
ɡuā zǐ liǎn
  • oval face
瓜子脸 [guā zǐ liǎn]
  • [oval face;pretty face having oval shape] 形似瓜子的脸型,长而窄的,上部略圆,下部略尖

  1. 她有着一张非常迷人的瓜子脸和一对眼梢儿有点斜的绿眼睛。

    She has an unusually attractive oval face and green eyes set slightly on the slant .

  2. 故事中的女子都是温婉约人、瓜子脸,男主人公都是玉树灵风,英俊潇洒。

    The story of the women are warm graceful people , oval face , the hero is Yushu Spirit , handsome .

  3. 如果你的脸是瓜子脸,那你应该戴飞行员墨镜。

    If you have a heart-shaped face , you should be wearing aviators .

  4. 瘦脸方法有很多,怎样才能简单塑造瓜子脸呢?

    There are many ways a face-lift , how can a simple shape melon face it ?

  5. 尖下巴、瓜子脸、朱砂唇,翎的长相非常符合中国传统审美。

    With her sharp jawline , slender face and rosy lips , Ling reflects a traditional Chinese beauty ideal .

  6. 方颌畸形一般不存在咬合错乱,患者求治的主要目的是改善容貌,以求达到东方审美标准的椭圆形或瓜子脸。

    Square jaw is usually not combined with occlusive disorder . and the patient 's purpose is to ameliorate their feature .

  7. 其结果就是一张更有型的尖下巴“瓜子脸”,与人们印象中的西式“小精灵”面容相似。

    The result is a more sculpted face and a more triangular chin that resembles the supposed " pixie " look of Western faces .

  8. 分明有一张窄窄的瓜子脸,带着一副冷漠的目光,从洞口外闪了一下,接着又不见了。

    Certainly a little narrow face , with hard eyes , had flashed up for an instant from a hole , and was gone .

  9. 中国模特炫出“瓜子脸“,即椭圆脸型尖下巴,代表美的最高水平。

    The Chinese model shows off the ' melon seed face ' - an oval shape with a pointed chin - that is considered the height of beauty in the country .

  10. “这种年轻的剪发对于瓜子脸的人来说最好,比如席亚拉”纽约市的名人发型师亚历杭德拉说。

    Ciara chopped her long locks for a shorter , edgier do . " This young , hip cut looks best on people with heart-shaped faces , like Ciara ," says N.Y.C. - based celebrity hairstylist Alejandra .

  11. 中国女性最理想的脸型则是“瓜子脸”,也就是一张椭圆形且拥有尖下巴的脸。而脸型的重要性在生活中也得到了体现。比如在中国的约会网站上,脸型描述信息是必须的。

    The ideal face shape for a woman in China is the ' melon seed face ' , namely an oval shape with a pointed chin - and is so important in fact that dating sites in the country ask for face shape descriptions alongside other information .