- chondrite

K-Ar age and ~ ( 38 ) ar exposure age determination of the Kirin chondrite
Preliminary study on the Xin Yang chondrite
The primitive material of the Earth were the differentiated iron meteorites and H chondrites .
The same chemical group of meteorites feature deeper and deeper absorption valleys with increasing metamorphic grade .
Study on the TL sensitivity , shocking phase and K content of ten h chondrites
The transitional element curves standardized by chondrite were all W type curves inclining gently to the right .
The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are enriched in LREE with a small Eu anomaly .
An experimental study of melting of metal Fe-Ni-RICH phase of chondrite under high pressure and Discussion on Mechanism of formation of the earth core
( 2 ) The study of petrography , and mineral chemistry of Ca - , Al-rich inclusions from various groups of chondrites .
The REE characteristics and the chondrite-normalized patterns of the alkali-rich volcanic rocks show that there is no significant loss of Eu , relatively enrich LREE .
In REE distribution patterns , the chondrite-normalized REE partition curve incline to the right , indicate that they are enriched in LREE and middle degree Eu negative abnormity .
The measurement of TL sensitivity has produced new means of classification for 3 type of ordinary chondrites , CO , CV chondrites and eucrites .
The REE distribution patterns with high value of Σ REE , enrichment of LREE and incline to the right are similar to the island-arc tholeiite .
Experimental study on measuring sound velocities of Jilin aerolite at high pressure
The Guangrao meteorite : a newly fallen l_ ( 6-5 ) chondrite
The ( La / Yb ) n is as high as 29.82 ~ 84.94 . The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are LREE-riched type of dipping steeply to right .
Metamorphism generates feldspar through the devitrification of primary igneous glass and causes TL sensitivity to increase by a factor of ~ 10 5 in ordinary chondrites .
The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of were characterized by the negative Eu ( abnormally ) and the negative gradient , indicating that the main material sources of surface sediments are of matter from the mainland earth crust .
All CAIs in the ordinary chondrites are heavily altered , mainly consisting of fine-grained alteration assemblages without melilite . ( 3 ) The comparative study of Ca - , Al-rich inclusions from various groups of chondrites .
The alkali lamprophyre complex from Langao County , whose chondrite-normalized REE patterns all incline to the right and whose major elements vary regularly , has abundant incompatible elements .
Thermal metamorphism of GRV 98002 ( l5 ) and grv98004 ( h5 ) ordinary chondrites
The REE chondrite standardized model of the ore-bearing host rock show a middle Ce negative anomaly , obviously Eu positive anomaly and the right dip graphics , which are similar to some hot water sediments model .
Cosmic-ray exposure ages and gas retention ages of ureilite ( grv 024516 ) and ordinary chondrite ( grv 024517 ) from Antarctica
Different types of nodules have quite similar PGE and Au chondrite_normalized patterns and related parameters , with positive Pt and negative Pd anomalies , indicating that PGE and Au in different types of nodules have the same sources .
A New Cognition of Optic Characteristic of Ningqiang Carbon Chondrite with X-wind Model
These minerals were studied using reflecting microscopy , X-ray analysis , reflectivity and hardness determination , electron microprobe , etc. Variations in FeO and MgO contents of chromite and ilmenite in different chemical groups of chondrites are summarized in this paper .
Ca - , Al-rich inclusions ( CAIs ) are the earliest assemblages of the solar nebula , and they contain information of early solar nebula . They are the probe of studying the origin and evolvement of early solar nebula , and are mainly found in carbonaceous chondrites .
The Jinchuan Cu-Ni sulphide deposit is hosted in ultrabasic intrusions . The platinum group elements ( PGE ) is Pt-Pd partition type in the chondrite normalization pattern with higher contents of Pt and Pd than Os , Ir , Ru and Rh , and have three different figures .
Through the comparative studies on Q-C1 meteorite , C1 meteorite , and other carbonaceous chondrite , the Q-C1 meteorite 's origin is inferred that they were results if gas-liquid-solid condensation , gas-solid condensation and hydrous effect in border sheet of nebular disk .
In addition , the N-MORB-normalized spider diagram and the Chondrite-normalized REE pattern show that the two kinds of rocks were generated from the same parental magmatic source .