
  • 网络wolf culture
  1. 狼文化与獒文化引起巨大轰动的原因在于,狼文化代表了强者的呼喊,而獒文化则代表了弱者的反抗。

    The wolf culture and mastiff culture have caused a sensation is because the wolf culture represents the call of the powerful people while the mastiff represents the confrontation of the weak .

  2. 中国狼文化研究

    Study on the Culture of the Wolf in China

  3. 末日意识人、狼文化型管理之间必然存在着一定的冲突;

    There exist inevitable conflicts between the two managements .

  4. “人、狼文化”是现代企业管理中人性和狼性两种文化及思想状态。

    " Human-wolf culture " is a reflection of the two cultures and ideologies in modern enterprise'management : wolf and human natures .

  5. 中国狼企文化探析

    On Chinese " Wolf Quality Enterprise Culture "

  6. 后现代语境下狼形象的文化解读

    Understanding of the image of wolf in the post-modern context from a cultural perspective

  7. 《狼图腾》中文化认同的人类学阐释

    An Interpretation of Wolf Totem Cultural Identity from perspective of Anthropology

  8. 对主角莫格里代表的狼形象进行了深入的研究,对狼形象的文化渊源做细致的梳理,也揭示小说中的多种狼形象的原型和象征意义。

    The author would study deeply with the wolf image of the representatives of the protagonist Mowgli , tried to clear up of the cultural origin of the wolf image carefully , and also revealed a variety of novel prototype and symbolism of the wolf image .

  9. 在狩猎捕狼这一动态过程中,我们不仅能观察到蒙古人敬狼和神圣视狼的文化因素,同时也能看到捕狼是草原蒙古人维系草原生态的重要手段之一。

    The culture included Mongolian feeling of worshiping wolf as sacred animal , and point of view of hunting wolf as important means to balance ecology in Mongolian Plateau .