcelain Insulator at One Operation during Stringing of Contact Wire

  22. 随后,他们就声称这个打碎了的瓷瓶是个价值连城的古董并索要赔偿。

    They would then claim the shattered vase was a valuable antique and demand compensation .

  23. 基于视觉的高压带电清扫机器人瓷瓶自动定位伺服系统

    An Automatic Vision based Insulator Positioning Servo System of Cleaning Robot Working under High Voltage Condition

  24. 这可不是普通的围墙,而是嵌满了瓷瓶和水晶石的围墙。

    It is no ordinary fence , but the one inlaid with porcelain bottles and rock crystals .

  25. 简要分析了氧化锌避雷器底座支持小瓷瓶绝缘电阻下降的产生原因,并介绍了一种简便的处理方法。

    The reason that the insulation resistance becomes low for the ZnO arresters base support is briefly analyzed .

  26. 陶瓷修复专家彭妮·本黛尔正努力修复这些瓷瓶,其中一个已经复原成功。

    Specialist ceramic conservator Penny Bendall has worked hard to restore the vases , and one is now completed .

  27. 基于遗传优化神经网络在高压瓷瓶裂缝识别中的应用(瓷器名)古文字瓶

    Application of Neural Network Based on Genetic Algorithm in Recognition of Porcelain Bottles Crack vase with ancient chinese characters

  28. 我接过来仔细端详了一下,瓷瓶的底部有“金门高粱”的标记。

    I take over carefully of what , vases at the bottom of the " Kinmen kaoliang " markings .

  29. 这个瓷瓶的瓷釉有点厚,使瓷瓶的整体看起来有点走形。

    The porcelain glaze of this porcelain bottle is a little too thick , making the bottle out of shape .

  30. 其中的青花瓷瓶《瑞雪图》获全国首届陶瓷艺术展金奖,被誉为“中国当代青花王”。

    The blue and white porcelain vase named " The Picture of Auspicious Snow " won the gold medal and Mr.