
  1. 看着病床上一天比一天衰弱的王莉,陈勇军常常背着王莉暗自流泪。

    Seeing her pining away day by day , he often cried privately .

  2. 一走出医院大门,他就直接去找王莉。

    After going out of hospital , he came to see Wang Li .

  3. 2004年,陈勇军认识了同厂女工王莉。

    In2004 , Chen knew Wang Li who also worked in the same factory .

  4. 陈勇军没有犹豫,瞒着王莉和家人坚决要把自己的肾捐给王莉。

    But Chen did not hesitate and resolved to donate his kidney to Wang without telling her and her families .

  5. 王莉和张志福被依法逮捕,目前此案已经移交南岗区中级人民法院,不日将开庭审理。

    Now this case has been handed over to Nangang Intermediate People 's Court and will be in trial soon .

  6. 2006年底,针织厂破产了,陈勇军和王莉都失业了。

    At the end of2006 , the factory went bankrupt and both of Chen and Wang were out of work .

  7. 看着眼前消瘦憔悴的陈勇军,想到他为自己付出的一切,王莉心里一软,同意了陈勇军的要求。

    Seeing the skeletal Chen and thinking of all he had done for her , Wang Li felt guilty and promised his requirement .

  8. 从这以后,每个月陈勇军都会以自己身体不适和物价上涨为由找王莉要钱。

    Since then , every month Chen would take his illness and the increasing price as an excuse to ask Wang for money .

  9. 王莉心灵手巧,针织出来的手套、袜子比商店里卖的都要精细好看,来找王莉织东西的人越来越多,生意开始红火起来。

    All the gloves and socks she made were far more delicate than those in shops . Therefore , more and more people patronized her shop and her business took off .

  10. 看到虚弱的陈勇军,王莉的心里愧疚极了,她没日没夜地接活,希望可以多攒些钱买补品让丈夫早日恢复健康。

    Seeing her husband in such a poor condition , Wang felt extremely guilty and worked day and night in order to earn more money to buy some nourishments for her husband .