
  • 网络Pork Ball;Frikadeller;pork meatballs
  1. 功能性添加物对速冻猪肉丸品质的影响

    Effect of Functionality Additive on Quality of Quick-frozen Pork Ball

  2. 速冻猪肉丸生产工艺研究

    Study on Production Technology of Quick-frozen Pork Ball

  3. 基于TPA测试的蔬菜猪肉丸质地特性研究

    Study on Pig Meatball Texture by TPA Test

  4. 速冻猪肉丸加工的最适基本配方为:猪肉100g(精瘦肉70g、肥膘30g)、豌豆淀粉15g、水30g、食盐2.0g。

    An optimal ingredients for processing quick-frozen meatball was found to as follows : pork meat 100 g ( lean 70 g ; fat 30 g ), pea starch 15 g , water 30 g , salt 2.0 g.

  5. 多聚磷酸盐对猪肉丸质构特性的影响研究

    Studies of effects on polyphosphates for pork meat ball qualities

  6. 芹菜猪肉丸品质特性影响因素的研究

    Influencing Factors on Quality Characteristics of Celery Pork Balls

  7. 大豆组织蛋白在猪肉丸中的应用

    Textured Soy Protein Applied in Pork Meatball

  8. 以牛肉丸、猪肉丸、鱼丸“三丸”和蚝烙等为代表的风味食品,脍炙人口。

    Local flavor foods such as beef balls , pork balls , fish balls and oyster pancakes win universal praise for Chaoshan .

  9. 肉丸:像猪肉丸、牛肉丸、虾丸、鱼蛋等等,是逛街最流行的小吃之一。

    Meatball : like pork balls beef balls shrimp balls fish balls and so on shopping is one of the most popular snacks .

  10. 肉料一般选择叉烧肉,但也可以考虑越式猪肉丸、猪肉卷和越南香肠。

    The meat of choice is usually barbecued pork , although Vietnamese-style pork meatballs , pork " roll " or Vietnamese salami are other solid choices .

  11. 曾被译成把狮子的头红烧了的红烧狮子头如今被规范译为用棕色调味料炖猪肉丸。

    The delicacy ( Hong Shao Shi Zi Tou ) which used to be translated as red burned lion head , is now called braised pork ball in brown sauce in the book .

  12. 曾被译成“把狮子的头红烧了”的“红烧狮子头”如今被规范译为“用棕色调味料炖猪肉丸”。

    The delicacy ( Hong Shao Shi Zi Tou ) which used to be translated as " red burned lion head , " is now called " braised pork ball in brown sauce " in the book .