
ruì suì
  • Mizuho;the ear of wheat portending good fortune
  1. 瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)驻香港经济学家沈建光预期价格会继续上涨。

    Shen Jiangguang , an economist at Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong , expects prices to continue to rising .

  2. 这宗受到质疑的DelphinusCDO2007-1债务抵押债券交易当时由瑞穗国际(MizuhoInternational)出面安排,并由特拉华投资公司(DelawareInvestments)担任抵押品管理人。

    The CDO deal in question , known as Delphinus CDO 2007-1 , was arranged by Mizuho international and Delaware investments acted as the collateral manager .

  3. 虽然经济学家和策略家们将在未来多年辩论上周末重大决定的效益和影响,但迫在眉睫的危机得到了避免,瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)表示。

    Although economists and strategists will debate the benefits and implications of last weekend 's momentous decision for years , the immediate crisis is averted , Mizuho Securities said .

  4. 这“支持我们的观点,即人民币单向升值的时期已接近尾声,”瑞穗证券(mizuhosecurities)经济学家沈建光表示。

    This " supports our view that the days of one-way appreciation of the renminbi are close to being over , " said Shen Jianguang , economist with Mizuho Securities .

  5. 瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)分析师中根康夫(YasuoNakane)表示,富士康竞购夏普,是为了得到其先进的显示屏技术和工程技术人员。

    Yasuo Nakane , analyst at Mizuho Securities , says Foxconn is pursuing Sharp for its advanced display technology and the company 's engineers .

  6. 在这种背景下,按照瑞穗证券(mizuhosecurities)经济学家沈建光的说法,再次推动保障性住房建设“构成对下半年经济活动的巨大提振”。

    Against that background , the renewed push for affordable housing " constitutes a huge boost to economic activity in the second half " , said Shen Jianguang , an economist with Mizuho Securities .

  7. 上周五,瑞穗(Mizuho)成为最新一家宣布进行大规模筹资的银行,筹资总额为80亿美元。

    On Friday , Mizuho became the latest Japanese bank to announce a huge capital-raising exercise , to the tune of $ 8bn .

  8. 瑞穗银行(Mizuho)的另一项调查发现,81%的iPhone用户预计下一部手机会使用更长时间,估计比目前所用手机的20个月多7个月。

    Another survey by Mizuho found that 81 per cent of iPhone users expected to hang on to their next device for longer , an estimated 27 months compared with 20 months .

  9. 瑞穗(Mizuho)指出,目前多家企业对全年盈利的预测表明,一家企业的海外营收比例越高,它的前景就越不乐观。

    As Mizuho notes , the current crop of full-year earnings forecasts suggests that the more a company sells overseas , the worse its outlook .

  10. 今年,我们没听说有任何令人难以抗拒的新特性。瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)的阿巴伊•兰巴(AbheyLamba)说,目前很难对需求做出准确的判断。

    This year , we are not hearing any killer applications , said Abhey Lamba of Mizuho Securities . It 's hard to have a good gauge of demand right now .

  11. 例如,在2002年至2010年间,瑞穗(Mizuho)所持股权在一级资本中所占比例便从141%降至49%。

    At Mizuho , for example , the ratio of equity holdings to Tier 1 fell from 141 per cent to 49 per cent between 2002 and 2010 .

  12. 但瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)驻香港银行业分析师吉姆??安托斯(JimAntos)表示,由于贷款总额也增长了15%,因此中国各银行的坏账比率将保持不变。

    But with banks ' overall loan books also increasing by 15 per cent , their bad debt ratios will have remained constant , said Jim Antos , a banking analyst with Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong .

  13. 上周,瑞穗(Mizuho)成为最新一家原本预期盈利但最终披露巨亏的日本银行,该行本财年的亏损额接近60亿美元。

    Last week , Mizuho became the latest Japanese bank to reveal that hoped-for profits had turned into massive losses , in its case close to $ 6bn in the year .

