
zhū shì
  • Beadwork;passementerie
珠饰[zhū shì]
  1. 珠饰、嵌花和刺绣可增添一种独特的女人味。

    Bead-work , applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch .

  2. 印第安人带了精美的珠饰来卖。

    The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell

  3. 可能是刺绣,也可能是珠饰或者其它。

    It could be embroidery or it could be beading , etc.

  4. 到公元前3000~2000年,已经使用到管形的黄金珠饰。

    By3000-2000 BC , gold beads in tubular shapes were in use .

  5. 那些精致的花边和漂亮的珠饰。

    with its fine delicate lace and pretty pearls .

  6. 精致的印地安人带了精美的珠饰来销售。

    The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell .

  7. 身体穿洞是指为了佩戴珠饰而在人体上穿洞。

    Body piercing refers to the piercing of the human body for the purpose of wearing jewellery .

  8. 当用到小珠饰必然使用明亮色,越闪耀越好。

    The colors are bright and when it comes to beading , the more sparkle , the better .

  9. 看看这些能提升牛仔魅力的小细节吧,如佩内洛普·克鲁兹的褶皱花边,或者海蒂·克鲁姆的珠饰。

    Look for crafty details that will dress up denim , like Penelope Cruz 's frilly ruffles or Heidi Klum 's beading .

  10. 凯恩24岁时,显然已经不满足于仅在晚上身穿珠饰礼服进行表演。

    By the time Ms. Cayne was 24 , it was clear that performing in beaded gowns at night was not enough for her .

  11. 我仍然记得你母亲为你做的那件新娘礼服,那些精致的花边和漂亮的珠饰。

    I can still remember every detail of the pretty wedding dress your mother made for you , with its fine delicate lace and pretty pearls .

  12. 腰以下的部位的华丽饰品,比如珠饰的凉鞋或者带大胆图案的长衫,都能转移大家对你上半身的注意力。

    Glam accessories below the waist , such as embellished sandals or bold patterned kaftans , will draw the eye away from your top half . SMALL BUSTED

  13. 如欲制作自己独有的美丽珠饰,亦可以自由发挥这些基本方法,并加以结合运用。

    If you want to make their own unique beauty with pledge is acted the role of , also can free play these basic methods , and to utilize .

  14. 从上一季的绞花编织大衣,茧形的肩部有珠饰的编织上衣和与之搭配的剪裁利落的礼服西裤,可以很清楚地看出开云交给王的任务——那就是给巴黎世家注入现代和青春的活力。

    Last season 's bonded cable-knit coats and cocooning pearl-shouldered knits over slick black-tie trousers clearly fulfill his Kering-given mandate to bring some modernity and youthful energy to the house .

  15. 祈祷仪式上也有一场印地安艺术展览会及市集,印地安艺术家会在此处聚集并藉以展示他们的常规作品,如:陶器、首饰、珠饰及绘画。

    There is also an Indian Art Expo and Market at the powwow where Indian artists gather to show their traditional work , such as pottery , jewelry , beadwork , and paintings .

  16. 精致、复杂、夸张已经成为郭培的特点——不管是宽大的裙摆、大量半宝石珠饰,还是刺绣色彩的大爆炸——她把欧洲丝绸与中国传统设计结合了起来。

    The elaborate excess that has become Ms. Guo 's hallmark - be it vast skirt volumes , lashings of beaded semiprecious stones or rich explosions of embroidered color - marries European silks with traditional Chinese design heritage .