
  • 网络environmental policy;economic policy for environmental protection
  1. 国际上,税收手段己经成为发达国家实现可持续发展的重要环境经济政策手段。

    The tax method has became an important economic environmental policy which can realizing sustainable development of developed countries worldwide .

  2. 对中国环境政策的基本特征进行分析,从环境经济政策、环境技术政策、环境社会政策、环境行政政策、国际环境政策探讨了中国环境政策的体系结构。

    The basic characterisitic of Chinese environmental policy were analyzed . And its struc ture were discussed from such respects as environmental economy policy , environmental technology policy , environmental society policy , environmental government policy , international environmental policy .

  3. 城市垃圾管制的一体化环境经济政策体系研究

    Integrated Environmental & Economic Policy System in Municipal Solid Waste Regulation

  4. 我国再生资源产业发展的环境经济政策分析

    Analysis of Environment Economic Policy for Renewable Resources Development in China

  5. 佛山城市环境经济政策研究

    A Study of the Urban Environmental Economy Policies in Foshan

  6. 我国环境经济政策现状与发展建议

    On Status of Environmental Economic Policy and Progress Proposals in Our Country

  7. 市场机制下的环境经济政策体系初探

    Preliminary study on the system of environmental economic policies under market mechanism

  8. 积极制定相关的环境经济政策和措施。

    Fourth , establishing environmental economic policy and measure .

  9. 确立资源有偿使用的环境经济政策

    Formulating Environmental Economy Policy about Using Resources upon Consideration

  10. 城市生活垃圾处理的环境经济政策分析

    Analysis of Environmental Economic Policy about Urban Solid Waste

  11. 中国的环境经济政策:实践与展望

    Environmental Economy Policy in China : Practice and Prospect

  12. 其中,环境经济政策是最有效、最能形成长效机制的手段之一。

    Environmental economic policy is one of the most effective long-time solutions among them .

  13. 涂料行业双高产品名录与环境经济政策

    Directory of " double high " products and policy of environment economy in coatings industry

  14. 生态公益林建设管理的环境经济政策分析&以广州市为例

    Environmental economic policy analysis on planting and management of eco-forestry & a case study of Guangzhou

  15. 环境经济政策是流域水质目标管理技术的重要组成部分。

    Environmental economic policy system is an important component of technique in basin water-quality target management .

  16. 湖北省农村工业化进程中环境经济政策绩效评价

    Appraisal on the Effect of Environmental Economic Policy Performance on the Rural Industrialized Process in Hubei Province

  17. 实现我国水资源可持续发展的若干环境经济政策建议

    Several suggestions on policies of environment and economy for realizing sustainable development of water resource in our country

  18. 排污权交易制度是基于市场的环境经济政策,同时也需要政府的宏观调控来保证其有序运行。

    The trade system of emission pollution right is based on a policy of environmental economy of market .

  19. 中国的环境经济政策

    Environmental-Economic Policy in China

  20. 三是完善环境经济政策。充分发挥排污费聚敛资金功能,开展二氧化硫排污权交易试点。

    Third , we will improve the financial subsidies , emission fees , environmental and economic policy , a pilot emissions trading .

  21. 排污权交易是以市场为基础的环境经济政策,近年来备受各国关注。

    The emission trading is a market-oriented environmental and economic policy , which is concerned by many countries in the past few years .

  22. 排污权交易是一种基于市场的环境经济政策,它能够较好地协调经济发展与环境保护之间的矛盾,实现社会的可持续发展。

    Emission trading system is a market-based environmental economic policy , which could coordinate conflict between economic development and environmental protection toward sustainable development .

  23. 环境经济政策按照市场经济规律的要求,运用各种经济手段,用环境成本内在化来调节或影响市场主体的行为。

    According to law of market economy , environmental economic policies internalize environmental cost by using economic means to influence and regulate the behavior of the market participants .

  24. 第二,环境经济政策的价值理念是可持续发展,可持续发展是以人为本和公正发展的统一,是环境与经济的内生性平衡。

    Second , sustainable development is the value of environmental economic policies , it is dialectical unity of people oriented and justice , and dialectical unity of environmental and economic .

  25. 在环境经济政策制定中,可持续发展价值理念可以转化为环境正义、经济正义、社会正义三个原则。

    Through the process of policy making , the idea of sustainable development can be transit into three justice principles : economic justice principle , social justice principle , environmental justice principle .

  26. 排污许可证交易制度是一项灵活、高效的环境经济政策,将市场机制运用于环境管理,从而实现环境资源的有效配置。

    Emission permits trading system is a flexible and efficient environmental economic policy , which applies the market mechanisms in environmental management , in order to achieve efficient allocation of environmental resources .

  27. 作为环境经济政策之一的绿色信贷政策对解决环境问题有很大的促进作用,但在我国目前仍缺乏法律的有效支撑和保障。

    Green credit policy , as one of the environmental economy policies , solves many environmental problems . However , China still lacks of law or regulations to support and promote its implementation .

  28. 环境经济政策是环境保护的新兴手段,是市场手段与政府手段的结合,用于克服环境保护中市场失灵和政府失灵的现象。

    The environmental economic policies are new instruments of environmental protection , which are combination of government instruments and marking instruments in order to overcome " government failure " and " market failure " .

  29. 论文探讨的主要问题和主要观点是:第一,伦理学审视环境经济政策的必要性、可行性和基本方法。

    The main points of view and the main problem were discussed in this paper are : First , the necessity , feasibility and basic methods which can be used by ethics to research environmental economic policies .

  30. 环境经济政策是一种现代公共制度,它的产生对于世界环境保护的进程具有重要影响,它试图克服环境保护与经济发展对立的设想,符合环境保护的必然趋势,符合可持续发展的要求。

    The environmental economic policies are belong to public institution , they have great influence to the environmental protection in the worldwide , they are correspond with the trend of environmental protection and the require of sustainable development .