- 名headhunter;head-hunting;job-placement
- 动headhunt

A few years ago , I spent a day at Korn Ferry pretending to be a headhunter .
He left his job as director of business analysis for Healthways , a Franklin , Tenn. , company , after a headhunter recruited him in 2011 .
Assessment and Evaluation of Service Capabilities of G Company : a Case Study from Headhunting Industry
Dennis Carey , vice chairman of executive search firm Korn / Ferry International , believes several new C-Suite titles will be created in the next three to five years .
Actually the head hunter who got me there , Jane McCarthy I was flattered that she came .
When you contact HRs and headhunters , they often look at your page , he said .
Search online " job clubs " or " career clubs " to find leads on how to connect with other local job-hunters .
Shawn Desgrosellier , president of VitalityGroup Executive Search , coaches job candidates to go into an interview withsomething anything in their hands . The step maintains focus .
But first he is going after the jobs giants , LinkedIn and Monster .
According to data released earlier this month by the association of executive search consultants , several sectors are expected to strengthen .
Like most recruiters , Sarah uses an ATS to search her recruiting companys resume database .
Michael Morell , a founder of recruiting firm Riviera Partners in California , says :
Especially at the country 's entry into the WTO , the " personnel-seeking " companies both internal and abroad take actions to excavate our qualified personnel with the most favorite payments .
They hired a major executive-search firm to find a CEO for their startup , and after months of looking , the board chose its man .
Russell Reynolds , an executive search firm , is one of the more than 250 companies that use Boardex 's software .
Russell Reynolds , the doyen of American headhunters , says directors will have to be both more knowledgeable and more selfless .
John Wood , vice chairman and global managing partner of the CEO and board practice at Heidrick & Struggles , another executive search firm , agrees .
Spencer Stuart headhunter James Citrin adds that engineers excel at ' architectural thinking ' and logical problem solving .
Most HR directors recognize that headhunters such as Pinnacle play a valuable role in the recruitment process .
Since headhunters often troll for talent on social media sites , make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete and up-to-date .
Executive search firm Spencer Stuart found that 61 % of new directors were current or retired chairs , presidents , or CEOs .
" China is really the land of opportunity now , compared to their home countries ," said Chris Watkins , manager for China and Hong Kong of MRI China Group , a headhunting firm .
But Michael Karp , chief executive of Options Group , the global executive search and consulting business , says they might pull the trigger once their first-quarter results are published .
Rob Scott , managing director of Aaron Wallis , offers candidates who refer others day-out incentives ranging from flights over London to bungee jumps .
A cutting-edge art collection may demonstrate that a business encourages innovation , said Michael J. Anderson , head of leadership advisory services for recruiters Spencer Stuart .
We are IT / telecommunications , IT , finance three major industries , systematic , customized job search and professional VIP service , high-class job search services .
Peter Arkell , managing director Asia for recruitment firm Swann Global , said the Coca-Cola allowance showed the company was having trouble retaining and attracting staff to China .
The success rate is less than 50 % , ' said Kitty Zheng , a Beijing-based recruiter for Spencer Stuart , another major U.S. search firm .
Elena bajic , chief executive of ivy exec , a member-based career site and recruiting firm , always asks references if they would hire a candidate again .
The best performers in mergers and acquisitions , private banking and commodities trading are set to receive 30 per cent increases in their year-end pay packets , according to Armstrong international , an executive search firm .