
  • Hyundai Motor;Hyundai Motor Co.;Modern Car
  1. 现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)及其关联公司起亚汽车(KiaMotors)是最新感受到这股寒意的韩国公司。

    Hyundai Motor and affiliate Kia Motors are the latest to feel the chill .

  2. 尽管韩元走强损害了三星电子(SamsungElectronics)和现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)等出口商,但韩国的度假者却得到了实惠。

    While the strengthening currency has been hurting exporters such as Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor , it has been a boon to South Korean holidaymakers .

  3. 车载CD机是现代汽车的一个重要设备。

    CD player is an important device in every vehicle nowadays .

  4. 防抱制动系统(Anti-lockbrakingsystem,简称ABS)是现代汽车提高主动安全性的主要技术。

    Anti-lock braking system ( ABS ) is a main technology to improve the vehicle active safety .

  5. 亨利福特(henryford)定义了现代汽车工业,并证明了大规模生产的潜力。

    Henry Ford defined the modern automobile industry and demonstrated the potential of mass production .

  6. 分析研究适应于现代汽车模具制造业的模具CAPP系统。

    Analysis and research the die CAPP system which is applicable to modern automobile die manufacturing .

  7. 防抱制动系统(ABS)在紧急制动过程中可保证车辆的操纵性和稳定性,已逐渐成为现代汽车的标准配置。

    Anti-lock Brake System ( ABS ) ensure the control and stability performance , it is standard components of modern vehicles .

  8. 目前现代汽车(hyundaimotor)一半以上的汽车在海外工厂生产,而在5年前这个比例仅为三分之一。

    Hyundai motorproduces more than half of its cars in plants overseas , compared to a third just five years ago .

  9. 随着控制技术的发展和系统成本的降低,将很有可能全面代替ABS成为现代汽车的标准装备。

    With development of control techniques and decrease of control system cost , VSC will replace ABS to be the standard device of modern vehicles .

  10. 韩国一直试图在服务行业寻求新的增长点,由此减少对三星电子(SamsungElectronics)和现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)等制造商的依赖。

    South Korea has been trying to find new growth engines in the service sector so it relies less on manufacturers like Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor .

  11. 韩国加大反间谍力度在去年11月的北京车展上,韩国现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)公司的管理人员看到了被他们称为“令人震惊”的一幕。

    At the Beijing motor show last November , officials of South Korea 's Hyundai Motor Company saw what they describe as a " shocking " scene .

  12. “低价王者”现代汽车(Hyundai)名列第九位,紧紧跟在高端品牌奥迪(Audi)身后,略高于另一个高端品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus)。

    And price-leader Hyundai grabbed ninth place , just behind premium-priced Audi and ahead of premium-priced Lexus .

  13. 电动助力转向系统(简称为EPS系统)是现代汽车发展的研究热点和高新技术之一。

    Electric Power Steering System ( EPS system ) is one of the research hot spot , high and new technologies of the modern automobile development .

  14. 我们为您提供韩国现代汽车、起亚汽车、GM大宇汽车和双龙汽车原装和品牌汽车零部件。

    We are providing you with all kinds of auto parts as genuine or maker brand products for Korean cars of Hyundai motors , Kia motors , GM Daewoo and Ssangyong motors .

  15. 将GPS技术应用于现代汽车物流管理,可以实现诸如车辆跟踪、出行路线的规划和导航、车辆调度控制、车辆安全保障、信息查询、话务指挥及紧急援助等功能。

    This technology has been used in modern vehicle logistics management such as Vehicle tracking , Course planning and Travel navigation , Vehicle dispatching , Information management , Congestion control , Vehicle safety control and Emergency aid , etc.

  16. 2012年,同属现代汽车集团(HyundaiMotorGroup)的现代汽车和起亚汽车,承认夸大了之前两年在美销售的车辆的节油能力。

    In 2012 , Hyundai and Kia , which are both owned by the Hyundai Motor Group , admitted that they had overstated the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States over the previous two years .

  17. 韩国汽车制造商现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)表示,净利润同比增长了46.5%,海外销售飙升了11.6%。

    Hyundai Motor , the South Korean carmaker , said net profit rose by 46.5 per cent compared with the same quarter a year earlier , with overseas sales soaring by 11.6 per cent .

