
  • 网络Environmental protection products;Green Products
  1. 演员杰西卡•阿尔芭(JessicaAlba)创建了在线网站HonestCompany,主要销售环保家居用品和婴儿尿布。

    Actress Jessica Alba founded Honest Company , an online venture that sells household supplies and diapers which are eco-friendly .

  2. 2011年,著名女演员杰西卡o阿尔芭参与创办了诚实公司(TheHonestCompany),专门生产环保的婴儿用品和家庭用品。

    Actress Jessica Alba co-founded The Honest Company in 2011 , to make eco-friendly baby and home products .

  3. 绿色、有机健康食品,环保家庭生活用品。

    Green , organic health foods , Environmental protection living products .

  4. 新增的环保礼品及家庭用品展区,正好迎合大众追求环保生活的趋势,以及市场对绿色产品的殷切需求;

    The new zones such as pre-environment gift and household are cater to public requirement of the pre-environment and the market requirement of the green product .

  5. 宜美家木业简介:宜美家木业有限公司始建于2000年,是一家致力于环保装饰材料和环保家居用品开发及生产的企业。

    Company Profile EMKA Wood Company was established in2000 and bent herself to research and produce environmental decoration materials and family commodities .