
wánɡ pái fēi xínɡ yuán
  • ace;flying fool
  1. 1924年,第一次世界大战的王牌飞行员艾迪·里肯巴克写下了这个构想,之后,飞行汽车的概念就时常成为《大众科学》杂志上的话题。

    It 's been a regular topic in Popular Science ever since World War I ace Eddie Rickenbacker wrote about it in 1924 .

  2. 陆军航空兵轰炸机飞行员和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)副中队长和王牌飞行员。

    Army Air Corps trained Bomber pilot and AVG " Flying Tiger " Vice Squadron Leader and fighter ace .

  3. 对于在两次世界大战中王牌飞行员击落飞机的数目仍存在很大争议。

    The " scores " of air aces in both wars are still hotly disputed .

  4. 在史努比以第一次世界大战王牌飞行员的人物形象出现之后,他就成为超级大明星,这并非偶然。

    Not coincidentally , Peanuts hit superstardom after Snoopy adopted his World War I flying-ace persona .

  5. 一个大酒瓶能击败4个王牌飞行员。

    A magnum beats four aces .

  6. 基于著名经典塞拉利昂飞行游戏,重温历史,作为第一次世界大战中拥有王牌飞行员的法国空军中队。

    Based on the renowned classic Sierra flight game , relive WWI history as an ace pilot at the front of the French Air Force Squadron .

  7. 瑞肯波克在战斗中击落了许多的德军飞机,被认为是“王牌飞行员中的王牌”,他在飞行中队士气最低落的时候出任队长。

    Known as the " ace of aces " for shooting down dozens of German enemy planes , Rickenbacker took command of the squadron soon after morale hit its lowest ebb .

  8. 美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)的王牌飞行员和飞虎协会的主席,约翰迪克罗西和基金会执行董事杰夫格林一起在前美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)和美国空军在中国桂林的机场处留影。

    American Volunteer Group fighter ace and President of the Flying Tigers association , john " dick " rossi and Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation executive director , Jeff Greene are photographed at the former AVG and American Army Air Force airfield at guilin , china .