
  1. 如今再没有国家立法以种族划分人民,也没有国家宣布班图人教育(Bantueducation)政策&一项将黑人刻意教育得仅能为白人完成低端工作的教育政策。

    No country now has laws dividing people by race . No country proclaims a policy of Bantu education , which deliberately teaches blacks only just enough to do lowly jobs for whites .

  2. 如今再没有国家立法以“种族”划分人民,也没有国家宣布“班图人教育”(Bantueducation)政策——一项将黑人刻意教育得仅能为白人完成低端工作的教育政策。

    No country now has laws dividing people by " race . " No country proclaims a policy of " Bantu education , " which deliberately teaches blacks only just enough to do lowly jobs for whites .

  3. DadiriNuro是该组织的会长。DADIRINURO:“我们是农民,喜欢种庄稼,我们需要新鲜的食物,我们有两种玉米,美国人喜欢软玉米,我们班图人喜欢硬玉米。”

    DADIRI NURO : " We are farming people . We like to farm . We need fresh food . We have two kinds of corn . Americans , they like soft corn , and the Bantu , we like hard corn . "

  4. 指有班图语特点的语言的,或与之有关的。

    Relating to or designating languages that possess characteristics of Bantu .

  5. 美国只是不把这称作“班图人教育”。

    It just doesn 't call this " Bantu education . "

  6. 在安哥拉居住的班图人部族。

    A member of the Bantu tribes resident in Angola .

  7. 乌干达的一个州,是以前班图王国所在地。

    A state of Uganda and site of a former Bantu kingdom .

  8. 非,住着讲班图语非洲;界黄金。

    Bantu-speaking Africans ; world 's chief producer of gold .

  9. 他的店在班图河上游60公里。

    His shop is sixty kilometers up the Bantu river .

  10. 班图劳工(解决争端)法

    Bantu Labour ( Settlement of Disputes ) Act

  11. 几乎所有的加蓬人都起源于班图人。

    Almost all Gabonese are of Bantu origin .

  12. 芳族的班图语言。

    The Bantu language of the Fang .

  13. 她开始说话,用的不是班图语,而是结结巴巴的英语。

    She began to speak , not in a Bantu tongue but in broken english .

  14. 主要居住在博茨瓦纳和西南非的班图人。

    A member of a Bantu people living chiefly in Botswana and western South Africa .

  15. 促进班图人自治法;

    Promotion of Bantu self-government act ;

  16. 属于或关于茨瓦纳方言或说茨瓦纳语的班图人的。

    Of or relating to a dialect of Sotho or the Bantu people who speak it .

  17. 而班图人喜欢硬质玉米。

    Americans , they like soft corn , and the Bantu , we like hard corn .

  18. 班图族难民从索马里帮助启动新根在加利福尼亚州圣迭戈的社区农场。

    Bantu refugees from Somalia helped start the New Roots Community Farm in San Diego , California .

  19. 现在在南非,说班图话的族群,比郭依桑人黑多了。

    Populations of Bantu-language speakers who live in southern Africa today are far darker than the Khoisan .

  20. 金亚旺达语卢旺达的班图语言,与基隆迪语关系密切,是卢旺达的官方语言。

    A Bantu language of rwanda , closely related to Kirundi and an official language of rwanda .

  21. 取消班图教育帐户法

    Bantu Education Account Abolition Act

  22. 来自索马里的班图人在爱达荷州建起了农场,来自布隆迪的难民们在华盛顿州的西雅图种起了庄稼。

    There are Somali Bantus farming in Boise , Idaho , and refugees from Burundi growing crops in Seattle , Washington .

  23. 他爱上了班图人头头的女儿,这时候他就变得不带劲儿了。

    He falls in love with the daughter of the Captain of the Bantus and that 's when he turns sloppy .

  24. (班图人的)一种长袖衣服(通常为白色);东非男子穿着。

    ( Swahili ) a long garment ( usually white ) with long sleeves ; worn by men in E Africa .

  25. 刚果语刚果人讲的一种班图语,在刚果南部、扎伊尔西部和安哥拉北部用作一种通用语言。

    A Bantu language of the Kongo used as a lingua franca in southern congo , western zaire , and Northern angola .

  26. 据说它很像一种妖怪或者托科洛希(非洲南部班图民间传说中似人的恶魔),有一只手爪和一只脚爪。

    It was said to resemble a bogeyman or a tokoloshe ( an African mythical creature ) and had one paw and one claw .

  27. 来自索马里的班图人在加州圣地亚哥帮助建立了新根社区农场,许多人没什么钱,也没有新鲜的食物。

    Bantu refugees from Somalia helped start the New Roots Community Farm in San Diego , California . Many of them did not have much money or much fresh produce in their lives .

  28. 马鲁拉果是非洲班图族人的重要食物,他们把它多种植于迁徙的沿途上,随着班图人的迁徙格局,如今已遍布整个非洲。

    The distribution of the tree throughout Africa , follow the migratory patterns of the Bantu people , as it was an important source of food , and they planted more trees along their way .

  29. 实验研究了正方网格斑图与混合气体的比例及外加电压的关系,给出了班图类型随上述条件变化的相图;考虑到壁电荷之间的相互作用,研究了正方网格斑图的稳定性;

    The phase diagram of pattern types as a function of air concentration and applied voltage by fixing other parameters is given . The stability of square pattern was studied by considering the interaction among the wall charges .

  30. 班图族群(如祖鲁人)与郭依桑人的肤色差异,表示一个族群居住在一特定地区的时间,对了解他们的肤色特徵十分重要。

    The skin-color difference between the Khoisan and Bantu speakers such as the Zulu indicates that the length of time that a group has inhabited a particular region is important in understanding why they have the color they do .