
liú li wǎ
  • glazed tile
琉璃瓦 [liú lí wǎ]
  • [glazed tile] 一种绿色或金黄色发光的瓦,内用粘土、外用琉璃烧制。宫殿或庙宇等建筑物中常见

  1. 仿古灰色琉璃瓦的试制总结

    Trail-produced Result on the Imitation of the Ancient Grey Glazed Tile

  2. 孔雀蓝琉璃瓦的釉色研究

    A study on colour of the peacock blue glazed tile

  3. 陶瓷色料在低温透明琉璃瓦釉中的应用研究

    Research on the use of ceramic pigments in low-temperature transparent glaze

  4. 防治琉璃瓦屋面渗漏的施工措施

    Construction measures of preventing and curing the leakage of glazed tile roof

  5. 隋唐时期建筑采用琉璃瓦,更是富丽堂皇。

    Glass tiles used in Sui and Tang made the building more glorious .

  6. 金黄色金属光泽釉在琉璃瓦制品上的应用研究

    The use of golden METAL-LUSTROUS glaze on glazed tile

  7. 煤矸石为主一次低温快烧琉璃瓦坯体的研究

    Research on low temperature fast single-firing body for glazed tile using coal gangue

  8. 琉璃瓦都是黄色的吗?

    Is yellow the only color for those tiles ?

  9. 皇宫的金色琉璃瓦屋顶在北京的阳光下散发着光辉。

    The gold-tiled roofs of the imperial palaces glowed in the Peking sun .

  10. 利用赤泥制备琉璃瓦的研究

    Preparation of Glazed Roof Tile Using Red Mud

  11. 竖烧S型琉璃瓦的变形浅析

    Deformation Analysis of Stack Fired S-shape Glazed Tile

  12. 仿古琉璃瓦冷弯成型控制系统的设计

    Design of Cold Roll Forming Production and Controling

  13. 利用伊利石页岩制作西式琉璃瓦

    Manufacture of Foreign Glazed Tile with Illite Shale

  14. 琉璃瓦玫红釉的研制

    Development of vitreous tile rose glaze

  15. 波伏瓦女性主义思想及当代意义探讨明代武当山古建筑琉璃瓦件窑址初探

    Research on the Kiln Location of Wudang Mountains Ancient Buildings Glazed Tiles of the Ming Dynasty

  16. 因此,雍和宫主要殿堂原绿色琉璃瓦改为黄色琉璃瓦。

    Therefore , the Lama Temple main hall to the original green glazed tile yellow glazed tile .

  17. 琉璃瓦用金属光泽釉的研制

    Research on metal lustrous glaze

  18. 本文利用铝厂的工业废弃物&赤泥制备琉璃瓦,详细研究了琉璃瓦坯料及釉料的组成;

    In this paper , the feasibility of producing glazed roof tile with red mud and clay was discussed .

  19. 宫殿顶上的琉璃瓦在太阳光下泛着微光,唤起了无数中国画的灵感。

    The glazed golden tiles of the palace roofs , shimmering in the sunlight , have inspired countless Chinese paintings .

  20. 雕刻精致复杂的玉石和大理石,色彩斑斓的琉璃瓦充满了这些房间,讲述关于古代中国历史的故事。

    Intricate carvings in jade and marble and glazed colored tiles fill the rooms and tell stories about ancient Chinese history .

  21. 次年三层重檐及皇乾殿、年门、穹宇等建筑的屋顶均改为蓝色琉璃瓦,以象天色。

    The following year the roofs of major buildings were replaced with blue glazed tiles to match the color of the sky .

  22. 分析了琉璃瓦屋面渗漏的三方面原因,介绍了琉璃瓦屋面渗漏的施工防治措施。

    The article analyses the reasons of the leakage of glazed tile roof and introduces the construction measures of preventing and curing .

  23. 工厂建筑中的钢管、钢板、彩钢板、琉璃瓦屋顶和钢结构厂房的防水防腐防锈等作用。

    Construction of the steel plant , steel , color steel , glazed tile roofs and steel plants and other water corrosion preventive effect .

  24. 大殿一卷一脊,后有一圈门,大殿后是六角窑殿,全是琉璃瓦盖顶。

    Roll hall of a ridge , after lap door , hall after hall is the hexagonal kiln , glazed tile is the top cover .

  25. 元代定都北京后,开始在这里设窑烧制皇宫用的琉璃瓦,因此而得名。

    Its capital Beijing after the Yuan Dynasty , began here in a kiln fired by the palace of the glazed tile , so named .

  26. 琉璃瓦中的勾头,滴水瓦件以及走兽、钉帽、花窗和正吻、垂兽等构件采用手工成型或注浆成型。

    The manual stamping or casting is used to mold eave tile , drip tile , tile with animals , nail head and glassless window .

  27. 通过色度分析,考察了不同颜色的陶瓷色料在琉璃瓦釉中的呈色,并研究了影响色料呈色的因素。

    And observes the color of the glazes on tile via analysis of chroma , meantime , analyzes the affect factors on the chroma of glazes .

  28. 以煤矸石为主要原料和滑石尾矿为主要熔剂,设计和优化了生产绿色环保建筑琉璃瓦坯体配方。

    The optimization formula of green body of building material glazed tile has been developed using gangue as main raw materials and talcum as main flux .

  29. 这里的每个房子都是传统的中国风格的,屋顶都是由琉璃瓦装饰的,这是北京皇家的建筑风格。

    Every house here is built in a traditional Chinese style , and its roof is decorated with glazed tiles so typical of Beijing imperial style .

  30. 对于各色琉璃瓦的使用有着严格的等级规定:皇宫用黄色;亲王府用绿色。

    There were strict rules for the use of the tiles : yellow tiles for Imperial Palaces and green tiles for the homes of the Emperor 's brothers .