
  1. 中国商务部副部长王超表示,作为美中商业贸易联合委员会(U.S.-ChinaJointCommissiononCommerceandTrade,简称:美中商贸联委会)年会议程的一部分,中国已寻求加快《全球政府采购协议》方面的磋商。

    As part of the annual U.S. - China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade , China 's vice minister of Commerce , Wang Chao said that Beijing sought to ' accelerate negotiations ' on what is formally called the Government Procurement Agreement .

  2. 王超足够强壮,他能搬动那个箱子。

    Wang Chao is strong enough to carry the box .

  3. 王超油画作品选

    Wang Chao 's works of oil painting

  4. 王超的讲话并未说明中国所作承诺的范围有多大。

    It wasn 't clear from Mr. Wang 's statement how broad China 's offer would be .

  5. 中国商务部副部长王超称赞本次会谈取得成功。

    Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Chao has hailed the talks as a " success . "

  6. 在全球化经济中,王超眼中的好处对各地的商家和抵押持有人来说是坏事。

    In a globalised economy , what is good for Mr Wang may prove bad for shoppers and mortgage-holders everywhere .

  7. 李华在前年的大会上击败了王超,成为全校最好的网球运动员。

    Li Hua , after beating Wang Chao at the University Sports Federation year before last , becomes the best tennis player .

  8. 这些设想的实现听上去似乎遥不可及,但王超预计像他所在的实验室研发的这种新型材料再有三年就能投产。

    While it may sound futuristic , Wang expects to see materials like the one developed by his lab in production in as little as three years .

  9. 访问中国期间,他们参观了深圳和苏州的工厂,拜访了一些重要客户,并会见了商务部部长助理王超。

    They saw a number of new facilities in Shenzhen and Suzhou , visited some of Eaton 's important customers and met with Assistant Minister of Commerce Wang Chao as well .

  10. 姚说,由商务部副部长王超带领的贸易代表团正访问美国以寻求在能源和科技领域的交易和投资。

    Yao said a Chinese trade delegation led by Wang Chao , the vice-minister of commerce , is visiting the US and seeking trade and investment opportunities in the energy and technology sectors .