
  • 网络Environmental Database;EDB;Biodiversity Module;EDs;TSCATS;DB Environmental
  1. 基于Internet的分布式自然环境数据库

    Internet-based Distributed Natural Environmental Database

  2. 针对当前数据库产品在数据处理实时性上不能满足HLA实时仿真系统的需求,建立了一个运用于HLA实时仿真系统的海洋环境数据库。

    Aiming at the disadvantages of current databases , a sea environment database is established for the HLA real-time simulation .

  3. 通过互联网环境数据库使厂商与设计人员能够互动利用数据资源,克服传统暖通CAD数据更新困难和难以保证数据时效性等缺点。

    The disadvantage of updating the data not on time can be overcome , because the designer and manufacturer can actively use data resource with the database on the server .

  4. 利用数据库技术,结合GIS和遥感技术建立了集数据处理、数据分析、数据可视化综合管理为一体的海洋环境数据库系统。

    A new method about using database , GIS and remote sensing techniques to build an integrated system for handling , analysis , visualization and management of ocean environmental information is discussed .

  5. 战场环境数据库在CGF的应用中需要有算法模型对其进行支持。

    There are some algorithms for application of Battle-field Environment Database ( BEDB ) in CGF .

  6. 最后,结合国内外现有的评价标准与方法,在GIS平台上,结合生态环境数据库,利用层次分析模型对宝鸡-汉中天然气管道沿线的生态环境进行了评价。

    At last , combining with eco-environment database and current assessment standards / methods , using GIS as the application platform , the eco-environment along gas pipeline from Baoji to Hanzhong is assessed using hierarchy analysis mode .

  7. 论文在总结近年来Web数据库应用系统开发过程中所使用的核心技术基础上,结合对国内外不同领域的应用案例的分析,提出了新疆资源生态环境数据库应用系统的设计思想和实现技术。

    In this paper , beginning the conclusion of the key technologies of web-based database application system and analyzing the cases of various domains of various counties , it proposes the ideas and implementing technologies of the web-based database application system of Xinjiang Ecological Resources and Environment .

  8. IBM致力于帮助您通过内部部署的企业云构建和交付DBaaS,也努力在启用云的环境数据库(IBMDB2和IBMInformix)上实现这些功能。

    IBM is committed to helping you build and deliver DBaaS via on-premises enterprise clouds , and is working to implement these capabilities on its cloud-enabled databases : IBM DB2 and IBM Informix .

  9. 因此,为了实现最佳性能的高级SIEM解决方案,您应该考虑一些优化特定环境数据库的具体DB2参数。

    Therefore , to give you the best possible performance of an advanced SIEM solution , you should consider specific DB2 parameters to fine-tune the database for your specific environment .

  10. 战场环境数据库作为CGF研究的一个重要部分,它为CGF的决策提供了一个环境基础。国家级环境数据库系统的建立与应用开发

    Battlefield Environment Database ( BEDB ) is an important part of ( CGF ) . Research on the Establishment , Application and Development of Environmental Database System on National Scale

  11. 本文从建立国家资源与环境数据库的元数据库入手,用国际通用的面向对象的通用建模语言UML来设计元数据的结构,并辅以数据字典加以说明。

    The paper discusses how to establish metadata management system of National Resource and Environment Spatial Database . It gives the designing method of Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) static diagram for metadata framework designing and data dictionary for detail element definition .

  12. 说明基于时空地理实体建立一个本质为TGIS的县级资源环境数据库及其完备的时、空、属性查询特点。

    It also is introduced in detail how to build a resource-environment database with the essence of TGIS and completely temporal , spatial and thematic queries characteristics based on temporal-spatial geographical entity .

  13. 采用RUSLE模型,从建立的河北省农业资源环境数据库中提取相关数据,对河北省土壤侵蚀风险进行定量化评价。

    The correlative data was selected from the established database of agricultural resources and environment , and the soil erosion risk was quantified by using RUSLE model .

  14. 资源环境数据库信息系统设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Resource and Environment Database Information System

  15. 国家资源与环境数据库元数据管理研究

    The Research of Metadata Management of National Resource and Environment Spatial Database

  16. 从新疆资源环境数据库看新疆土地资源

    Study of Xinjiang Land Resources Based on Xinjiang Resource and Environment Database

  17. 兵器目标与环境数据库安全保密技术研究

    Study on Safety and Encryption of Ordnance Targets and Environmental Characteristics Database

  18. 干旱区生态环境数据库结构创新设计与集成

    Structure Design and Intergration of the Ecological Environment Database

  19. 战场环境数据库实现中的若干模型研究

    Research on Some Model in Realizing Battlefield Environment Database

  20. 基于中国资源环境数据库的土地资源承载力研究

    The research on Chinese land supporting capacity based on remote sensing GIS technology

  21. 农业生态地质环境数据库管理系统的研制及其应用

    Development of the Agricultural Ecology & geological environment database management system and its application

  22. 云南岩溶区地下水及地质环境数据库建设

    The database construction of ground water and geological environment in karst area of Yunnan

  23. 必须通过系统调查,建立生态环境数据库和指标体系;

    Moreover , data base and index system should be set up after systematic investigation ;

  24. 铁路清算分析系统模拟环境数据库性能的调整

    Tuning on data performance of analog environment for Reckoning Analyzing System of Railways Passenger Traffic

  25. 战场环境数据库软件的设计与实现

    Contriving and Realizing of Battlefield Environment Database

  26. 小空间碎片环境数据库的生成

    Small Space Debris Environment Database Building

  27. 庆元县山地环境数据库建立及山地灾害综合成因研究

    Establishment of Mountain Environment Database and Study on Compositive Genesis of Mountain Disasters in QingYuan County

  28. 土壤资源与生态环境数据库的建立及应用&以三峡库区秭归县为例

    Establishment and application of land resources and eco-environment database & a case study on Zigui County in the Three Gorges Area

  29. 资源环境数据库体系及其在可持续发展中的应用&以珠江三角洲为例

    A database system of resources and environment and its applications in sustainable development ── a case study of the Pearl River Delta

  30. 同时文章通过对环境数据库候选项的处理验证了此改进算法的优势。

    At the same time , a great deal of database on environment is deal with this algorithm for improving its merits .