
  • 网络epoxy paint;Epoxy primer
  1. 端盖要么髹黑漆标准或黑色环氧漆涂。

    End caps are either painted with standard black paint or painted with black epoxy paint .

  2. 在严重腐蚀环境下用作环氧漆系列的面漆或中间漆。

    Top or intermediate coat in epoxy systems in severely corrosive environment .

  3. 含有封闭型填料的双组分改性环氧漆。可低温固化。

    Two components modified epoxy with barrier pigment . Low temperature curing .

  4. 金属表面环氧漆漆膜拉伸剪切强度的测定

    Determination of Tensile Shear Strength for Epoxy Painting Film on Metal Surface

  5. 用作名盾牌环氧漆系列和聚氨酯漆系列的通用底漆。

    As a general purpose primer for mcb 's epoxy and polyurethane series .

  6. 本文简要介绍了低温工程塑料材料的一些研究工作进展,主要集中在聚酰亚胺杂化绝缘薄膜、纳米改性绝缘环氧漆和短纤维增强树脂基复合材料的低温力学性能方面。

    This article has given brief introduction of some cryogenic polymeric materials ( including polyimide composite films , epoxy-based nano-composites and short fiber reinforced polymer composites ) and their cryogenic mechanical properties .

  7. 铜表面涂敷环氧绝缘漆在LHe中传热研究

    Heat transfer characteristic of copper surface coating with epoxy in liquid helium

  8. 利用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)技术研究了含有锌铬黄防锈颜料的环氧酯漆涂层的耐蚀性能。

    The resistance to corrosion of an epoxy coating containing the pigment of zinc chrome yellow was studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) .

  9. 雕塑箱体采用热喷涂Al作为基本防护方法,厚度120μm,底漆用环氧富锌漆封闭,环氧云铁漆做中间漆,丙烯酸聚氨酯漆做面漆。

    A thermal spray Al coating with a thickness of 120 μ m was adopted . The spray coating was sealed with zinc rich epoxy paint . Above the sealing coating a mica iron oxide epoxy was used as intermediate coating .

  10. BYK助剂在环氧地坪漆中的应用

    Use of BYK Additives in Epoxy Floor Coatings

  11. 锌粉含量对环氧富锌漆防锈性能的影响

    Influence of zinc content on antirust property of epoxy zinc-rich primer

  12. 底漆可以是各种车间底漆、环氧类漆或环氧煤沥青类漆。

    Compatible with any shop primer , epoxy or epoxy-tar primers .

  13. 纳米环氧封闭漆对电弧喷涂层结合强度的影响

    Effect of Nano-modified Epoxy Sealer on Bond Strength of Arc Spraying Coating

  14. 对环氧硝基漆、环氧磁漆和氟碳漆的附着力、硬度、抗冲击性、柔韧性等性能进行了对比测试。

    The performance of the epoxy and F-C paint have been contrasted .

  15. 汽车底盘零件水溶性环氧聚酯漆浸涂工艺

    Dipping process of water soluble epoxy polyester paint for automobile chassis parts

  16. 高耐蚀性环氧浸漆在汽车底盘件上的应用

    Application of Corrosion Resistant Epoxy Impregnating Varnish in Motorcar Chassis

  17. 金属的腐蚀与富锌环氧防锈漆的研制

    Metallic Corrosion and Study on Rich-Zine Epoxy Antirust Paint

  18. 聚丙烯塑料用改性环氧酚醛漆

    Modified epoxy phenolic paint for PP plastics

  19. 本文研究了β-SiC微粉及β-SiC-环氧脂漆复合防晕涂层的非线性导电性。

    Non linear electrical conductivity property of β SiC and β SiC epoxy ester lacquer composite coating layer was investigated .

  20. 简述了富锌环氧防锈漆的研究依据、组成及涂膜的成膜机理。

    The basis of study on the rich-zine epoxy antirust paint , composition and the formation principle of film are described .

  21. 在钢铁基体上涂覆锌铬膜后在120℃烘干,再用一种富锌环氧树脂漆进行涂覆就可以得到富锌有机涂层钢板。

    The steel plate with rich-zinc organic coat can be made by coating Zinc-chrome film on steel base and stoving under 120 ℃ and then painting one kind of rich-zinc epoxy resin .

  22. 环氧树脂漆具有附着力强、耐化学腐蚀性好等特点,已广泛用于各行各业钢构件的防腐涂装。

    Epoxy resin coatings have a lot of advantages , such as high bond strength , good corrosion resistance etc. , and have been widely used in anti-corrosion coatings in all kinds steel structure .

  23. 借鉴国标胶粘剂拉伸剪切强度测定方法测定了阳极、阴极环氧电泳漆与环氧涂料在底材为铝合金及钢材上漆膜的拉伸剪切强度。

    The tensile shearing strength of anodic and cathodic epoxy electrophoretic coatings and spray epoxy painting on aluminium alloy and steel were determined according to national standard of tensile shearing strength determination method for adhesives .

  24. 该系统采用快干环氧富锌漆为底漆,厚涂型环氧涂料为中间漆,双组分聚氨酯涂料为面漆。

    The coating painting procedure is that the quick-dying epoxy rich zinc is taken as primer , thickening epoxy coating as an intermediate coating ( painting twice time ) and the bi-component polyurethane coating material as face coating .

  25. 本文介绍了车架浸涂水性丙烯酸环氧黑漆的工艺及生产线布置,叙述了浸漆施工参数、管理要点以及漆膜性能。

    In this paper , the dipping process and production-line arrangement of water - born acrylic epoxy black paint for automobile frame are introduced . The processing parameters , management requirements and properties of paint film are stated .

  26. Zn粉含量及表面沾污对环氧富Zn漆电化学行为的影响

    Influence of zinc content and surface contamination on the electrochemical behaviors of epoxy zinc-rich primer

  27. 无溶剂型不饱和环氧树脂绝缘漆的制备与性能

    Preparation and Properties of Solventless Unsaturated Epoxy Insulating Varnish

  28. 为双组份环氧厚浆漆。

    It 's a two-component epoxy hi-build paint .

  29. 低温时,可作为环氧煤焦沥青漆的替代物。

    Being applicable at low temperatures it offers a suitable alternative to coal tar epoxy .

  30. 环氧改性漆酚糠醛树脂

    Summaries epoxy modified urushiol - furfural resin