
  • 网络Virbius
  1. 他们对你做了什么我的小猎神

    What have they done to you my glorious bird of prey ?

  2. 猎神站在两条狗旁,正在用弓瞄准山羊。

    Hunting god standing on two dogs , aiming a bow at a goat .

  3. 拉祜族源于古代羌人,传说来自遥远的雪域高原,号称天祜猎神部落,是云南特有的民族。

    The Lahu ethnic group is believed to have originated from ancient Qiang people and then migrated from snowy plateau down to South China .

  4. 他觉得自己的好运气都是神仙给的,所以总忘不了祭献山神、猎神。

    He deems his good luck is endowed by god , so he always worships the god of mountain and the god of hunting .

  5. 洋场爱是专属于大都会欲海猎神的爱的哲学,欲海的速食与狂欢是其基本特征。

    " Westernized love " is a type of love philosophy belonging to the love hunters in the sea of sexual and carnal desire in metropolises . Its basic features are " carnal snack " and revels .