
  • 网络rayleigh
  1. 因此,桩间土的变形模量,即桩间土的瑞雷波速成为影响n取值的主要因素。

    So the deformation modular of soil between piles , that is the Rayleigh wave velocity of soil between piles is the capitally influence the sampling of n.

  2. 基于瑞雷阻尼算法的高层结构风振控制优化分析

    Optimum study on wind-induced vibration control of high-rise building based on Rayleigh arithmetic

  3. 瑞雷波由英国学者瑞雷(Rayleigh)于1887年首先在理论上确定的。

    Rayleigh wave was firstly defined theoretically in 1887 by British scholar Rayleigh .

  4. 速度递增型层状介质瑞雷波基阶模频散曲线的快速反演

    The Fast Inversion of Rayleigh-Wave Fundamental Mode Dispersion Curve for Velocity Increment Multilayered Media

  5. 瞬态瑞雷波及地震映像法在海堤检测中的应用

    Applications of Methods of Transient Surface Wave and Seismic Image to the Inspection of Sea Wall

  6. 为求解变速不均匀介质中波的传播问题,使用了利用瑞雷-里兹法的有限元技术。

    Finite Element Technique based on Rayleigh-Ritz idea is used to solve wave propagation in non-homogeneous medium with variable velocities .

  7. 处理结果表明,应用时频分析方法可以提高瑞雷波速提取的稳定性和可靠性。

    The processing result notes that the method of time frequency analysis may improve stability and liability of extracting Rayleigh wave velocity .

  8. 对于结构的阻尼矩阵,文中采用的是瑞雷阻尼,取刚度矩阵和质量矩阵的线性组合。

    Damping matrix for the structure , the paper uses a Rayleigh damping that is a linear combination of stiffness matrix and mass matrix .

  9. 后者则是用已得到的各层瑞雷波速度值,利用土密度与瑞雷波速的相关关系计算各层的压实度。

    Using the latter , with the correlativity of soil ' density and the velocity of the Rayleigh surface wave , we can obtain the compaction of the subgrade .

  10. 收集了原位测试数据,并结合瑞雷面波波速参数,开展多参数拟合和神经网络预测地基承载力的研究。

    The collected data of in situ testing , combined with R-wave velocity parameter , was used to develop the way to estimate the bearing capacity by multi-parameter and neural network .

  11. 1885年英国学者瑞雷首先发现并证明均匀半空间中瑞雷波的存在,为后人利用瑞雷波研究地球结构与组成揭开了新的一页。

    Rayleigh ( 1885 ) firstly described the theory of the motion of Rayleigh waves in a homogeneous elastic half-space , which opened a new page to study the structure and composition of the Earth using Rayleigh waves .

  12. 采用刚度比例和瑞雷阻尼模型进行地震耗能分析获得的滞回耗能比随结构自振周期的增大而减小,但质量比例阻尼模型的计算结果受结构周期影响不大;

    The E_H / E_I ratio for the Rayleigh and stiffness-proportional damping model are decreased with the increase of fundamental period of structure T , and T has little influence on E_H / E_I for the mass-proportional damping model .

  13. 采用质量比例阻尼模型计算获得的结构滞回耗能比最大,随着地震波峰值速度与峰值加速度比值(V/A)的增大,刚度比例和瑞雷阻尼模型的计算结果会与质量比例阻尼模型趋于一致。

    The E_H / E_I ratio for the mass-proportional damping model is the biggest one , with the increase of peak ground velocity to acceleration ratio ( V / A ), the E_H / E_I ratio for the Rayleigh and stiffness-proportional damping model will be close to mass-proportional damping model .