
  1. 张家界天门山玻璃栈道会更加刺激。

    Even more terrifying is the Tianmenshan crystal glass skywalk in Zhangjiajie .

  2. 公园方面解释说,玻璃栈道的裂纹只是表面破损,不会对安全构成威胁。

    Park officials said the damage was superficial and posed no threat to safety .

  3. 一些新闻报道称,这些裂纹可能是掉在玻璃栈道上的不锈钢杯子造成的。

    Some news reports said a dropped metal flask may have caused the cracks .

  4. 不少有关此事的最新报道,似乎都包含了引发人们对河南这条玻璃栈道的安全性产生担忧的一个描述。

    Many news reports shared a description that appeared to set off alarms about the walkway in Henan .

  5. 玻璃栈道的数字效果图展现了建筑公司的愿景——建一座高耸入云的玻璃建筑。

    Digital renderings of the bridge highlight the architectural firm 's vision -- to build a glass structure that fades into the clouds .

  6. 该机构表示,周一下午,安全员在正常巡查时,发现玻璃栈道的一块玻璃有少量裂纹。

    On Monday afternoon , it said , safety inspectors were conducting a routine patrol when they came across some small cracks in a pane of glass .

  7. 去年10月,河南省云台山世界地质公园新建的玻璃栈道开通后仅仅两周就出现了裂纹。

    In October last year , cracks appeared in a mountainside glass walkway in Yuntaishan Scenic Park , in China 's central Henan province , just two weeks after opening .

  8. 这座新图书馆配备了玻璃栈道、大滑梯、私人影院、法式玻璃窗、私人阅览间和无线网络,所有这一切都吸引到了文艺网民们的注意。

    The new library boasts glass walkways , large slides , private theaters , French windows , private reading rooms and Wi-Fi , all of which has attracted the attention of literary-minded netizens .

  9. 建造于中国中部海拔3500英尺的悬崖上的一条玻璃栈道的运营者,试图让游客相信,这条栈道非常安全。尽管栈道玻璃已经开裂。

    The operators of a glass-bottomed walkway clinging to a cliff 3500 feet above sea level in central China want to reassure visitors that they are quite safe.Despite the cracks in the glass .

  10. 这条1300英尺长(约合400米)的玻璃栈道刚刚完全对外开放两周,就在部分地方开裂,但河南省云台山风景名胜区管理局表示,不必为此惊慌。

    The fractures appeared on part of the 1300-foot-long see-through walkway just over two weeks after it fully opened , but they were no cause for alarm , said the administration of the Yuntai Mountain scenic park in Henan Province .