  14. 据悉,日本第二大银行瑞穗(Mizuho)也提交了报价,尽管其报价远低于花旗的心理价位。

    Mizuho , Japan 's second - largest bank , is also understood to have submitted a bid , though the figure is said to be substantially below what Citigroup is looking for .

  15. 香港瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)发表的一份研究报告显示,中国的实际贷款利率(加权平均贷款利率加上生产者价格通缩)在今年3月升至10.8%,为2009年9月以来的最高水平。

    The real lending rate ( the weighted average lending rate plus producer price deflation ) rose to 10.8 per cent in March , its highest level since September 2009 , according to a research note from Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong ( see chart ) .

  16. 根据香港瑞穗证券亚洲(MizuhoSecuritiesAsia)首席经济学家沈建光的说法,由于到去年10月下旬银行间市场利率一直保持在低位,各银行发行存款单,然后将现金收入投资于债市,实现利润丰厚的套利。

    As a consequence of interest rates being kept low in the interbank market until late October , banks issued certificates of deposit and then put the proceeds in the bond market in a lucrative arbitrage , according to Jianguang Shen , chief Asia economist at Mizuho Asia Securities in Hong Kong .

  17. 80km到瑞穗高原内陆的瑞穗站之间为低值物质平衡区,年平均物质平衡量仅0.14m雪层深。

    From 80 km point to Mizuho Station , it is considered as low mass balance zone with only 0.14 m snow depth . In Mizuho Pla - .

  18. 根据1987/1988年度表面物质积累资料,对Mizuho(瑞穗)高原该年度物质平衡的分布规律及其变化进行了讨论,同时还对年内短期天气过程及地形变化对物质平衡的影响进行了分析。

    Base on the surface mass accumulation data in year of 1987 / 88 , both distribution and variability of annual mass balance on Mizuho Plateau have been discussed . The authors also studied how they were influenced by means of shortterm climatic and topographical variations .

  19. 瑞穗欧洲公共部门与企业债资本市场主管莫文琼斯(MorvenJones)表示:自金融危机爆发以来,企业一直急于取悦尽可能多的贷款银行,因此我们看到,担任账簿管理人的银行数量有所增多。

    Since the crisis , companies have been keen to keep as many lending relationship banks happy , so we have seen a rise in the number of bookrunners appointed , said Morven Jones , head of public sector and corporate debt capital markets for Europe at Nomura .

  20. 南极瑞穗站辐射平衡及湍流通量特征

    Radiation balance and turbulent flux characteristics over Mizuho station in Antarctic

  21. 南极瑞穗站大气光学特征研究

    Study of Atmospheric Optical Properties over Mizuho Station in Antarctica

  22. 日本瑞穗金融集团整合经验与转型历程

    The Combination Experience and Transformation Process Of Mizuho Financial Group

  23. 南极瑞穗站太阳分光辐射及大气透明状况

    Solar Spectral Irradiances and State of Atmospheric Transparency over Mizuho Station in Antarctica

  24. 南极瑞穗站雪面热量平衡特征

    The characteristics of heat balance on the snow surface at Mizuho Station in Antarctica

  25. 瑞穗对日本经济前景表现出谨慎乐观的态度。

    Mizuho sounded a cautiously optimistic note on the outlook for the Japanese economy .

  26. 最后,得出瑞穗站雪面为一强冷源。

    Station is a strong cold source .

  27. 南极瑞穗高原1987&1988年度表面物质平衡及其变化

    The surface mass balance and its variability in the Mizuho plateau , 1987-1988 , Antarctic

  28. 瑞穗证券保留修订或修改这些条款的权利,无需进一步通知。

    Mizuho Securities reserves the right to amend or modify these terms and conditions without notice .

  29. 瑞穗的中期目标是将综合一级资本比率提高至8%。

    Mizuho 's medium-term target is to increase its consolidated Tier 1 capital ratio to 8 per cent .

  30. 去年12月的瑞穗证券事件之后,包括东京证交所首席执行官在内的数位高管不得不辞职。

    After the Mizuho Securities incident in December , several senior executives , including the chief executive , had to resign .