  18. CAN(ControllerAreaNetwork)总线,又称控制器局域网,是Bosch公司在现代汽车技术中领先推出的一种多主机局部网,已被公认为是最有前途的现场总线之一。

    CAN ( Controller Area Network ) bus , called controller local network , is a kind of multihost local network that lead to be offered by Bosch Company in modern automobile technology and well known to be one of the brightest present bus .

  19. 从巡航控制技术延伸发展而来的自适应巡航控制(ACC)能够很好地与这些需求相适应,因而具有巨大的市场需求,使其成为现代汽车技术研究的热点之一。

    Adaptive cruise control ( ACC ) which comes of cruise control technique is the way to satisfy people and becomes one of the focuses of modern vehicle technique research .

  20. 北卡罗莱纳州伊丽莎白城(ElizabethCity)的一家现代汽车经销商的总经理布伦特•布尔(BrentBuhl)表示:我们投放了大量广告,规模超过以往。

    Brent Buhl , general manager of a Hyundai dealership in Elizabeth City , North Carolina , said : We 're doing a lot of advertising , more than in the past .

  21. 现代汽车进入中国市场相对较晚,但增长迅速,部分原因在于中国中产阶级对该公司索纳塔(Sonata)中型轿车情有独钟。

    Hyundai entered the Chinese market relatively late but has grown rapidly , partly as a result of the middle class 's fondness for the Sonata mid-sized saloon .

  22. 分析了当前我国汽车行业供应链管理现状以及存在的不足。结合实例对供应链管理下的我国现代汽车物流进行SWOT分析,并给出相应对策。

    The present situation and deficiencies of automobile supply chain management in China are analyzed and combining with the examples , the SWOT analysis of modern automobile logistics under supply chain management and its corresponding policies are proposed .

  23. 现代汽车(Hyundai)计划今年10月之前在北京南部建成一家新的工厂,明年在重庆建成另外一家。而长城、长安等中国本土汽车制造商也正在积极扩大产能。

    Hyundai plans to complete a factory south of Beijing by October and another in Chongqing next year , while Chinese automakers like Great Wall and Changan are aggressively adding capacity .

  24. 最近几个月,韩国最大汽车制造中心蔚山的货运交通依旧非常繁忙,几乎令一直在焦虑地关注着美国经济滑坡的现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)高管感到吃惊。

    The ferry traffic out of Ulsan , South Korea 's largest car production centre , has been unrelenting in recent months , almost to the surprise of executives at Hyundai Motor , who have been anxiously monitoring the US economic downturn .

  25. 简要介绍了现代汽车驾驶员安全气囊的组成、工作原理及Audi轿车安全气囊的维修技术要点、维修步骤和注意事项。

    Brief introduction to components and principle of work of the air bag , and the maintenance key points , maintenance steps as well as points for attention of Audi car 's air bag .

  26. 权吴升认为,韩国的“权力集中在极少数人手中”,并将三星、现代汽车、现代集团(hyundaigroup)、lg、sk和斗山(doosan)列为罪魁祸首。

    Mr Kwon argues that in Korea " power is concentrated in too few hands " , singling out Samsung , Hyundai Motor , Hyundai Group , LG , SK and Doosan as the main offenders .

  27. 随着电子技术在发动机、变速器、制动器等系统上的成熟应用,电动助力转向系统(EPS)也作为一种全新的汽车动力转向技术逐渐取代液压助力转向系统而成为现代汽车发展的主题。

    With the electric technique applied to engine , transmission and brake system successfully , EHPS ( Electric Hydraulic Power Steering ) is going to be replaced by EPS ( Electric Power Steering ), which is a new technology of automotive power steering .

  28. 现代汽车发动机的控制电脑ECU中均设置了故障自诊断功能模块,它在汽车运行过程中对汽车内传动系统、控制系统等各部分工作状态进行自动检查和监测。

    Generally there installs a function module of breakdown self-examination in the ECU of the control micro-computer of modern automobile which automatically examines and monitors the working conditions of driving and control system , thus providing various driving parameters and making continual monitoring .

  29. 根据现代汽车制造企业中销售管理的特点和要求,在基于UML建模的基础上,通过C/S和B/S相结合的设计方法,实现CIMS系统中的销售管理信息系统设计。

    According to the characteristics and the requirements of sale management in the modern automobile production enterprise , developes the design of sale management information system in CIMS based on UML by using the design method & the combination of C / S and B / S system structure techniques .

  30. 现代汽车安全性网络化检测系统研究

    Studies on new examination system of the modern automobile safety network