
  1. 但现在学校的领导和王丽萍都无法联系到。

    She and other school officials couldn 't be reached Tuesday .

  2. 杰夫:中国选乎王丽萍,真太幸运了!

    Jeff : chinese athlete Wang Liping is too lucky !

  3. 王丽萍的胜利是本项目的最大冷门,她用了1小时29分零5秒走完了全程。

    Wang created the biggest surprise in the event , finishing in one hour 29 minutes and 05 seconds .

  4. 在第27届奥运会上王丽萍荣获女子20公里竞走项目金牌,但仍受到2名裁判员的严重警告。

    Wang Liping won but was warned seriously twice ( the 20 km Women Walking Race ) in the 27th Olympic Games .

  5. 而本来没有想到夺金的王丽萍却突然出现在人们的视线里。

    Wang Liping , who had never thought of getting a gold medal , appeared in the people 's line of sight .

  6. 她的导师王丽萍在博客中写到,佩宜不仅可爱乖巧,而且还热爱京剧。

    Her tutor , Wang Liping , wrote in her blog that Peiyi is both cute and well-behaved , with a love for Peking opera .

  7. 眼看就要进体育场了,王丽萍还稳稳地走着,对她来说得块银牌也是好的。

    She was about to enter the stadium and Wang liping was still chasing her . Behind her , it was good if she was able to get a silver medal .