
  • 网络Glass Factory;glasswork;foundry
  1. 这些玻璃厂在火车站四周。

    The ( These ) glassworks are near the railway station .

  2. 玻璃厂的设计行业性较强,因为它与工艺密不可分。

    The structural design of glassworks has a strong feature . it is closely related to glass-craft .

  3. 他在玻璃厂烧灼了手。

    He burned his hands at the glass-works .

  4. CMICT码头(招商国际集装箱码头)土石方工程开挖量约590万m3,爆区周边有玻璃厂和300多幢年代不同、结构不等的村民房屋。

    About 5.9 millions m ~ 3 of rock were blasted in the excavation of CMICT ( China Merchants International Container Terminal ) Dock . Near the blast area there are a glass factory and about 300 village houses with different structures and ages .

  5. 某玻璃厂节能措施初探

    A Preliminary Survey for Saving On Energy of a Glass Factory

  6. 玻璃厂原料配料微机控制系统的实现

    The Realization of the Materials Batching Control System of Glass factory

  7. 浅谈玻璃厂结构设计中哲学思想的运用

    Application of Philosophic Thinking on the Structural Design of Glass Plant

  8. 滤筒除尘器与布袋除尘器在玻璃厂中的应用比较

    Comparison Between Cartridge-Type and Bag-Type Dust Collectors in Glass Industry

  9. 浮法玻璃厂蒸汽过热器的开发设计与应用

    Design and Application of Steam Superheater in Float Glass Plant

  10. 对浮法玻璃厂熔窑通风系统设计的几点看法

    Some Opinions on Ventilation System Design of Float Glass Furnace

  11. 新型钢结构综合管道支架在玻璃厂的应用

    Implementation of a New Steel Pipe Bracket in Glass Manufacture

  12. 这些玻璃厂离市中心很远。

    These glass works are far from the city center .

  13. 玻璃厂慢性砷中毒7例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on seven cases of chronic arsenic poisoned patients in a glasswork

  14. 玻璃厂风机调节方式的选择

    Selection of Blower Regulating Mode in Glass Plants

  15. 这座玻璃厂是解放前建造的。

    This glass works was built before liberation .

  16. 水解酸化&复合生物反应器处理玻璃厂废水工程设计

    The Design of Glass Factory 's Wastewater Treatment Project with Hydrolytic Acidification-Hybrid Biological Reactor

  17. 玻璃厂废水处理分析与研究

    Study on Wastewater Treatment Technology for Glass Industry

  18. 1923年,肖特先生也把他在肖特玻璃厂的股份交给了卡尔蔡司管理基金会。

    In1923 Schott also added his stock shares in the Glass Works to the foundation .

  19. 山东玻璃厂耐火材料结石的特征及成因分析

    Analyses of the Characteristics and Causes of Formation of Refractory Stones in Shandong Glass Manufactory

  20. 浅谈玻璃厂500m~3倒锥壳式水塔的结构设计

    Discussion on Structure Design of 500 m ~ 3 Inverted Cone Water Tower of Glass Plant

  21. 拥有一个透明的世界&记绵竹县西南玻璃厂

    Mianzhu County Southwest Glass Factory

  22. 他开设了罗斯格德工作室,坐落在面积逾一万平方英尺的废弃玻璃厂里,离港口不远。

    He opened Studio Roosegaarde , situated in a more than 10000-square-foot former glass factory near the harbor .

  23. 根据研究结果解决了南宁浮法玻璃厂的质量问题。

    According to the research results , the qualiTative problem of Nanning float glass manufactory has been solved .

  24. 方法对某灯饰玻璃厂216名接尘工人进行矽肺横断面流行病学调查。

    Methods A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out in 216 dust-exposed workers in an lamp glass making factory .

  25. 进入玻璃厂街,他们从古费拉克的门前走过。

    It chanced that in the Rue de la Verrerie , they passed in front of Courfeyrac 's door .

  26. 本文对平板玻璃厂工人体力劳动强度的调查结果表明,该厂9个工种的平均劳动时间率为58%(18~83%);

    The physical work intensities of 58 male workers from 9 different jobs at a glass factory were investigated .

  27. 该料房最大生产能力50吨/天,适合于中小型玻璃厂的料房作业。

    This batch house with a processing capacity up to 50 tons per day is suitable for small glass factory in our country .

  28. 我们在珠三角之中山市,拥有一间专业的烤弯玻璃厂,以供应市场的需求。

    We have a specialized bent glass factory in triangular Zhong Shan City of pearl , in order to support the demand of the market .

  29. 两年前,泰姬陵就进行了一次表面大清洗,清除了许多陈年污渍和尘垢。困扰泰姬陵的污浊空气来源于分布在其周围的数千家钢铁厂、砖瓦厂和玻璃厂的废气。

    The major source of pollution around the Taj has been smoke spewed out of thousands of nearby iron foundries , brick kilns and glass-making units .

  30. 该产品适用于建筑工地、砂石厂、水电站混凝土大坝工地、邮电电杆厂需单位砂石及铸造用“七○”砂、玻璃厂石英砂及油井回填用压力砂的洗选、分级和脱水。

    This product is mainly used for sand factory , electric pole factory , worksite of building and concrete dam to wash , classifying and de-watering various sands .