
  1. 全体乘客,现在播报紧急通告!

    All crew , report immediately to your emergency stations .

  2. 现在播报新闻摘要。

    Now here is the summary of the news .

  3. 现在新闻播报结束。

    That is the end of the news .

  4. 现在除了播报新闻,他们偶尔也会主持辩论或做客午夜喜剧节目,甚至会在综艺节目如《周六夜现场》上表演滑稽短剧,拿自己来开涮。

    They can also be seen off-set : hosting debates , showing up as guests on late-night comedy shows , and even making fun of themselves in skits like those on the comic variety show Saturday Night Live .

  5. 现在为您播报最新的消息。

    Alright , Let 's get you our top stories right now .