
  1. 我发现,先读读这些书,就能更好地理解教材中指定的章节。

    By first reading these books , I found I could understand better the assigned chapter in the textbook .

  2. 通过对其解读,帮助学习者充分理解教材编者的意图,推动口头输出的顺利完成。

    This interpretation will facilitate students ' comprehension of editor 's intention , and further promote the successful generalization of oral output .

  3. 语文教学中运用情境教学能够帮助学生深入细致地理解教材文本内容,感悟文本内涵,激发学生学习的潜能与想象力。

    The use of situational teaching method in the course of Chinese teaching can help students to understand and feel the texts intensively , stimulating students ' imaginary and potential .

  4. 直观性原则是指教师在课堂教学中运用各种直观性手段,引导学生感知所学的对象,获得具体而明确的表象,为理解教材,掌握概念打下基础。

    Intuitive principle means teacher using kinds of intuitive methods to guide the students to perceive objects what they are learning for obtaining explicit appearance and laying the foundation to understand materials and grasp the scientific concepts correctly and profoundly .

  5. 我国教材中尽管也采用了实验、图片等手段来呈现知识,但知识展开程度不够,内容描述简单明了,不利于学生理解教材内容。

    The Hong Kong textbook reference the cases which close to life , and so on . Fourth , although using the experiments , pictures and other ways to represent knowledge in our textbooks , the knowledge expansion is not enough and the description is simple .

  6. 提出要解决这种混乱状态,必须正确理解多媒体教材的内涵、科学定位、分类建设的观点。

    It also provides solution to the confusion : correct understanding of the connotation of multimedia teaching material , scientific orientation , and classification construction .

  7. 每个单元的综合性学习主题与整个单元所学文章专题保持一致,开展专项的综合性学习研究可以更深入更全面的理解把握教材。

    Each unit of comprehensive learning theme and the entire unit consistent learned articles , carry out special projects of comprehensive study can deeper and more comprehensive understanding of materials .

  8. 主要从转变教学思想、转变教学模式、充分理解和把握教材等方面进行探讨。

    Mainly from the change of teaching thought , teaching mode , fully understand and grasp the materials were discussed .

  9. 对课标的深入理解及对教材的分析研究,是英语教师的重要任务之一。

    Making an intensive study of the curriculum standard and textbooks is one of the important task for the high school teachers .

  10. 本论文希望能为该教材的进一步完善提供参考,同时也为教师更好理解、使用该教材提供建议。

    I hope this thesis will give some reference to the improvement of the textbook and also a few suggestions on a better understanding and use of it .

  11. 因此,对高教05版《学校体育学》呈现现象的理解,不是评价教材,而更多的是对呈现现象的解释。

    So the understanding of the present phenomenon in 2005 edition School Physical Education is not to evaluate the teaching material , but explain this phenomenon to a large extent .

  12. 理解新课程的教材本质观,应该着重把握以下四个新课程的教材本质特性:1.教材是新课程倡导的三维课程目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)的承载体;

    For understanding that , four characteristics of the essence of the textbook should be emphasized as : 1 ) the textbook is loaded with three-dimensional objects ( knowledge and skills , process and methods , sensibility and values ) proposed by the New Curriculum Reform ;

  13. 关于教师教学知识的定义,本论文结合Shulman和美国NCTM对教师知识的理解,把它理解为教师关于教材的知识、教学内容组织与表达的知识、教学方法的知识。

    Concerning the definition of teacher 's teaching knowledge , combines the comprehension of the Shulman and American NCTM for teacher 's knowledge , this paper comprehend it for the teaching material knowledge , organization and expression of content knowledge , knowledge of the teaching method .

  14. 开发适合于中学理科教师理解的科学本质课程,并对他们进行科学本质方面的培训,以增进理科教师对科学本质的理解。2、教材及教材辅助资源方面的建议(1)教材方面。

    Developing curriculum which fits for science teachers ' a better understanding of science nature in junior schools . 2 , Suggestions on teaching materials and teaching aid resources ( 1 ) Teaching materials .