
  • 网络Ring-tailed lemur;Lemur catta
  1. 东京上野动物园的环尾狐猴笼舍内,一只小环尾狐猴宝宝正甜甜地依偎在妈妈的身上。

    A baby ring-tailed lemur cuddles with its mother in their enclosure at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo .

  2. 环尾狐猴以带着恐怖的弗兰肯斯坦和吸血鬼面具吓唬同伴为乐。另外,一直勇敢的赤猴为了证明自己并不害怕怪兽,急切地吃起这个看起来很悲伤的南瓜灯。

    Ring-tailed lemurs had fun scaring their friends with ghoulish Frankenstein and vampire masks.Meanwhile a brave Patas monkey proves he 's not scared of monsters by eagerly tucking into this sorrowful jack-o-lantern pumpkin .